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The next morning...

From: Unknown
Mornin Mr. Virgin
See me at the school garden

He knows who it is. Only one person calls him that

"This evil woman!"

He saved her number, put a name, and message her back

To: Maleficent
What time?


From: Maleficent
Right now

"So annoying"

"Who?" said Kyle who came out of nowhere

"M-my cousin"

"The hot one?"

"No shut up!"

"You know I'm inlove with your cousin since I was 11 yea-- Hey where you going?"

"You can go ahead, I'll just give her a call"

"Ok. Say hi for me! See you in class"

Jun skipped his class because of Mazekin. Such a bad influence right?

"What do you want now?"

"Come sit--"

"No I'm not sitting next to you"

"Why are you always mean to me?"

"1st of all, we are not friends. 2nd, you are my friend's enemy--"

"That saved him from a possible head injury. See? I am nice"

"3rd, You blackmailed me"

"Come on, nothing is free in this world. Like what you said we are not friends soooooo I don't need to keep your secret... unless you pay me"

"Name your price"

"How about 50 million?"

"50 million?! Are you insane!?"

"Or just do what I'm asking you to do. It's really up to you"

"Why are you doing this? Do you hate him that much?"

"I just want to give him a lesson"

"For bullying you? You're so immature"

"Really? As far as I know, I don't bully someone who did nothing to me. I don't bully someone just for fun. That's you guys"

"You're bullying me right now. What have I even done to you?"

"Nothing, which is sad. Your friend did something to me, you were there, you saw it, yet you did nothing. You don't like me because I hurt your friend but because he's your friend it's okay that he hurt me? Honestly, I feel sorry that I have to put you into this situation but I want to let you know that you're not that innocent either"

"What do you expect me to do? I'm his friend, I will be on his side"


He sit on the other side of the bench "He only have us. He have no other friends that genuinely care for him. His dad hates him, his mom couldn't stand up for him. We are his family"

Mazekin didn't say anything, she just listen

"Deo is a good friend. He bully others yes he's childish but he will do everything to protect the people he care about. When Henry got beaten up and ended up in coma, he didn't stop looking for justice. He is willing to do everything for the people he love"

"It looks like you know him very well"

"I've been his friend since grade school. His dad and my dad are good friends too"

Messing with Mazekin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now