Chapter 11

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      Rolling over on my stomach, I peeked through my eyelids and saw that it was 6:17. Great. Why do I keep waking up so early? I knew that there was no chance of falling back to sleep, so I slipped out of bed. Digging through the bags I left on the floor, I pulled out a pair of grey fuzzy sweats and a pink shirt. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun onto the top of my head. I left Damien's room and headed straight to the kitchen. Coffee. I need coffee.
      As soon as I entered the kitchen, I went to the cupboard and pulled out the biggest mug there was. I set my mug down and tried to figure out how to work the coffee machine, but of course I couldn't figure it out. Frustrated, I just started to push all the buttons on the machine.  "Sweetie, keep it up and you'll break the thing." Surprised, I jumped away from the counter and turned around. An old woman with grey hair that ran to her shoulders was standing behind me. I blush ran across my cheeks. "Oh, um...." She laughed softly which made me blush harder. "Please sit. Let me do it for you." She walked around the counter and grabbed my mug, placing it under the machine. She pressed a couple buttons and coffee began to flow into my cup. I pulled out a chair and sat down. When it was filled, she poured some sugar into it and handed it to me. "Thank you." A kind smile formed on her face.
      I took a sip of the coffee, sighing as it hit my tastebuds. This was really good! I practically chugged the rest of it, already feeling more awake. "Want me to make you another?" Putting the mug down, I shook my head. "No thank you. I'm good." She reached over and grabbed the mug, then put it in the sink. "What's your name?" I asked.
      "Meredith. I'm one of the pack healers." I frowned. My old pack had pack doctors, but I've never heard anyone refer to them as healers. "What do they do?"
      "We're like doctors. We work in the hospital and help people who are badly injured. The difference is we have a gift that helps us heal. Instead of giving us our wolf, the moon goddess gives us the power to heal."
       "That's so cool!" She grinned. "Ya it is. I'm glad that she chose me for the job." She paused for a moment. "So what are you up to today, Luna?" Wait, how'd she know I was the Luna. Damien hasn't announced my position to the pack yet. I think she saw my confusion. "You mark, sweetie. It's obvious that your Damien's mate." Right. The mark. I keep forgetting about that.
      "Well, I was actually going to go look for Damien. Do you know where he is?"  She got this sympathetic look. "He's not here. He left late last night to go to Alpha Jack's pack to discuss the rouge situation. He left Blake in charge. I would think he would have told you." I frowned. "No he didn't." Of course he didn't. He was pissed last night so I guess it makes sense that he left without telling me. "I'm going to go lay down on the couch. Thank you for the coffee." She smiled at me. "Anytime, Luna."
I waved at her, then went into the living room. I sat down and turned the tv on, flipping through the channels until I found a movie I knew that was just beginning. I leaned back and began to watch.
The farther I got into the movie, the more people started coming down stairs. People sat with me and watched the movie. A few people asked me about the movie and what had happened so far, but besides that, no one really said anything to me. At least until the movie was almost over, and someone from behind me grabbed my shoulders.
"Mara!"Mazie was there, a huge smile on her face. My brother was standing right behind her, staring lovingly at her. "Hey Mazie, what's up?"
"We're going to the lake to go swimming with a group of people, and your coming. And no arguing!" She grabbed my arm and yanked me off the couch. "But I don't have a swimsuit." She waved her hand nonchalantly. "I have millions of them. You can have one." Leaving Charlie, she pulled me up the stairs and to her room. Looking through her closet, she pulled out a bright blue bikini. "Here, try this on." I went to the bathroom and slid it on. It fit perfectly, making my boobs look very pronounce, and showed off my flat stomach. I walked out and Mazie squealed. "You look amazing! Your totally wearing that one." She let me borrow shorts and a tank top, and she put on a red polka dotted bikini. After putting clothes on over it, we both ran down stairs to meet up with Charlie.
Lexi was also there, talking to him. When they saw us, Lexi smiled and Charlie took Mazie's hand and kissed her. I smiled at them. They were so cute together! We all went outside and piled into a jeep that was outside. Lexi and I sat in the back where Charlie and Mazie sat up front. Mazie turned the radio on, and to Charlie's annoyance, we sang at the top of our lungs to each song. By like the 20th song, we pulled up to the lake.
