Chapter Six

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"Hadley, seriously, we need to talk

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"Hadley, seriously, we need to talk." Harry said, following the girl as she headed towards her room. Hadley had been ignoring him as she walked.

"You're right," Hadley finally answered, opening the door to her room. "We do." She said, stepping into the room. Harry followed her in, pushing the door shut behind him. "What the fuck is your problem?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"My problem?" Harry rose an eyebrow. "I don't think I'm the one with a problem here."

"Oh so now I'm problematic?" Hadley laughed humorlessly.

"You're not problematic, but you do have a problem in fucking listening to me." Harry replied.

"So basically, yes, I'm problematic." Hadley rolled her eyes.

"No." Harry shook his head. "See, this is exactly what I mean. You're not listening to me." He said seriously.

"Have you ever given a thought to you listening to me?" Hadley questioned. "Because you don't do it often."

"Hadley. We're not arguing about listening to each other because that just proves that neither of us listen." Harry sighed. She furrowed her eyebrows at him. "Freddie. Is. Bad. News." He said slowly and seriously. Hadley rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"This again. Just as I expected." She muttered.

"Hads, she's bad news." Harry said seriously, stepping towards her. "She's a manipulative bitch. She's using you." He said, looking into Hadley's eyes.

"Really? Because in my view, she's actually fucking making an effort with me." Hadley responded, stepping back from Harry. He noticed the little ashes that had begun to formulate around her head. "You know, she's trying to fucking understand me. She's trying to be my friend."

"No she's not, Hadley." Harry shook his head. "She's trying to fool you. She's manipulating you. And I'm not going to sit around and watch it happen because I care about you." He said, his tone going soft by the end.

"Really?" Hadley rose an eyebrow. "You fucking care about me? Because it seems like every single fucking time I try to build myself up again, someone is always there to knock me down again. I never thought that person would be my fucking boyfriend." She had begun to raise her voice now, and was close to shouting. Harry frowned instantly as the sparks and ashes around Hadley's head began to build up.

"Hadley, you need to-" Harry spoke gently, but Hadley cut him off.

"No!" Hadley shouted, her eyes flashing bright blue for a moment. Harry stepped back, a look of confusion and concern spreading across his face. "No Harry. You don't fucking understand how hard it's been for me." Hadley continued, tears springing to her eyes. "How hard it's been not having Grey around. Not being able to go and see him whenever I want. Not being able to see him when I'm having a bad day. Not being able to hear his voice. See his stupid smirk. Hear his idiot laugh. Not going to see him to have the randomest conversations and laugh until we can't breathe. Not being able to be annoyed at him when he teases me over something idiotic or when he pisses me off and then makes me laugh when I'm trying to be annoyed at him. Not being able to hug him. Not being able to go to him when I feel like shit. Not being able to have him say stupid things to make me smile when I thought I couldn't. He always knew how to fuckng cheer me up. He always knew how to pick me up when I was falling down again." Hadley's voice began to go quiet as tears started to roll down her cheeks. "He always knew how. He understood me. He It was weird... but it was perfect. He's my brother. And now he's fucking gone." She was almost whispering by now. Harry had a frown on his lips, but he could still feel the anger that he tried to bury inside him.

"You still have me, flame." He replied gently.

"But it's not the same." Hadley said, wiping her eyes. "You're not Grey. You just don't understand me like he did- does." She corrected herself.

"I try, Hadley." Harry's gentleness had suddenly gone. "Don't you understand how much I'm fucking trying?"

"Don't you understand how fucking hard it is to feel so alone when I'm surrounded by people?" Hadley retorted, the ashes and sparks still floating around her head.

"Hadley, I'm here for you. I try the best I can. But it's a hard job when all you do is shut me out and you don't talk to me." Harry began to raise his voice once again.

"It's not that fucking easy to talk." Hadley shook her head.

"But you seem to be talking to Freddie just fine and you barely know her." Harry responded with a small grumble.

"Because she actually fucking tries! Unlike you! And I'm not going to let your fucking opinion decide who I'm friends with!" Hadley snapped. All of a sudden, a cluster of flames sprung up in front of Harry's feet, causing him to jump back.

"Am I not enough for you? Is that the fucking problem?" Harry questioned. "You constantly fucking want more, don't you? You can't settle for what you have. You have more than some people on the Isle do. You should be fucking grateful. But you're always looking for more, aren't you?" He said, his voice raising with each word. More tears were threatening to fall from Hadley's eyes as she just stared at Harry. "Why aren't I enough for you?" He asked. Hadley's mouth opened and closed. She didn't know what to say.

"Harry... I-I can't." She shook her head, she looked him dead in the eyes, her facial expression still and solemn. "I think we need to take a break." She said monotonically. Harry looked at her in shock, tears springing to his eyes.

"Hadley... no... you don't mean that..." He shook his head, stepping towards her.

"Get out of my way." She muttered, waving her hand, putting out the fire she had started, and then walked past him. Harry suddenly realised his mistakes in what he had said. He wasn't going to let her walk away. She didn't know what she was saying.

"Hadley, wait." He begged, spinning around and reaching to grab her wrist. He just wanted to stop her from doing anything stupid to herself. He didn't know what thoughts he had put in her head but whatever they were, they weren't good. "No. I'm not going to do anything." She said coldly, moving her wrist before he could grab it. "And I don't want your apologies, so don't even fucking try." She muttered before leaving her room. She ran until she couldn't hear the calls of her name anymore. She ran until she was far from the chip shop. She ran until she ended up at the one place she knew she needed to go.

( a/n : i know a lot of you may be confused by hadley's actions in this chapter. therefore, i advise you to look up borderline personality disorder, which hadley suffers from. this may explain her actions in this chapter and in future chapters. it also may make you understand her character more. )



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