Chapter 12

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Delirious’ Pov

I woke up to the sound of yelling, the pig. After waking up properly I realised the position I was in, it was neither good or bad. Vanoss’ sleeping face was inches away from mine. He looked so peaceful, unlike me who was slightly aroused. Vanoss’ knee had found its way to my crotch area and was and still is pressing against my now semi hard dick.

Not the best predicament to be in with the leader of the BBS gang. Our arms were laced around each other, like we were afraid the other would leave. Our bare torsos pressed against each other. I was warm and fuzzy, both on the  inside and outside.

I wiggled my way out of his embrace and slithered down to the end of the bed. I slipped out at the end of the bed with a creak of the floorboard. I cringed and looked at the sleeping man who didn't stir. He was tired, which would be assumed after the ordeal he experienced yesterday.

I put on my pants and shoes. I then slipped my t-shirt over my head and grabbed my jumper. I then slowly opened his bedroom door and slipped out. I walked down the hall towards the room I stayed in. I saw Moo closing my door with a sigh.

“Moo?” I questioned as I came up behind him. He flinched slightly and turned around with a glare.

“you scared me!” he laughed, I laughed along and pushed passed him. I opened the door and threw my jumper on the bed, almost missing might I add.

“where were you!?” he questioned confused.

“um…. I was in vanoss’ room”

“why?” he said with a questionable look.

“he asked me to stay with him last night…” I mumbled. The smell of bacon had made its way down the hall and into my nostrils.

“interesting, how did you sleep last night?” Moo questioned again, we both had started walking towards the kitchen.

“I remember feeling restless, then I started um… cuddling Vanoss and I fell right to sleep” I whispered the last part making some of the gang looked at us.

“really!?” Moo said with a giggle. He was getting enjoyment out of this and I don't understand why.

“I mean yeah, you would too” I laughed, Vanoss was cuddly.

“well I've never experienced it, so I wouldn't know” Moo chuckled.

“alright man, what is it!?” I huffed sitting down at one of the free stoles.

“nothing, nothing just interesting to hear those words muttered in the same sentence from you” Moo laughed further.

“asshole” I huffed with a chuckle. Nogla place a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me and I gave him a nod. He nodded back and returned to cooking.

“whys he still here?” Wildcat questioned referring to me. He seemly appeared from nowhere.

“because he saved my ass yesterday” Vanoss muttered pushing past him and grabbing some food. He then plopped himself right next to me and dug in. He looked towards me and gave me a nod.

“morning” i said with a smile. His hair was stuck up in all angles. I glanced at Moo who wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at the man and went back to eating.

“Hey Vanoss what about our promise bitch” Wildcat growled. Lui and Nogla gave each other a knowing look. What promise is he on about?

“drop it Wildcat” Vanoss warned.

“no i won't drop it, you told us that after the mission you would kill Delirious!” Wildcat yelled. I stopped eating and glanced at vanoss with a raised eyebrow.

“Delirious…” Vanoss began.

“couldn't kill me yesterday could you?” I questioned.

I was standing towering over Vanoss. I was pissed, I gave up my time to help them take down Jordan. I could've went to Jordan and told them what they were planning. I could've told Scarlet and Victor to kill them all. I didn't though, yet they still planned against me.

“were you really going to kill me?” I questioned looking to Vanoss and only Vanoss.

“no, well yes”

“its yes or no, not both” I growled.

“yes the plan was to kill you after the mission, but you saved my ass, you showed loyalty” Vanoss explained.

“and here I thought we were becoming allies” I huffed and walked straight to the door.

“Delirious don't go” Nogla called out as I slammed the door shut.

Asshole, i told him things, I fucking cuddled him

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