Chapter Twenty-Five

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*Months Later*

Franky had been trying to find Hadley for months but he couldn't do it. He had watched to see if she had come out of Hades' lair but nothing. He wanted to find her, he had to find her. He glanced over at the pile of Grey's things as he pushed his fingers through his hair. He had failed Grey, he couldn't even talk to Grey and he couldn't even find the stupid key to get Hadley back.

He sat down on the bed, gripping his hair in frustration. This is what it had been like for him for months. All he could think about was her, where was she? How could he save her? He had to save her, keep her safe. Not just for Grey because he told him to, because he loved her. He was in love with her and he missed her so much.

He got to his feet and walked over to the book. He picked it up and flicked through it. Every scrap of information had been crammed inside it. It was information about Hades, Hadley, his lair, the people he was associated with. It was everything he had learnt over the last few months. He was hoping it would lead him to Hadley and lead him to that stupid key.

However, it hadn't. He couldn't fit the jigsaw together. It was like he had all the pieces but he just didn't know how they fit. He was struggling, he felt hopeless. Every day he had been going at it, he'd tried everything. He'd talked to everyone who could know something but he just couldn't do it.

He was missing something, he could feel it but he just didn't know what. The hopelessness was just increasing every day and the guilt was worse. He had failed Grey, he had promised something and of course, failed. The tears began to form but he blinked them back.

Even with the guilt, the pain and hopelessness, his love for Hadley only grew. He missed her more than he thought was possible, he longed for her. All he had of her was Grey's stuff. That was it. That's all he had of her and that made his heart hurt. He just missed her, no matter what he'd tried he couldn't stop thinking about her and her alone.

He threw the book to the side, collapsing back onto his bed as he felt the tears well in his eyes. He couldn't cry again, not today. Maybe he could find her today, he just had to find her. He was going to try again, but alas, he knew he would fail.

He pushed his fingers through his hair, letting his hand fall to the bed. He wanted to find her, he wanted to but he just felt hopeless. He had nowhere to turn, he had no one to talk to. He was so fucking alone and it killed him. He needed her back and he just needed her. Grey was going to kill him if they ever saw each other again, he had failed him. He always failed.

"Where the fuck are you, love? Are you still in there..." He muttered softly as he covered his face with his hands, trying not to cry as he swallowed the lump in his throat.


Hades was sat on his chair, a million things running through his mind as he waited for Hadley. She'd been gone for a while now and he was worried she'd been taken away from him again, even though she'd stayed with him for months and their relationship had improved greatly. Their evil schemes and revenge plans bringing them closer together. Hades liked that, he liked finally having a connection with his daughter. He never meant to neglect her, he did love her deep down but he tried to cover that up to keep himself strong and evil.

However, Hades was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard the familiar footsteps of Hadley. He looked up from the floor to see her there. Blue-haired, blood-red lipstick, leathered up and fiery. As she should be.

"I'm back." She smirked, her arms crossed over her chest.

"So, what's the low-down?" Hades asked, getting to his feet.

"They'll open the barrier in a week for VK Day. They're choosing new VKs to go to Auradon and that's when we'll escape. That's when we'll finally strike." Hadley explained as she threaded a black ribbon around Hades' ember, bringing it over her neck to wear it as a necklace.

"Sounds like a plan, kiddo." Hades smirked, and Hadley returned an evil smirk, mischief glinting in her eyes.

"Auradon will never see this coming. They'll regret they ever betrayed me." Hadley whispered.




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