Chapter 29

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  I woke up with a start, my wolf suddenly wide awake. "Something is wrong." She whispered quietly. Sitting up slowly as to not wake up Lexie, I noticed that it was still dark outside. Looking at the clock, I realized it's only been a couple hours since we fell asleep.

I slipped my legs out of the warm blankets, and put my feet on the ground, flinching slightly at the cold floor. I tiptoed to the window, and using my wolf vision, peered out into the dark night.

At first, I saw nothing, but a small flash of green caught my attention from the corner of my eye. My wolf immediately became tense and lowly starting growling. I could feel her urging me to go outside and see what's wrong. Careful not to wake anyone up, I left Lexie's room and creeped downstairs. The house was eerily quiet, which didn't help calm my now racing heart.

The cold air hit me as soon as I opened the front door, making goosebumps form on my skin. Why didn't I grab a coat from Lexie's room before I left?

Silently closing the door, I wrapped my arms around me, and cautiously starting walking towards the dark forest. As I reached the tree line, I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and not because of the cold temperature.

Something dangerous is up ahead, I could feel it. My wolf was begging to be let out, so I decided to shift. If something were to happen, I would be a lot safer in my wolf form. Quickly stripping out of my pajamas, I shifted into my wolf. My wolf pushed for control and led us further away from the house and deeper into the forest.

We became frozen when the sound of a branch breaking echoed from behind us. My wolf very slowly turned around, and my heart nearly stopped from what I saw.

There were about 7 wolves, all rogues, standing behind me. I have no clue how I didn't notice them. It's like they have no scent.

I lowered myself lower to the ground, taking a defensive stance, and growled at the intruders. They didn't even seem fazed by my actions.

Suddenly, a dark brown, almost black, wolf emerged from the trees behind them. Being pushed by it was a small girl, maybe around the age of 14, who had her hands tied behind her back. The girls dirty blonde hair was messy and tangled around her slightly bloodied face. I could sense the fear rolling off her shivering body. By the bond I felt with her, I could tell she was part of this pack.

The brown wolf continued to shove the girl until she was finally pushed to her knees in front of the group of rogues. I narrowed my eyes at the new wolf and growled even louder than before. My wolf was furious that they had one of our pack mates.

Focusing more on the brown wolf, I noticed something that made my heart drop to the floor. The wolf had familiar bright green eyes. It was then that I realized it was him. Mike Fallen, the man with the green eyes.

Mike shifted into his human form, his hair slightly longer than the last time I saw him. He wore a smirk on his face, his eyes holding an emotion I could not quite decipher.

"Amara, it's good to see you again." His deep voice sent shivers down my spine. "I warned you that I would be back, but do not worry. I am not here for you." He knelt and grabbed a handful of the girls hair, making her whimper as he yanked her head up. "At least not yet. I am here to convince you that it is not a good idea to try to fight me, as you will not win. I want one simple thing. You."

He tilted the girls head back, exposing her delicate neck. Lifting one hand up, he elongated one of his claws and held it up to her neck. I stood a step closer to them, but immediately stopped when I noticed Mike dig his claw into her neck. I looked him straight in the eye and whined, begging him to stop. He simply threw his head back and laughed.

"Her death will be the first of many if you and your filthy mate try and stop me. Think about it, my sweet Amara, is your life worth protecting if it results in the death of many others. What you must do is simple. Just come with me willingly, and I will spare the lives of the rest of your pack. I will return for you in two weeks. I hope you make the right choice."

Mike took his claw out of the girls neck, causing me to relax slightly, but soon I was filled with dread as I watched him grab the girls head and snap her neck. He shoved the girls dead body to the ground and shifted back into his brown wolf. He watched me for a couple of seconds before he turned around and disappeared into the forest, the rest of the rogues following behind him.

I ran to the girl and used my head to roll her on her back. Her neck was tilted at a horrible angle, and her eyes still showed the fear she felt before her death.

Pain enveloped my body as I felt her bond with me break, and my head tilted to the sky as I released a long, sorrow filled howl.

I continued to howl until I heard multiple paws heading in my direction. The first thing I saw was Nate's familiar black and white wolf. I immediately shifted and began to run towards him. He shifted right as I reached him and wrapped his warm arms around me.

"Shh, it's ok Mara. Your safe now." He whispered in my ear as I sobbed on his shoulder. I didn't care that we were both naked, I just needed someone to hold me, and not think about what I just witnessed.

I could hear Blake somewhere near us shouting orders at the men to take away the body, which made me cry even harder.

A furious growl echoed through the forest, silencing everyone around us. I loosened my grip on Nate, already knowing who it was.

My eyes scanned over the area where the girls body is now gone, before landing on my angry looking mate. He had changed into sweats and T-shirt that he probably found hidden in a tree nearby.

Damien's wolf is clearly in control as his eyes are completely black. He walked up to us and ripped me from Nates arms, pulling me to him. His eyes scanned over my body, looking for any sign of injury, before bringing me all the way into his embrace.

Even though I am still super pissed at him, after what just happened, I really need to be with my mate. His touch and scent alone already made me feel calm.

"Mara, what happened?" He asked, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Please can you just take me home, first. I promise I'll explain, but I really can't be here anymore. Please, Damien."

He let me go, and quickly whipped off his shirt and slid it over my body. Picking me back up, I wrapped my legs around him and rested my head on his shoulder, allowing him to carry me back to the pack house.

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