Chapter Four

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Hadley kicked her drawers in frustration as she tried to force one of them shut

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Hadley kicked her drawers in frustration as she tried to force one of them shut. That's usually what happened when she tried to fit too much into it. The furniture on the Isle was poor quality anyway, nevermind it overflowing with clothes. Eventually, she gave up and sighed in annoyance. Suddenly, the smell of burning travelled through the air. Hadley followed the smell, spinning around to see a small fire blazing away near Grey's camera.

"Shit." She muttered to herself. "Did I do that?" She said, quickly moving forward and grabbing the camera away from the fire. She held her gaze on the cluster of flames, furrowing her eyebrows. It didn't disappear. She tried waving her hand in front of the flames. And to her surprise, they disappeared. 'What the fuck?' She thought to herself. So it was her that started the fire without even thinking about it. She really needed to learn to control that.

Hadley shook herself from her thoughts and stood up, clutching the camera. She looked around her room, in search of a safe place to put it. But then again, nowhere on the Isle was safe. As Hadley was looking around her room, her eyes fell onto her bedside table. Eyeliner. Gone. Again.
"For fuck sake." She muttered. She was pissed at Harry already, but now he'd stolen her eyeliner for the six-millionth time. He was so dead when she was ready to talk to him again. She muttered a few Greek words in annoyance and dropped the camera onto her bed.

"You okay there?" A feminine voice came from the doorway. Hadley's head shot up to see Freddie Facilier stood leaning against the doorframe.

"Why are you here?" Hadley sighed. "Shouldn't you be..."

"Dead? Thrown overboard?" Freddie answered in a questioning tone. "I thought you'd have done that. You are the Captain after all." She pointed out. Hadley stepped forward, crossing her arms over her chest.

"That I am." She nodded slowly. "So state your business. Why are you here, how are you here and what the fuck do you want?" She asked in a bored tone.

"Okay, impatient much." Freddie raised an eyebrow. "Short temper, like your dad, huh?"

"I'm nothing like my dad." Hadley snapped in a harsh tone. "Don't ever say that ever again. And answer my questions before I end you myself." She added harshly.

"Okay... okay..." Freddie held her hands up in defence. "I have a room here. And I heard banging and stuff in your room while I was walking past... so..." She shrugged. Hadley rose an eyebrow.
"You really want to show your face here? Whe-"

"When the First Mate doesn't like me? You think he intimidates me?" Freddie laughed humorlessly.

"I know your past with him." Hadley said bluntly.

"Oh so he actually told you?" Freddie raised an eyebrow. "Cute." Hadley furrowed her eyebrows.

"Cute?" She questioned.

"Yeah," Freddie shrugged slightly. "A first mate telling his girlfriend Captain everything."

"I think that's supposed to be a factor in a relationship?" Hadley said, looking at the black-haired girl. "Especially when it concerns someone who he's very hostile towards." She added, her eyes glowering over Freddie.

"You know what a relationship is supposed to be like?" Freddie asked in fake shock. "Last I checked, you cheated on your last boyfriend and your relationship before that was built on sex." Hadley rolled her tongue around her mouth and rose an eyebrow.

"Oh so you keep track of my relationships now?" Hadley questioned, taking another step forward.

"Not exactly. Let's just say your... reputation exceeds you." Freddie shrugged.

"Oh tell me something I don't know." Hadley rolled her eyes. "So? Why do my relationships matter to you?" She asked.

"They don't." Freddie stood straight, looking at Hadley. "Nice hoodie by the way, which one does that belong to?" Hadley looked down at herself, bit her tongue and turned around. She should just kill this bitch right here. Freddie was insulting her, right? Then why didn't she care as much?

"Why are you still here?" She questioned, her eyes focusing on a hole in the wall.

"Why are you still talking to me?" Freddie retorted. Hadley closed her eyes for a moment, letting out a sigh.

"If you didn't want something you'd have left by now." She muttered, spinning around. "What do you want from me, Freddie?" She questioned.

"Glad you asked." Freddie smiled slightly- Hadley couldn't tell if it was fake or not. "I just want a normal conversation with the new Captain." Freddie shrugged.

"New? It's been like, a month." Hadley pointed out. "And normal doesn't exist. It's the Isle." She said, looking at her nails, long and painted black.

"I don't need you to tell me that." Freddie rolled her eyes slightly. "My dad is the master of voodoo, you don't need to tell me about the lack of normal."

"My dad is the Lord of the Underworld. I think I win." Hadley said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Not really, when you barely have someone to call dad and he's stuck in his little mine cave sulking." Freddie shrugged. Hadley rose an eyebrow and bit her tongue again.

"What? You shocked about how much I actually know you?"

"Don't try to do what Uma did." Hadley sighed, rolling her eyes.

"What?" Freddie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Σκατά." Hadley muttered. "Nothing." She responded quickly. Freddie rose an eyebrow but didn't question further, surprisingly yet thankfully. "Look, do you want that conversation or not?" Hadley asked after a moment of silence and a sigh.

"Yes." Freddie smiled. Hadley glanced at her bed, throwing the blankets over Grey's camera that was on it and then walking towards the door. "After you, princess." Freddie smirked slightly, triggering a dagger glare from Hadley before she walked out of her room.

"Don't. Don't ever call me princess or I will burn you." She warned, pulling her bedroom door shut. She then began to walk down the corridor.

"If looks could kill." Freddie muttered, shaking her head before following Hadley.



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