The water was really blue, and there was sand which made it look more like a beach next to the ocean. We got out and Lexi handed me a towel. Finding a good spot, we all layed our towels down.
"Come on guys, let's get in the water!" Taking my shorts and tank top off, we ran into the water. It was actually warmer than I excepted. Charlie picked up Mazie then threw he in the water. She screamed and flopped in the water. When she resurfaced, he hair was in front of her face and her makeup was running. Charlie took one look at her, then burst out laughing. She looked pissed, but then got this weird smile on her face. "Come on guys! Let's get him!" We all ran after him, and tackled him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, but he easily threw me off of him. "Hey guys, let's play a game. You get a partner and sit on their shoulders. The you try to push them off and whoever can stay one the longest wins."
"It would be unfair. You got a man to carry you." Lexi said. She had a point. If I had to carry Lex, I would end up dropping her. "That's no problem." Mazie said. She swam over to a group of boys. She then came back with two of them. "Guys, this is Adam and Drake. Adam and Mara are partners. Lexi, your with Drake." Great, I have to be with a stranger. He came over to me. "Hey, looks like I'm your partner." He bent down a little and I climbed on top of his shoulders. He grabbed a hold of my thighs and lifted me up. My wolf growled in my head, mad that he was touching us, but I shushed her.
When we were all ready, Mazie screamed go, and we all charged each other. I pushed Lexi, and she fell right off of Drakes back and went head first into the water. I laughed so hard that I didn't see Mazie coming at us. She grabbed my shoulders and pushed, but I wrapped my arms and legs around Adam. She tried to push at me again, but I screamed at Adam to retreat. He didn't though. Instead, he ran right at them. Mazie's eyes widened, and I took this as my opportunity to shove her, and she went tumbling back. I cheered in victory at our success. "Yes! We won! We are the champions!" I laughed.
Everybody glared at us, but then an idea formed, and they ran after us. Realizing this, I tightened my grip on Adam, and he ran towards shore. They were right behind us, but Adam and I made it to shore safe and sound. "Hey! That's cheating!" Charlie accused. "No it's not. You never specified that we had to be in the water." Adam replied. He snorted. Adam turned his head and looked at me. "We make a good team." I burst out laughing. "Ya we do."
A furious growl came from behind us, which made me freeze. Crap, I knew that growl. Looking down at my position, my arms were around Adams neck, and his hands were grinning my thighs that we wrapped around him. Shit. I'm in trouble.
Adam turned around and there he was, a murderous look on his face. His hands were in tight fists. "Here we go." Mazie said sarcastically. "Alpha, um, is there a problem?" He stammered nervously. Adams hands tightened around my thigh, which made Damien's eyes darken. I quickly claimed off of Adam and took a couple steps away from him, but the same was already made.
Damien walked up to Adam and without any hesitation, punched him in the face. Adam went flying back, and hit the ground hard. "Damien stop!" I screamed, but of course, he ignored me. He approached him and kicked him hard in the gut. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now." Adam sat up and tried to crawl away. "Alpha, I, sorry but I don't know what I did." Damien picked him up and pinned him to a nearby tree. "If you ever touch my mate, no, even look at her, I will kill you. Got it?" Damien said through gritted teeth. Adam lowered his head. "Yes Alpha."
After a couple seconds of glaring, Damien dropped him on the ground. Adam scampered up and ran away. Damien then turned to me. Oh God, he's going to kill me. I looked away from him.
Then the next thing I knew, I was pulled against him. He dug his face into the crook of my neck. After a couple of calming breaths, he threw me over his shoulder and began to walk towards the cars. I didn't struggle cause I knew there was no point to. I was going with him no matter if I wanted to or not. Mazie and Lexi gave me sympathetic looks, where Charlie looked annoyed, but he didn't move. I waved at them, knowing that I probably wouldn't see them for the rest of the day.
Without a word, Damien gently put me in the passengers seat of the car, securing the seatbelt. He closed the door and got into the drivers seat. Putting the car in reverse, he pulled out of the parking space, and drove away from the lake.

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