Chapter 22

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      My wolf began to whine when Damien left. "Follow mate." She stated. "I am not following him. He hurt our brother, remember?" I felt her huff, then cut off our link. Great. Now she's mad at me.
      Sighing, I turned towards the door, and headed towards Charlie's room. I had to see if he was ok.
      I slowly approached his door and softly knocked. I heard shuffling in the room, before the door was cracked open. Mazie's head poked out. "Yes?"
      "Can I see Charlie?" She narrowed her eyes slightly, but opened the door to let me in. Charlie was sitting on his bed, and his eyes brightened when he saw me. 
      I jogged over to him, and pulled him into a hug. "I'm so sorry, Charlie. I didn't think Damien would freak out like that. Are you ok?" He hugged me back, then pulled away, meeting my concerned eyes. "I'm fine, Mar. I promise."
       "Im so pissed at him. Damien needs to learn to control his anger." Charlie shrugged his shoulders. "You can't blame him for being angry. I would react the same way if someone were to put Mazie in danger." He said, smiling at her. Mazie blushed and looked at her hands.
      I rolled my eyes at him, and crossed my arms in front of my chest. "I'm still pissed." I stated. Charlie laughed and grabbed my hand, pulling me up. He pulled me to the door, and used his other hand to grab Mazie.
      "Dinners ready, and I'm hungry. Let's go eat!" I laughed as he yanked us out of the room, down the stairs, and towards the dinning room.
      Pretty much everyone was already seated when we arrived. Lexi chatting with a couple people our age, where Damien was seated at the front of the table. He was talking to Blake, but his eyes met mine when I entered the room. I held his gaze for a couple seconds, before looking away, and took a seat next to Lexi. Mazie and Charlie sat across from us.
      The people around us grew quiet when I sat down, and stared at me questionably. Lexi nudged me with her shoulder and grinned. "Sup Chica!?"
      I smiled at her and looked around the table at the people around us. "What's for dinner. I'm starving and I want food."
       A young girl across the table, maybe 12 years old, smiled at me. "Its steak and mashed potatoes, Luna."
      "Yes!" I squealed, bouncing up and down in my chair. The people around us laughed at my childish actions.
       "Mara, this is Finn, Kira, and Cade." Lexi said, motioning to two guys and a girl sitting next to us. "Nice to meet you, Luna!" They all said in sync. I shook my head and laughed. "Nice to meet you too."
      For the rest of dinner, Finn, Kira, and Cade told me about themselves. Finn and Cade are pack warriors with Charlie, and are both 19 years old. Finn found his mate a year ago, where Cade hasn't. Kira is 18 years old, and is training to be a pack doctor. She also hasn't found her mate, but she told me that she's sure she will find him soon.
      After dinner, I had consumed so much food that I think I gained ten pounds. I was about to excuse myself when Damien stood up and told everyone to be quiet.
      "I would like to inform you that Alpha John of the Crescent Moon Pack will be traveling to our pack tomorrow. His pack has also had an increase in rouges on his territory, so we have come to the agreement to work together to investigate the problem. John has agreed to lend us some of his best pack warriors, so to thank him, we are hosting a ball tomorrow night consisting of members of both packs. Everyone is required to, and you must be on your best behavior. Anyone to step out of line will face a punishment. Understood?" He asked sternly.
      "Yes Alpha." Everyone replied, bowing their heads. I didn't really know what to do, so I just remained silent. I could feel Damien's eyes on me, but I didn't glance his way. "Good. You all may be excused."
      I said goodbye to my new friends, then grabbed Lexi's hand and pulled her towards the stairs. Damien was watching me as we passed. "Can I sleep in your room tonight, Lex?" I heard him growl, making Lexi nervously glance at him.
      "I mean, of course you can, but are you sure allowed?" I knew that Damien was listening to every word we were saying. "He's not the boss of me." Lexi giggled as we ran up the stairs.
      I threw open her door and belly flopped on her bed. Lexi shut her door, and sat sat down next to me.
      "So we have to go to a dance tomorrow. I have nothing to wear." She pouted. Lexi was always the more girly one of the two of us. "I bet Mazie has something we can borrow. Have you seen that girls closet." Lexi laughed. "Very true."
       I lifted up her blankets and snuggled under them. A wave of tiredness hit me when I relaxed into the warm sheets. Lexi got up and shut the lights off, then crawled in next to me. "Night Lex." I said while yawning. "Night Mar."

Hey guys! Im so sorry, but I haven't updated in a long time so I'm trying to make up for it! I'm going to update later tonight, and then again tomorrow! Please, please vote and leave a comment for me and tell me how I'm doing!!! I really appreciate the feedback!

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