Chapter 30

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Once Damien brought me upstairs and into our room, I ran into the closet and grabbed my comfiest pair of sweats and a hoodie and slipped them on quickly. Damien was waiting for me by the door looking at the floor within a from on his face, deep in thought.

When he saw me approach him, he gentle grabbed my hand and tugged me out the door. We walked down the hallway and down the stairs to the living room. Mazie, Charlie, and Lexi were sitting together one of the couches, whispering to each other quietly. Alpha John and Luna Daisy were also there sitting on the coach opposite of my friends, both quiet, concern written on their faces. Looking past them, I noticed Nate leaning against the back wall, eyes closed and foot tapping against the floor.

Damien lead me over the them, and I kept my eyes glued to the ground as to avoid the looks Im sure everyone was giving me. Damien sat in the chair between the two couches and pulled me to him, so I was sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped tightly around me. His scent wrapped around me, and I snuggled deeper into his warm embrace. We sat in silence for a couple minutes, allowing me to take breaths and get my heart rate to slow.

Once Damien sensed that I was calm, he shifted me so that he could look down at my face. Do you think you can tell us what happened Mara? Damien asked softly. I studied his eyes, surprised when I could see the clear concern he held there. Sighing, I began to recount the events after the ball. I told them about what my wolf sensed, and how I left Lexis room to go see what was wrong. I felt Damien tense when I stated to explain how I went outside by myself to scope out the situation. Once I finished my story, Damien and John immediately launched into a discussion about how the rogues got on pack lands without being notices.

Actually, I began, interrupting their conversation. Both men became quiet and looked and me questionably. When the snuck up on me, I was completely taken off guard. They must have been out there waiting for me, yet my wolf and I didnt smell anything off. Even after they came out, I still couldnt pick up on any scent coming off any of them. It was missing.

They must have a witch helping them. Nate said, pushing off the wall and moving closer to the group.

Hes right. One of our allies down south has also experienced this problem with rouges. It took them almost a year to figure out how the rogues were getting past their border patrol. A watch can put a spell on them that can momentarily erase a wolfs scent, allowing them to get past unnoticed. If this is for sure the case, then we have a huge problem. John finished, an angry look in his eye.

The arms around me tightened. Damien leaned down slightly, resting his face in the crook of my neck and inhaled my scent. I cant even imagine the kind of stress that he must be going through. There are people out there threatening his pack and mate, and now theres no way for us to detect when they get onto our land. What are we going to do? Charlie asked, looking between John and Damien.

Theres not much we can do. We can double patrol we have out each day, and were going to have to increase enforce even sticker rules. Putting the pack on lock down is going to be the only way to ensure everyones safety. Training can be held within the inside arena, and no one will be aloud outside without a warrior as an escort. God knows how he captured that young girl without anyones notice, and I will not let that happen again. Meanwhile, well have to investigate anything we know about Mike and see if we can find anything to connect back to him. Maybe we can find something that can lead us to him before anything bad happens. Everyone murmured their agreement to Damiens words, no one able to come up with any better idea.

Soon, everyone began to part ways, making their way back to their rooms to return to bed. I got up and headed towards the stairs, Damien following right behind me. Once we arrived at the top floor, I took a step towards the direction of Lexis room, but Damien stopped me by grabbing onto my arm.

Youre sleeping in my room tonight.

I wrapped my arm out of his and turned to glare at him. You ignored me all night, and instead spent all your time talking to another she wolfs. I watched as you guys talked and laughed, her touching your arm and drooling all over you. You are my mate Damien, yet you have never even acted that way with me. How do you think that makes me feel? I angrily questioned him.

I saw regret flash in his eyes, before his eyes returned to an emotionless stare. Oh, come on Mara, youre over reacting. I was just making small talk with one of Johns top warriors. We were discussing different methods she would like to try during the next training session. He replied, sounding bored.

It still hurt Damien. I said quietly, looking away. I heard him sigh and he once again grabbed my arm gently, pulling me in the opposite direction of Lexis room. Im sorry you feel that way Mara, but I dont have to discuss this with you right now. Its late and tomorrow is going to be a long day. My wolf wont let me sleep unless your near us, so youre sleeping with me tonight.

I really wanted to argue with him, but I could see how tired he was. The bags under his eyes proved the lack of sleep that he had experienced. I let him lead us to his room and into bed. Wrapping myself in his silky blankets, I moved to the end of the bed and closed my eyes. No matter how mad at him I was, just being this close to him wrapped me in warmth and calm, and it didnt take long before I began to drift off to sleep.

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