Chapter 27

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The boys led us through a long hallway that was just off of the living room. At the end of the hall, two beautiful french doors opened up to a balcony. Long, elegant stairs swept down the sides and lead to a magnificent ball room. Large, crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, their light glimmering on the gold walls.
The dance floor took up most of the room. Tables covered in delicate cloths sat along the edge of the dance floor. Soft music was playing through speakers, while pack members talked amongst themselves, waiting for the event to begin.
By the looks of it, we were the last people to arrive. Blake closed the doors after we all entered, causing a loud noise to echo through the room. The music died, and chatter began to stop, as all eyes turned to us.
When Damien took a step forward to speak, he had everyones undivided attention.
"Thank you everyone for attending this party for our allies of the Crescent Pack. Alpha John has agreed to have some of his strongest warriors stay in our pack to help us with the rouge problem. I would like all of my pack members to throughout the night give your thanks to the Crescents. Now everyone have a fun night, and let the celebration begin."
The music was turned back on, louder then it was before, and many people began dancing.
Damien turned and held out his hand to me. I slid my hand into his, letting him pull me towards the stairs. As we descended, I noticed people turn to us, smiling with admiration in their eyes. Little did they know that the relationship we had was... difficult.
As soon as we reached the bottom of the stairs, Damien squeezed my hand, then released it and walked away. He didn't even really acknowledge me. Letting out a big sigh, I waited for Lexie and Mazie.
"Where'd Damien go?" Mazie asked when they reached me. "I don't know. He just walked away."
       "Ass," Lexie mumbled.
       "You can hang with us the whole night," Charlie offered, but I had to decline. "No, I'll be fine. You guys go dance. Have fun."
      "Are you sure Mara?" Lexie asked hesitantly. "Yup. I'll be fine." They looked unsure, but finally headed towards the dance floor.
       I stood there for a moment, scanning the faces around me. My eyes stopped on Damien, who was currently talking to a beautiful girl with head hair. The girls mouth was moving as she talked to him, and every once in a while, they both would laugh. I've never seen Damien so laid back before.
      I couldn't help the flash of jealousy that hit me. He never acts that way around me. The girl laughed again, placing a hand on Damiens arm.
      "Kill her." my wolf growled in my head. I didn't blame her for feeling that way, but I wasn't going to do anything. If he wants to flirt with that slu... girl, then he can.
      "You know it's rude to stare." Nate said, nudging me with his shoulder. "I'm allowed to stare at what's mine." My wolf snipped by taking over my voice.
      "Calm down." I scolded her. She immediately blocked our link.
       "Sorry, my wolf is very agitated at the moment." Nate simply shrugged, and ran his fingers through his freshly gelled hair.
       "You look very handsome." I complimented. Nate was wearing a white suit, with a black bow tie. His normally messy hair was slicked back with hair gel.
       "Why thank you. You look beautiful as well." I gave him a weak smile, and glanced back at Damien.
      "Hey, don't pay attention to him. Come. Dance with me." He said, holding a hand out.
      "Nate, I shouldn't...'
       "Come on Mari, don't make me sad." He gave me the pouty lip and puppy eyes. "Pleaseeee." He begged.
        "Fine." I finally said. "You baby." I mumbled under my breathe. Slipping my hand in his, I took one last glance towards Damien, before following Nate onto the dance floor.

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