Chapter 1

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As the blade lies their, piercing my flesh all I can do is wait, till the never ending pain leaves, nothing to  remember beside the painful memories leaving my thought onto my tears.

I'm not a normal girl, i'm different from everyone else. Your thinking right now what makes me different. Well here's why I'm different, my dad is addicted to drinking and when he drinks he becomes someone different. Here's what I mean at my six year old birthday party all my friends were there and I was having fun till five minutes in when my dad got so drunk my mom called my friends parents and they picked them up. I ran upstairs and locked my door and didn't come down till I heard my parents screaming at each other. Ive seen them fight but never like this so i quickly went to the stair case and watched. As my mom turned to me she yelled at me to go back upstairs. I heard them screamed even louder till i heard a big slam! My mom ran out the door crying and my dad chased her screaming I'm so sorry I will never do it again. An hour later they came back home and I'm guessing my mom forgave him and he kept his promise to her.   Unfortunately I suffer, when my mom went on a three day vacation my dad started drinking. I stayed away from him till six p.m. because I got hungry so I went downstairs hoping I wouldn't see him.

I close the door, and bang! My dads punched me and slapped me over and over again and he won't stop. I started crying and then he picked me up by my throat and started choking me. I knew I had one last breath before I would pass out and possible die, but that though made everything seem okay and before I knew it my dad through me on the ground. I ran up the staircase and thought I was safe till he was standing in front of me then pushed me down the stairs leaving burs-es all over my body. Me just laying their hoping he got bored and will leave me alone. He did but the same thing happened on night two and three. When my mom   came home and she saw me tears came to her eyes. She grabbed me and took me to grandma's house. Where we sat there for three hours while my mother explained everything to granny. Then thirty seconds of complete silents and my mom asked what happened to me. I couldn't help but start to tear up as I told them everything. Right as i finished they were crying with me and I felt horrible. I told my mom and granny how sorry I was for disappointing them. My mom pulled herself together and said, baby don't even think that I'm just glad your okay and I'm sorry its my fault this happened to you.

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