Chapter 1

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Vanoss' Pov

I glanced down at the car meet up. Lowriders, yeah they're nice, but can they get you to A and B within minuets?

My gang was scattered, surrounding Los Santos costumes. Lui and Terrorise were perched up top, snipers in hand. Moo and Mini were in the van a couple metres away on stand by. Myself, Tyler and Nogla were hidden behind the walls.

"Everyone in position?" I questioned through my ear piece. I got several replies confirming that everyone was ready.

This job could go two ways. One being we successful take down The Rio's Crew, or the other they scatter and we spend months hunting them down. I would much prefer option One, we need these people dead, they're copycats, attempting to gain fame for our tricks and rivalries.

"on the count of three we shoot" I commanded.

"1..." I took the safety off of my gun.
"2..." I adjusted my mask.
"3..." I looked around at my gang.

"Go..." I charged in, guns blazing.

There is no mercy in this lifestyle, you piss me off, you better bet your ass I'm going to kill you. It wasn't always like this. Before it was sticking up stores, pissing off the cops, but now it's a bloody masicare.

They took him from us, Droid, he was apart of this family and they took him, he took him.

One by one the men went down, but of course the leader started running.

"I have him in my sights!" Lui exclaimed, but before he could take the shot, a blue blur ran smack into the leader. His body smacked against the windscreen as the blue car continued driving, leaving the bruised and battered body behind. In the distance you could hear a clown horn.

"what the actual fuck just happened" Terroiser questioned standing up looking towards us all.

"I don't know..." I replied as I heard the van turn the corner. One by one we loaded in and drove back to our apartment.

"who the fuck was that!?" Nogla exclaimed.

"let's find out" Mini said sitting on the couch loading his laptop in. We all watched Mini work his magic, his skillfully broke into the traffic cams and rewinded the tape to mere 20 minuets ago.

He ran facial recognition and it came up instantly.

"Delirious!?" Moo questioned.

On the screen infront of me was a man with short black hair and a face of paint. A clown. A clown that pissed me off.

"looks like we have a new target" I huffed throwing my mask on the counter as well as my gun.

"I don't know boss, this guy is psychopathic" Wildcat huffed. I walked back over to Craig.

Delirious was decapitating a man, in broad daylight. His head lifted up to the camera, his eyes were dark but you could still see the hint of blue in them. His smile was sinister. It gave me chills down my spine.

"I want him dead" I said looking at Wildcat.

"ill start tracking him down and gaining as much research as I can about him" Craig saluted and carried his laptop into the heist room.

"are sure about this Evan? We're used to thugs, not psychopathic freaks" Lui said as I plopped myself onto the couch.

"7 of us vs him, the odds are in our favour and anyway wouldn't it be nice to have our name plastered in the news again?" I questioned Lui.

"I guess so" Lui mumbled.

"Hey Lui, don't worry, we'll go through the plan a million times, everyone will have armour, I won't take any risks" I promised him. He gave a small smile and nodded.

Eventually everyone retreated back to their rooms. I decided to switch on the TV.

"Of course his on TV" I mumbled as I rolled my head back.

"The sicking Delirious has striked again, this time he managed to escape the LS Police Department in an enthralling chase through the City. His rank on the most wanted list has risen above the The leader of the BBS Gang, Vanoss. It is said that he has caused over a million damage to the city in just the few months his been around. My names Catherine Holland and that's the five o' clock news"

I groaned as I switched off the TV. What an asshole, making me look puny compared to him. Tomorrow I'll go on a killing spree, show this guy that I'm not just some thug, I can be a little bit crazy too.

That night when I closed my eyes all I could see was that psychotic smile, I could hear the clown horn in the distance, mocking me as if his the king of Los Santos. Oh I'll show him, I'll show everyone that the BBS gang will rise again and this time we're staying on top.

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