Chapter 12

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As we pulled away from the lake, I pressed my forehead against the cool glass. I glanced over at Damien, and he was staring straight ahead, his hands turning white from gripping the steering wheel. Great, he's still pissed. Sighing, I redirected my eyes back out the window. The tress were becoming more dense as we drove, and I knew we weren't heading in the direction of the pack house. "Where are we go?" I asked him, but He didn't even look my way.
Suddenly, Damien took a sharp turn off the road, onto a path leading into the trees. The path was roughy, making the car jump up and down, so I had to hold onto the seat so I didn't bump my head on the ceiling.
Eventually, the road smoothed out, and in front of us was a cute little cottage. The house was light blue that had a small deck with two rocking chairs at the end. Damien pulled up next to the house and put the car in park. Without saying he word, he climbed out and walked over to my door, opening it for me. After unbuckling my seatbelt, he offered me his hand, which I took. Closing the door behind me, Damien lead me to the front door of the house and knocked softly.
After a couple seconds, and pretty woman with long dark brown hair opened the door. She had small wrinkled around her eyes and on her forehead, so I was guessing that she was maybe in her forties. When she saw us, a huge smile grew on her lips.
"Damien! My boy, come in." Damien placed his hand on the small of my back, and lead me inside.
The house had an open room plan, with the kitchen, dinning room, and living room all right next to each other. There was brown carpet and light blue walls. On the wall next to us was a huge flat screen Tv, with a two small couches placed in front of it. All in all, it was a prefect little house.
The woman offered us something to drink, but I kindly declined. I wasn't really thirsty. Damien on the other hand asked for a beer. The woman nodded and turned towards the kitchen.
I leaned towards Damien and stood on my toes so my mouth was close to his ear. "Who is that?" He took a step away from me. "My mother." Huh. Neither Damien nor Mazie had mentioned anything about their parents. Curious, I averted my eyes back to the woman. She was returning with Damien's drink.
"Please, let's sit down." She said motioning to the couch. Hesitantly, I sat down, and was pleasantly surprised when I sunk down into the soft cushion. Damien took an seat next to me, while his mother sat across from us on the other couch.
"So you must be Amara. Im so glad to finally meet you. I'm Lucy, his mother. Ever since I heard that Damien found his mate, I've been dying to meet you, but I was always told that it wasn't a good time, but now I understand. You are so beautiful, I bet he didn't want to share you." I blushed at her compliment. "I doubt that's the reason." I mumbled to myself. She laughed, her eyes crinkling.
"So have you two had sex yet?" She abruptly asked. My eyes bulged open, and a blush creeped back to my cheeks. Next to me, Damien became very still. "Um.... Uuuhh nn-o." Jeez, how can she be so comfortable asking us that like it was normal. "Wow! As soon as I met your father, we wasted no time on completing the bond. I'm surprised you haven't!"
I glanced over at Damien. He was staring at me, his eyes dark. "Trust me. Not with resistance." He said, his voice deep. A shiver ran down my spine, and I had to look away. His mother was just sitting there, smiling at us. "Well, don't hold back for to long, cause I can't wait to have grandbabies!!" I wanted to die right there. It was hard enough talking about my sex life, but I'm not even close to being ready to have a baby.
An awkward tension formed between us. It was quite, and I could feel Damien's eyes burning holes in the side of my skull. I played with my fingers, trying to ignore him. Thank god, Lucy took the liberty to change the subject.
"So, Amara..."
"Mara." I corrected her. She smiled.
"So, Mara, what pack are you from? Is it far away? I would love to meet your parents!"
My heart drooped at the mention of them. Tears formed in my eyes, and i lowered my head, attempting to hide my face. Sensing my sudden change of mood, Damien wrapped his arm around me, and rubbed soothing circles on my back. "She came from the pack that was most recently attacked, mother. Her parents," he paused, pulling me closer to him. "Her parents didn't make it."
I heard her gasp. "Oh, Mara, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you." Wiping my eyes, I looked back up at her. 'Its ok. How were you supposed to know, right."
Feeling deflated, I leaned into Damien. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "If you'll excuse us, mother." She frowned sadly, but nodded her head. "Of course."
Damien lead me to the kitchen, and to a door that lead into the backyard. Well, more like a small part of land that soon turned into forest. There was a large deck with tables and a barbecue. It was around seven o'clock, so the sky was beginning to darken, the sun setting. On the right side of the deck, there were two rocking chairs. Walking to them, Damien sat down, and pulled me into his lap.
I happily snuggled into him, wrapping my arms around him, digging my face into his neck. He stretched His large, muscular arms, and wrapped them tightly around me. I closed my eyes, and relaxed.
"Damien," I started to say but he cut me off. "Not now. I promise that I'll answer all the questions you have, but please, right now can we just be silent." I guess I could wait. I mean I really don't want to ruin this moment by making him angry.
I nodded my head, agreeing with him. It became quite, and Damien slowly became to rock us. Finally, the peaceful silence, and being wrapped in my mates arms got to me, because I eventually dozed off.

*Sorry this chapter is really short, but I haven't updated it in awhile and I really wanted to publish chapter 12! I'm going to try really hard to update by next week!!!! Anyway, I hope you like my story so far! Please, please, please comment! I would love to hear your guy's thoughts and any suggestions you may have!! And vote! It only takes a few seconds, and it will inspire me to update a lot faster knowing that people like my story!!
~~ Kayla

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