Chapter 11

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Vanoss' Pov

Brock insisted I have a warm shower before getting into bed. So here I was sleepily standing in the shower, warm droplets of water pouring off my body. The mission went okay, would've been much better if I wasn't almost killed by Delirious and attacked by the sea.

Probably should've asked the guys to park the boat closer to the pier. Never been the best swimmer. Thankfully my previous attacker saved me. Although looking into his big blue eyes when I woke up felt like I was looking into the sea again as I sank further down.

I hate feeling helpless, I'm the leader those things shouldn't happen to me. I'm supposed to be able to dive into the sea and jump back out just as gracefully. Learning to swim at this point in my life seemed embarrassing.

I can already hear Moo giving out to me about this in the morning. He's always been a father to me, constantly telling me not to over do it, but I usually go overboard and end up right back in front of him rolling my eyes as he lectures me.

As I woke up from my thoughts I glanced around the foggy room and let out a sigh before turning the warm water off. The water came to a halt, a few drops following onto my neck. I grabbed the towel from the rail and wrapped it around my waist. I grabbed a second towel and ran it through my hair a couple of times before throwing it into the dirty laundry basket.

I exited the warm steamy bathroom into my bedroom. I dried myself off and grabbed some boxers and threw them on, once again ignoring Brock’s advice to wrap up tonight. I hate being confined by clothes in my sleep, I'm so use to being somewhat free.

I closed my curtains and shut off the lights. I scurried back to my bed and slipped under the covers. I relaxed as soon as my body melted into the sheets. Just as I was about to nod off I heard a knock on my door.

“yeah?” I mumbled. The door creaked open. I squinted my eyes at the light from outside my room, it was Delirious.

“I know I'm not meant to be out of my room without permission, but I just want to make sure you're okay” Delirious said, his tone was soft almost like he was attempting to soothe a baby. It was nice, hearing his voice so soft and lulling.

“yeah man, I feel much warming now” I sat up in the bed. He walked further into the room making his facial features appear more prominent.

His shape jawline and cheekbones made him look like he was sketched by the gods. His light pink lips appeared soft, but nothing compared to those glowing blue eyes that stared at me with so much worry.

“I mean mentally, that shit is scary, you could've died today…” he trailed off as he watched my reaction.

“close the door” I order him. He did as he was told and shut the door. He walked back to his previous position, a couple of feet away from my bed. He stood there awkwardly unsure of what to do and I almost laughed at the sight.

“get in”

“what…?” he stuttered out.

“you heard me, get in my bed” I laughed as he looked stunned.

“okay…”he shed his shoes and famous blue jumper before sliding in beside me.

“you don't sleep in a pants and t-shirt do you?” I questioned in disbelief.

“no…”  I gave him a look and within seconds they were gone.

“much better”I hummed snuggling into the sheets.

“vanoss, why am I in your bed?” Delirious chuckled.

“you asked about how I'm feeling, showing me you want to listen”

“what's that got to do with me being in the same bed as you” he said, he was but a shadow to me, my eyes have yet to adjust to the darkness.

“I'm not okay, and I want someone next to me right now” I huffed out.

“understandable, I once got in a car crash, I got out with minimal injuries, but anytime I'd hear a clash of a pot or plates my mind would skip back to that moment when the truck crashed straight into my car. It was hell, but it doesn't happen that much anymore” Delirious said his voice still holding that calming tone.

By now my vision could faintly make out the tattoos that covered his arm and torso. My hand wanted to reach out and trace them, try to make them out, but I stopped myself. I wanted to tell him I had a different trigger, instead of a sound it was sight, the sight of his dazzling blue eyes, but once again I stopped myself.

“I'm sorry that happened to you” I mumbled out, my eyes still glued to the lines of ink trailing up his arm. He must've notice because he began looking down at them too.

“I like tattoos in case you couldn't tell” he chuckled as he looked down to his toned torso. I could see numbers, dates. Cursive writing.

“a teddy bear?” I found myself asking out loud.

“hey man, teddy bears are life” he muttered tracing over the tattoo with his fingers.

“if you say so man” I chuckled. I could see what looked to be a gang tattoo on his ribs.

“it's not an actual gang tattoo” he said as he lifted his arm up so I could see it better.

“then what is it?” I said tracing it with my fingers. It had a gun, a target sign and the word, Killer.

“it's more of a statement, Scarlet and Victor have it too, and so more people” he explained as my hands had trailed up to the tattoo on his chest. It was a black inked dragon, breathing fire. The attention to detail was amazing, the gills trailed down the dragons body and the eyes were almost as mesmerising as Delirious’ were.

“most of my tattoos are random, I like to let tattoo artists use my body as a canvas. I also have a shark eating a cheeseburger on this side” he said turning his body towards me.

“what!?” I burst out laughing. Never in all my days on this earth have I heard those words uttered in the same sentence. Keeping in mind I live with a bunch of weirdos who say some weird shit when they're drunk.

“I don't know man” Delirious chuckled. Delirious had moved closer to me now, he had also slouched down. I was tired, but Delirious showed no signs of tiredness. I let out yawn and Delirious chuckled.

“you're tired man, go to sleep” Delirious nudged my shoulder.

“I don't wanna leave you wide awake” I huffed I was angry at my body for being tired, I was enjoying talking to Delirious. His presence was calming.

“why? Afraid I'll slit your throat while you sleep?” Delirious chuckled that sinister smile making an appearance on his perfectly sculpted face.

“no, just don't want you getting bored without me” I smirked nudging him back.

“alright if you say so” he laughed. Delirious slipped down to my level and cuddled into the sheets. He turned to face the ceiling. My eyes were already closing and just as I was about to nod off, Delirious interrupted me again.

“hey man”

“what” I said in a somewhat whisper yell. He chuckled.

“can we cuddle?” he questioned in a innocent tone.

“if you let me go to sleep, you've interrupted me twice now!” I cursed him with a chuckle.

“i'll be quiet I swear” he chuckled and snuggled into my side. His touch was warm, his arms wrapped around my waist his head rested on my chest. His black fluffy hair tickled my chin. I felt warm and not in an external way, in a internal way

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