Chapter 13

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We sat on the porch for awhile, just absorbing each other's company, until i started to doze off. I don't know how long i was out, but soon, I felt Damien tighten his grip on me and stand up. He opened the door and shut it quietly. I tried to stay very still so Damien didn't know that I was awake. He carried me through the house, and up a flight of stairs that I didn't even know where there. I heard the soft click of a door opening.
      Soon, Damien layed me down on a soft bed. He pulled the blankets back and helped me in. I snuggled deeper into the blankets, glad for the warmth. Damien stood by me for a minute before turning to leave. My hand shot out, and wrapped around his wrist.
      "Don't leave me." I whispered, opening my eye. He stopped, and turned his head. He frowned, but I noticed his face had softened. Without a word, and circled around the bed and pulled the covers up, laying down next to me. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me to him. I snuggled into his chest. I could hear his heart beat, slow and smooth. In no time, I fell asleep.

"Mara, sweetly, you need to wake up." Someone grabbed my arms and was urgently shaking me. Opening my eyes, Damien's mom was kneeled down besides me. Her eyebrows were pinched together, and her eyes looked red and puffy. "What's wrong?"
Sitting up, I swung my legs out and placed my feet on the cold floor. Taking a hold of my hand, the woman yanked me up and dragged me towards the door. "We need to leave now. Rouges snuck into the territory. We need to get back to the pack house!"
"Wait! Where Damien." She stopped and looked sympathetic. "He had to go with the pack warriors and help fight. He'll be fine though. Trust me. Now let's go." She led me through the house and out the back door. Running to the woods, we slowed down once we were in the safety of the trees. "We need to shift." Nodding, I quickly stripped off my cloths. Usually, I would be embarrassed to be naked in front of someone, but I knew that there wasn't enough time for me to go hide.
I shifted into my wolf and shook out my fur. I looked over at Lucy, and she had already shifted. Her wolf was slightly smaller than mine, brown, with patches of black on her feet. "Follow me." She took of running deeper into the woods, and I followed behind her.
      Soon enough, I began to recognize where we were. We were really close to the training grounds. The pack house was close. Lucy slowed her pace as we reached the back of the pack house. I sniffed out one of Damien's shirts he leaves around and shifted, throwing a large t shirt over my body. Lucy had found a large pair of sweats and a shirt.
      We both sprinted to the door, and threw it open. Inside, the house was filed with weeping women, and crying children. All the men had already left for the fight.
       "Mara! Mom!" Mazie screamed, running down the stairs. She ran to us and threw her arms around her mother. "Oh, my baby girl, thank goodness your ok." I couldn't help but feel sad that my mom was dead. Mazie let go of her mom and turned to me. She pulled me into a large bear hug.
      "Oh Mara! I'm so glad your ok." She pulled away. "Mazie, what happened?" She ran her fingers through her hair nervously. "Well when Damien came and took you, we decided to leave to. When we got back to the house, Charlie had to go, so Lexi and I went to my room to watch a movie. I had just fallen asleep when Lexi shook me awake and said that the pack was being attacked. I left to go look for Charlie, but he was gone!" At this point, Mazie was crying. Lucy pulled Mazie to her, and let her cry.
      I understood how she felt. It was killing me that Damien was out there where it was dangerous, and I was here in the safety of the pack house. I felt awkward standing here with Mazie and her mom, so I said goodbye, and headed to my room.
      The farther up I went, the quieter it became. When I reached our room door, my hands became sweaty, and my heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest. I had a bad feeling about this. Slowly, I pushed the door. Feeling for the light, I closed the door behind me. When I found the light and switched it on, I had to hold back a scream.
      The first thing I saw was blood. And a lot of it. Their was pools of blood on the floor, smeared on the walls, ceiling, and on the Windows. Squeezing my eyes shut, I contacted Damien.
      "Damien!" I screamed. "Mara? What is it? What happened."
       "There's blood everywhere Damien!" I could feel anger through the bond. "Where are you?"
       "In our room." Stars danced in front of my eyes. My head began to throb, and I felt like passing out. "Just get out of there. I'm on my way."
      Taking a calming breath, I studied the room, noticing a small package with a note on the bed. Gaining the courage, I slowly approached the bed. The bed seemed untouched, not one drop of blood anywhere. I picked up the card quickly. My hands were shaking violently, and my fingers fumbled trying to open up the card. What I read next made me want to hurl.
      "My dear, precious Mara,
                    I bet your wondering who I am, and what I want with you, and that is simple. I want you.     I've been watching you. Actually, I've always been with you. You have no idea how valuable you are to me. And soon you will. But not now. I will be coming soon to take what is rightfully mine. You. Please, take this present as a warning. If you tell anyone about this note, about me, then I will do to your family, what I did to this poor girl.    
I can't wait to see you.
       Dropping the card on the bed, and I reached for the small package. Slowly, I lifted the lid off and looked inside. An eye. Screaming, I threw the box across the room. I turned around and ran to the door, but ended up slipping on the blood. I landed on my back, blood smearing all over me. Sobbing, I climbed up and opened the door. Slamming it behind me. Sinking onto the floor, I cried, wiping the blood on my hands onto my pants.
       Hands wrapped around my body, and I flinch away, screaming. "Mara! It's me!" Looking up, relief flooded through me when I saw Damien. I jumped into his arms and wrapped my arms around him.
       "Ther..there was blood everywhere!" I sobbed. Damien scooped me up into his arms, and carried me away from the horrible scene. Damien mind linked someone, warning them of the mess in our room. "Your ok now, I'm here now. Your safe now." Tears streamed down my face. I was not only shocked at what I just saw, but that there's someone out there, watching me. And their coming for me. I cried even harder because if I told anyone about the note, that everyone I love would die.


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