Chapter 5

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Delirious' Pov

My ears were ringing, I felt like I was moving, but I wasn't. I slowly opened my eyes and then closed them again. I was in a bright room. Further inspection led me to let out a sigh. A group of animals stood staring at me. Some held guns, some had their arms crossed. Vanoss stood in the middle.

"Really!?" I broke the silence, my voice was hoarse.

"be grateful we didn't kill you" The pig huffed in reply.

"i would rather be dead, thanks" I shook my head looking down at my situation. My legs and arms were duct taped to a cheap wooden chair.

"I have a proposition for you" Vanoss finally spoke after staring at me for what felt like entire. Those beady owl eyes were creepy as fuck.

"My answer is no"

"you haven't even heard it yet" a strong Irish accent almost yelled. He wore a horse mask. Bazaar.

"fine waste my time" I groaned and Vanoss clapped his hands together.

"We want you to help us take down The Ghost Organisation" Vanoss said happily. As If it was the best plan on earth, it wasn't, it was a dumb plan.

"are you trying to get your entire gang killed?" I questioned unimpressed. Vanoss looked stumped.

"look hear clown, you are going to fucking help us" the pig said launching forward and gripping my jacket.

"you better let go Piggy, before I fry you into bacon" i growled, he stepped back.

"can I speak to you outside Boss" the pig says, Vanoss nodded and followed him out of the room. The others followed suit, they probably wanted to see the confrontation the two were going to have.

Vanoss' Pov

"Evan I thought we were going to kill him!" Tyler snapped.

"I know, I know. But listen, I think it would actually do us good knowing that the organisation is gone. That we killed the asshole who tore us up" I explained. By now the entire gang were surrounding us.

"I would be able to sleep easier knowing we revenge Droid" Lui added.

"same" Nogla agreed and the others nodded.

"but what's he got to do with it" Tyler questioned. He sure didn't like Delirious.

"He worked for them, he knows in the in's and out's of that organisation. That could be a real advantage for us"

"I guess, his an asshole and he is not going to cooperate with us" Tyler said waving his hand towards Delirious' direction.

"we'll figure it out, weather it be through talking or torturing and don't worry once the deed is done, his dead" I promised.

"Alright fine" Tyler waved me off and walked off down the hallway to what I guessed was his room.

"Moo bring him some water, if he's going to be our tool we need him alive and healthy"

"got it Boss" Moo said getting off the kitchen counter. Moo and Mini had avoided going in to see Delirious.

I knew Delirious wouldn't do anything to Moo, because firstly he was ducted to a chair and secondly, it's Moo!

Delirious' Pov

"fuckkk" I groaned in pain as I wiggled around. I had managed to get the tape lose on my legs. I tried angling my foot at a certain angle and it did the job. I got my foot out.

"right come on..." I said trying to tear my hands  from the tape. I kept wiggling my hands, they were becoming red and raw from the contact of the tape.

"yippie!" I had gotten a hand free, I pulled off the other side with some struggle.

I turned to leave only to see a tall man looking scared as hell. He had a glass of water in his hands.

"you're not one of them are you?" I questioned seeing his lack of a mask.

"well technically no, I'm the medic" The man answered.

"right, well if you could move out of the way it would be great" I hummed as I approached him.

"I wouldn't go out there" the man advised.

"and whys that?" I questioned with a hum.

"because there's about 4 to 5 of them out there with at least 3 guns" Moo replied.

"your right..." I huffed sitting back down on the chair.

"here" The man handed me the glass.

"thanks..." I glanced up at the nameless face.

"Moo" He replied with a bright smile. He looked like a seriously nice guy. What was he doing with these guys?

"you know my name" I nodded and drank the water in large gulps.

"well I hate to do this to you, but I have to alert Vanoss that your out of restraints" Moo sighed.

"it's whatever, I'm going to have to co-operate no matter what" I huffed annoyed. Moo nodded and left the room.

Fuck... Fuck fuck! I do not want to work with people... I do not want to fight Jordon not after last time. I don't want to end up in the cage... I don't want the Injection again. I don't want Jordan to touch me again. Fuck what am I meant to do?

As Moo said I can't just waltz out of here, but I can't face Jordan...

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and closing. Vanoss walked in and pulled a wooden chair in front of me.

"are you going to cooperate?"

"do i have a choice?"


"Well that settles it then, I'll help you, under the condition that I'm not going anywhere near Jordan" I said looking at him directly. I couldn't see eyes but I knew from the pause that he was thinking.

"deal" he said holding out his hand. I grasped it and shook it firmly.

"Alright follow me and don't pull anything" Vanoss warned and stood up.

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