Chapter 5

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*Hey guys! Just wanted to thank you for reading my book! If you could leave a comment for me telling me how I'm doing, or if you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate! I'm going to try to update as frequently as I can! Now vote and keep reading;)

       I slowly made my way back to the kitchen. Lexi and Mazie were sitting at the table, chatting away, and didn't even notice when I slid a chair over and sat. I put my head on the table and sighed. "Geez, what's got you in a funk." Lexie teased. I lifted my head and glared at her. She lifted her hands up in surrender. "What's wrong?"
      "Nothing." Mazie narrowed her eyes at me, and slightly lifted her head, sniffing the air. Her eyes got wide and a huge smile made its way to her face. "No way."
      "What?" Lexi said confused. Mazie got up and walked around the table. She grabbed the collar of my shirt and tried to yank it down, but I yanked away from her. "Mazie, what the hell!"
      "Don't try to hide it Mara. I can smell it all over you." She reached for my shirt again, but I moved away from her grasp. "Lexi, a little help?" Lexi got up, and I ran away from them. I sprinted through the living room and out the door, but before I even took two steps outside, I was tackled from behind. We fell to the ground, and Lexi and Mazie pinned my arms down. "Guys stop!" I tried to get out of their grasps, but they held me down tightly. Mazie grabbed the collar of my shirt and yanked it down.
"I knew it! He marked you!" Mazie jumped up and started dancing around. Lexie let go of my arms and joined her. I sat up and watched them, a smile growing on my face. I burst out laughing when Mazie jumped on Lexi's back, making her lose her balance, causing them to fall down. "You guys are so immature." They grinned at each other and started laughing. "Come on guys, let's go back inside." I got up and dusted the first off my pants.
"We have to start heading over to the training grounds. Training starts in about ten minutes." Lexie said to me while helping Mazie up. "Sweet, then let's go change." Mazie frowned at me. "I don't think Damien would like it if you went. Maybe you should just stay here." I rolled my eyes at her. "I don't care what he thinks. I'm going. Now let's go change."
We ran up to Mazie's room, and she let me borrow some yoga pants and a tank top. We went to the kitchen and grabbed some food before running out the door. Mazie pointed to a trail behind the pack house, and told me it lead to the training grounds. After about 15 minutes, the trail opened up to a large clearing. There were people all around, stretching and some people were already pairing off to fight. I could tell that Damien was here somewhere because I could smell the pine and mint that was his scent. Lexie and Mazie lead me through the crowd of people until we stopped in front of Blake.
"Well, hello lady's." Mazie shoved me forward. "It's Mara's first day of training and we thought that you could show her the basics."
"I would gladly." Mazie and Lexie waved goodbye to me and headed over to a group of kids our age. "So, Mara, do you have any practice in fighting."
"Sort of. At our old pack, our alpha believed that it wasn't necessary for the woman to learn how to fight. Lexi and I would sometimes sneak off to training, but the Beta was pretty cool so he didn't say anything to us." Blake snorted and lead us over to an open space. "Well show me what you know." I adjusted my feet and raised my fists in front of my face. Blake observed this and smirked. "I'll try to go easy on you." I took a step forward and swung my fist towards his face, but he easily blocked it. I then faked a punch and attempted to kick him in the shin, but he stepped out of the way and grabbed my leg, putting his arm around my neck, and flipped me over his back, making me smack on the ground. I groaned in pain as Blake stood over me laughing.
"Jeez Mara. You fight like a pup." I narrowed my eyes at him, and took the hand he offered, pulling me up.
"Mara, what are you doing here." I yanked my hand out of Blake's and turned to look at Damien. "What does it look like. I'm training."
"Your not supposed to be here." I glared at him. "Why can't I train like everyone else?" His eyes darkened a little. "Because your not everyone else. Your my mates and you can get hurt. Now go home."
"What? No, you can't tell me what to do!" He took a step towards me and gripped my arm painfully. "Yes I can. Now leave." I looked over at Blake, who just gave me an apologetic look. I sent one last hateful glare at Damien before marching away from them. When I reached the woods, I stripped off my cloths and shifted. Picking up the cloths in my mouth, I began to run. I didn't really know where I was going but at this point I didn't care. A tugging feeling began to form in my chest as I got farther away from the pack; from Damien, but I pushed it away from my thoughts.
The sky began to darken, and a cool wind picked up, running shivers down my body. The forest was quiet, the only sound heard was my paws hitting the ground. After about an hour of running, I shuddered as I crossed over the border, entering no mans land. I could feel someone trying to communicate with me, but I blocked them. Up ahead, there was a large tree that at the base had a small opening. I stopped at the tree and crawled into it. I curled my body so my head could look out of it. Resting my head on my paws and closing my eyes, I finally dropped the barrier. Damien's voice came rushing into my head.
      "AMARA FORBES! Where the hell are you!" His voice was so loud that it made me flinch. Wait. How did he know my last name? "Calm down I'm fine." Anger seeped through our bond. "Tell me where you are so I can come get you." I looked around, not recognizing a thing. Crap, where was I? "Um, well, you see, I don't really know where I am."
"What!? How could you be so stupid to go off by yourself and get lost." Ok, he did have a point. "Well you pissed me off, so I just went for a run and I kinda lost track of time." I could just imagine him running his fingers through his dark brown hair. "Stay where you are. I'm coming to get you." He said, cutting off the link.
By now, it was completely dark and I was growing tired. In the distance, I heard the sound of a wolfs howl. I recognized it right away to be Damien. He was on his way. I snuggled deeper into the tree before dozing off.
The sound of twigs breaking woke me up. I opened my eyes and looked around, but no one was there. Getting up, I climbed out of the tree and stretched my back. To my right, I heard more twigs snap, and a bush rattle. "Damien, is the that you?"
"No, I'm almost there. Why?"
"Nothing. I thought i heard something, but it's probably a squirrel." I held my breath and listened, but i was greeted with silence. Jeez Mara. Paranoid much. I relaxed and let go of the breath I was holding. Then, a growl was emitted from the trees. "Damien, someone's here with me."
"I'm almost there." He repeated. I lowered my body closer to the ground and sent out a warning growl. For some strange reason, my wolf didn't feel like we were in danger, but actually felt excited. A large wolf with sandy fur stepped out of the woods. He was a rouge, and I barred my teeth at him. Oddly enough, I felt that I knew the wolf. The color of his fur reminded me of someone. Who did I know that had sandy fur. Then it dawned on me. Charlie.

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