Chapter 3

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Delirious' POV

The famous Vanoss stepped out of his flashy car holding a Ak-47. It had matte black paint job just like his car. There was a couple of people scattered around the street, yet no one had noticed the owl walking towards the middle of the street holding a gun.

I know phones are a great invention but for fucks sake, your going to die if you don't get your eyes off that godamn screen.

I could see his grip tighten around the gun as he aimed and fired at a woman. That's when the phones started dropping and the people started screaming.

Everyone ran for their lives, Vanoss shot them down one by one. This guy is seriously pissed I stole his spot. He can take it, I'm trying to lay low and avoid attention.

I've always been like that, always been the kid in the corner avoiding people. I think I got it from my dad, day after day he would spend his time in our basement, ignoring anyone who came to the house.

He was an engineer, always crafting up new plans. He had a job once, but he was fired. My mom lost it, then again she lost it at every spec of dirt that appeared in the house.

"Jonathan don't you take another step in this house with those shoes on"

"Jonathan your room is a mess!"

Imagining growing up with a father who was anti-social and a mother who was OCD and had some major anger issues. It wasn't fun I can tell you that much.

The sirens could be heard in the distance. 15 people laid dead on the floor, their blood seeping into the cracks on the pavement. I wanted to go inspect it, but the cops were coming and I wasn't about to get the blame for this and end up on the news.

Vanoss had already sped away. I stood up and began running, jumping from one building to another. Jumping knowing that if you jumped to early you could break your legs gave me a thrill.

Eventually the sirens died down, I could already tell the news crew were on that street, making it more dramatic then it was.

I still think Vanoss is after me, he doesn't seem like a man to let it slide. Then again neither I am, I've learned that if you let people slide, they think they're all good and start skating all over you.

I could feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that it was none other than Lester Crest.

"hello?" I answered.

"Delirious, thank god you picked up, I need a guy killed ASAP, it's a lot of money and it's close to where you are!" Lester explained.

"Alright send me their locations, anything I need to specifically?" I questioned as I ensured my knife was still on me.

"nope unleash your inner artist!" Lester giggled. He quickly cleared his throat not hearing me respond.

"Alright sending everything your way, good luck my favourite killer!" Lester said cherrily and hung up.

My phone vibrated excessively. Lester had sent me the location. I started walking towards the location.

As I grew closer it seemed I had entered the rich part of the city. Interesting...

I appeared infront of a two story detached house. I was in a neighbourhood, a quiet one at that. No kids playing about, the majoirty of cars were infront of their houses.

I could smell stew from outside the house. I looked around the house deciding the best way to enter. I made the sensible decision of going through the bedroom door. A creaking stairs is always a way to drive a victims heart beat racing. I climbed up the ladder that was conveniently placed up to a conveniently opened window.

Well this isn't sketchy at all. I almost contemplated calling Lester to see who placed the bounty. I climbed inside the window looking down watching my step on the toy cars.

"hi!" a heard a whisper. I turned around knife in my hand. In front of me was a petite woman with blond hair and big tits.

"hey?" I replied in a question.

"my name is Sarah I place the bounty on my husband, I need him dead, he cheated on me and his just got a very small..."

I put my finger to her lip signalling for her to be quiet. I grabbed her roughly and pulled the knife to her neck. She screamed and trashed about.

I dragged her down the stairs, her husband stood their shaking in his shiny black suede shoes. I threw her to the side and ran towards him.

I dug my knife deep in his neck, his hot crimson blood dripped off my knife as I pulled it out. His gasped for air as he fell to the floor. His hand were held out attempting to reach for me. I watched as blood poured out of his throat, his eyes bloodshot, the oxygen leaving his head. After another 20 seconds his body went limp. His wife jumped in delight and pulled out a wad of cash from her bra.

"thank you!" she screamed attempting to hug me. I put the knife towards her and grabbed the cash.

"no celebrations, okay I got it" she giggled and she looked to her now dead husband, as she turned to look back at me, I grabbed the back of her neck. She screamed bloody murder as I slowly and painfully sliced her through. The line looked at if I had done it with a ruler.

"thank you for calling for my services, bitch" I said tucking the into one of my pocket, leaving her to fall to the floor next to her husband.

I waltzed out as I heard her gargling on her own blood. Karma's a bitch, it's an external force that nobody can control.

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