Chapter 9

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Vanoss' Pov

As soon as she came in, he smiled. I have never seen him smile before, it was a sight worth a million jewels. It was a genuine smile, one that met his eyes, he had dimples that made his overall appearance even more breathtaking.

That smile was for her though, not me and that made me feel something I haven't felt in a very long time, jealousy. I don't understand, he's a clown, he's a maniac! I'm straight, straighter than a ruler, but then again rulers break. Fuck...

She was in his lap now, we had moved to the heist room, there wasn't enough chairs at this point. There was only one spot before Delirious came into my life, and he had taken that seat. It was Droids. Snap out of Evan, you doing this for Droid, do not pay attention to his bubbly laugh or her constant touching.

"so... Are you two a thing?" Wildcat questioned confused on their behaviour, he had moved his seat back from them. Please don't be dating…

"we used to, but Del boy found someone so much better then me and left" Scarlet laughed as Delirious rolled his eyes. His hands had a tight grip on her waist, it was so casual, as if they've been sitting like that for years. Maybe they have.

"I was manipulated into leaving you" Delirious grumpled defending himself.

"i know baby, by the big bad wolf" Scarlet chuckled ruffling Delirious' hair. I clenched my fits, baby.

"whose the big bad wolf?" Terroriser questioned moving forward, leaning on the table.

"Jordan Mathewson the man we are all gathered here today, to kill" Victor let out a dry laugh.

"you dated him!?" Nogla yelled out. Delirious flinched at his tone, but gathered himself quickly.

"one of my worser decisions" Delirious gave out a bitter chuckle.

"i mean yeah, you left me" Scarlet smirked. Delirious smiled and shook his head at her. He pulled her closer and laid his head on her chest.

"so are you Bi or did Scarlet turn you gay!?" Mini questioned laughing. When Delirious first came in, he was terrified of him, but now they seem to talk quite a bit during breakfast.

"hey!" Scarlet snapped but let out a laugh, she then turned to Delirious, "so what's your answer dweeb" She nudged him and he frowned at the nickname.

"i'm Bi but I'm not a hundred percent sure now" He said smirking as Scarlet hissed at him. His hands ran up her back and she seemed to have relaxed into his touch.

"Alright!" I yelled loudly in a comedic tone, getting everyone's attention.

"This is the plan, listen up"

"Mini and Moo, you are going to drop us in a van to the docks about a minute away from the base. You'll stay outside and switch off the lights in both buildings. Wildcat and Nogla, you guys are taking out the people in the warehouse, there's an estimated 20 men in their, including Daniel Gidlow, be sure to take him out" the boys nodded.

"myself, Delirious, Scarlet and Victor will head into the main base, move our way through and to Jordan's office. Scarlet I'm putting you in charge of the bomb, you'll set it to detonate within 10 minutes" Scarlet stood up giving me a unneeded salute, but at least she got off his lap.

"Lui, Terroriser you guys will be our getaways, you'll be waiting out in the water with a boat. Wildcat and Nogla as soon as you are done in the warehouse move out to Moo and Mini, then you guys take off and go home" Everyone looked around, it was a good plan and I was confident it would work.

"I've prepared night vision goggles for everyone so you can locate your targets" Mini said pulling out a box.

"Alright, we move tomorrow at noon, we'll meet here and head out together got it?" i questioned looking specifically at Scarlet and Victor who nodded.

"so we done here?" He questioned unfolding his arms.

"yeah I guess" I replied.

"Alright, come on crazy girl, let's go get milkshakes" He said beckoning for Scarlet to follow.

"bye Delirious" Victor yelled walking out the heist room door.

"yeah bye baby!!" Scarlet screamed as the front door slammed shut.

"you're friends are weird" I huffed.

"says you" He laughed. I glanced to my friends seeing them pretending to look offended.

"you right, you right" I laughed as well, getting up out of my chair, my ass was square from sitting for so long.

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