Chapter 6

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Delirious’ Pov

Vanoss had gathered all his men in the “heist room” as they called it. I was sat towards the top of the table next to Vanoss. Pig man sat next to me clutching his gun, while a nervous man fiddled with his laptop. He continuously stares at me, but looked away anytime I met his gaze.

“alright tell us everything we need to know about the ghost organisation” Vanoss ordered.

“they have one main base located on shamble streets by the docks for easy access for drug trades and drop offs. Their warehouse is right next to their base”

All the while I spoke, the nervous man typed frantically as Vanoss faced towards me.

“how many men are we talking about?” the monkey questioned.

“it's hard to tell, they kill people all the time and then they bring new ones in. The main people are Jordon the boss, Stephenie his girlfriend. She doesn't actually do much just stands there. Then there's Daniel, Daniel is in charge of cargo so his mostly likely held up in the warehouse. Jordan's assistant Spencer is probably 10 feet away from Jordan because his a lick ass”

The gang chuckled at my words.

“there's Joe, his the main one for killing and hiring people within the organisation. He trains new men. His was a marine and he is seriously skilled. The rest are what I like to call minions, armed with tactical gear, and Specialised carbin rifles and of course flash bangs. If I was to guess I'd say we're looking at about 70 minions, probably 50  in the base and 20 in the warehouse”

“okay but what about The spider, Scarlet, and Victor” Vanoss questioned.

“if they know your with me, they won't do anything. Well technically Spider is retired and Victor is in sweden. It's just Scarlet, I'll have to talk to her” I replied. Scarlet is an odd one, seductive and creepy at the same time, there was once a flare between us but it ended quickly because of Jordan.

“alright, what's our best way in boys?” another irish man in a horse mask questioned.

“shut down the cameras and go in dark”i replied before Vanoss could say a word. He nodded his head to me.

“what's their system like” the computer guy stuttered.

“um, it's done by Spencer so I'd say you'd be able to get through it pretty fast” I said with a shrug. I wasn't too sure, never been good with computers.

“alright, we move in 2 days. Delirious come with me” Vanoss said standing up. I stood up and followed him out of the room and down a hall.

“you'll stay in here, you only leave if someone comes and gets you, understand?” Vanoss questioned.

“understood” I replied drinking in the appearance if the room.

“dinners at 6” Vanoss added before closing the door.

The walls were pale white, a picture hung in the middle of new York city. The bed was king sized and looked like a cloud. I glanced at the door opposite the bed. I opened it and it reached a bathroom and a closet. The closet was empty, obviously. The bathroom was big and bright. The shower had a clear glass door surrounding it.

I could feel myself itching for a well needed shower.I had time before dinner so I decided to turn on the shower with much frustration. Eventually i got it on and let my clothes slip off my body.

I slowly stepped into the shower being grateful for the shower mat beneath my feet. The water fell on my skin hydrating it. I ran the water through my hair. Luckily there was a hotel sized bottle of shampoo and shower gel.

After my shower I slipped out and wrapped the provided towel around my waist. As I exited my room I was scared half to death by Moo.

“sorry! Vanoss told me to tell you that you could have a shower, but looks like you helped yourself” Moo giggled.

“eh yeah” I replied. I was half naked in front of him.

“well here's some clothes provided by Vanoss” he said and with that left the room with a blush on his face. I just laughed and shook my head at the situation.

I changed into the clothes and walked into the empty closet. I stared at myself in the mirror, the clothes were a little baggy, but they were comfortable. I decided to walk back out and jump into the cloud nine bed. It was like heaven.

This is much better than that cage I was trapped in. Jordan had no humanity whatsoever. Threw me in a cage, the only time I was allowed in a bed was when I was having sex with him. But alas I do not want to think about any of that.

Eventually I was called by Vanoss himself for dinner. It was a dozen boxes of pizza.

“help yourself” who I learned to be Nogla yelled handing me a box of pepperoni pizza. By now everyone had removed their masks. I no longer had my face paint on. If took me awhile to figure out who was who but I eventually did by their body and voice.

Vanoss never took his eyes off of me, it was a little intimidating at the least but I'm assuming he doesn't trust me not to pull a gun out and go ham.

After dinner I was ordered to stay and play Mario kart by Terrorise. All I have to say is, Wildcat can really yell when he wants too. It was also quite funny to see the two Irish men yell jumbles of curses. Just like children, the majority sat on the floor. Vanoss had decided to sit next to me and Moo on the other side. Mini had sat on a chair over in the corner and was glued to his computer.

They were an unusually bunch, and I could definitely see myself getting attached.

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