Chapter 15

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"So he just walked out?" Lexi asked while tossing a pillow at Mazie's face. "Yup. I get that he's under a lot of stress, but I really needed him today, but he's always walking away from me." Mazie set the pillow down and looked at me seriously. "Trust me Mara, just give my brother time. He just doesn't know how to deal with his feeling for you. Please, just don't give up on him. I'll even kick his ass for you if I need to."
That made me laugh so hard that I nearly fell of the bed. "Thanks Mazie." I looked over at Lexi and saw that she wasn't smiling. I leaned over and nudged her with my foot. "You ok Lex?"'
When she sat up, I noticed that she had tears in her eyes. "Guys i have something I need to tell you." Mazie and I sat up and moved in closer to her.
"I... I think my mate is dead." I gasped. Just the thought of Damien dying... Don't even think that! My wolf growled at me.
"Why do you think that?" Mazie asked quietly. She looked at us, wiping the tears that had fallen on her cheeks.
"Well almost a month ago, pretty much right before we got taken here, I felt something."
"You felt something?" I asked slowly.
"I don't even know how to explain it. One moment I was fine, and the next it felt as if I was dying. It was a horrible, excruciating pain that spread throughout my whole body, like my soul was being ripped in half. My wolf was howling inside my head so loud that I couldn't hear. After awhile, the pain slowly went away, but from then on I always had a feeling of emptiness." She paused for a minute.
"Plus, my wolf is different. She's never as happy as she used to be, and when I ask her about our mate, she always shuts me out." Tears were freely falling down her face, so I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back as she cried. I met Mazie's gaze, and her eyes were filled with sorrow for Lexi.
"Lexi, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you ever tell me?" She sniffled and leaned back so she could see me. "I just never wanted to talk about it. I guess I never really accepted what had happened until now."
Mazie reached over and squeezed her hand. "What can we do for you?"
"Do you think I could be alone for a little bit?" Both Mazie and I pulled her into a tight hug. "Of course you can. We love you Lex, and we're hear whenever you need us." We leaned back and Lexi gave a reassuring smile. "Thanks guys."
When we left Lexi's room, i felt drained. I can't believe she had to go through that alone. It must have been awful.
Mazie gave me a quick hug goodbye before rushing off, probably to go see Charlie. Even I have a strong need to go find Damien, but I knew that he wasn't home. Instead, I decided I needed a little fresh air. Damien said that he didn't want me going anywhere on my own, but I just wanted to lay on the grass right outside the pack house. Grabbing a blanket from the living room, I headed out the front door.
Right as you stepped outside, to the right was a small sitting area with a couple benches. Sitting on the one closest to the door, I wrapped my blanket around me and rested my chin on my knees.
It's when I'm alone that I really start to miss my old life. Waking up in the morning to the sound of my parents making breakfast, or the times where Charlie and I would play pranks on them and my parents would pretend to be mad, but we always knew that they loved it.
I really wish that I could have that again, yet I know that it will never happen.
"Luna, you should come back inside. It's not safe for you to be outside." I turned to see a small boy, maybe 11, poking his head out the door.
"It's ok. I'll be fine." He frowned and stuck his lip out in a pout. "Please Luna. The Alpha will get mad if he sees you out here."
Damn. The kid had a point. I don't need Damien even more mad. "Ok I'm coming." The boy grinned and held the door open for me. "Thank you. What's your name?" He smiled timidly and looked down at the floor. "My names Roger." Awe that's such an adorable name.
"Roger! Where are you?" A woman called.
"Coming!" He yelled back. He looked at me and bowed his head and mumbled, "Luna," before scampering away. I don't think I'm ever going to get used to people being so formal around me.
I could feel my wolf begin to pace restlessly inside my head. "What is your problem?" I asked her.
"I miss our mate. Find him." Was her reply. I guess I'm also starting to crave his touch. Stupid mate bond.
"Hey Damien, where are you?" It was a few seconds before he replied. "In my office."
Huh, I didn't even notice that he was in the house. I thought he was still gone. Making my way through the large house, I finally made it to his office and opened the door without knocking.
Damien was sitting at his desk with large stacks of papers around him. His hair was messed up, meaning that he's been running his fingers through it.
He didn't even acknowledge me when I walked in. I was just going to leave, but my wolf took over my body and forced me to walk around his desk and pull his chair out, siting on his lap.
"What the hell are you doing!?" I screamed at her. "I want my mate." She said, like that explained everything.
Damien stopped what he was doing and narrowed his eyes at me. "Do you need something?" He asked a little annoyed.
I don't know if it was my wolf, or myself, but I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his. At first he did nothing, but he soon responded by placing his hands on my waist and pulling me closer to him, deepening the kiss. Sparks spread throughout my whole body, and I couldn't help the moan that slipped out. I really needed this.
Right as things were starting to get intense, he suddenly pulled away. I couldn't help but growl in frustration. I looked at him and notice that he was smirking. Oh god, I can't believe I just did that. Blushing, I tried to get away from him, but he held me still.
"Let's go on a run." I looked at him surprised.
Damien just shrugged his shoulders. "Why not?" Now excited, I grabbed his hand and yanked him out of his chair. "Ok, then let's go!"

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