Diamonds & Pearls (14)-The Return of My Milk Brother

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Dedicated to:

purplepuff (For the beautiful cover you sent me a while back)

purpleprincess618 (For being nothing short of amazing)

Angelwings96 (For supporting my work so full heartedly)

Before You Read: Hey guys! Quick reminder here! If you're delaying a prayer right now to read this story, stop whatever you're doing and go pray! Don't let anything take you away from Allah. Especially not this story. Now if you're all prayed up, go ahead and enjoy this chapter.

CHAPTER FOURTEEN-The Return of My Milk Brother

To say that my dad was angry when we told him what happened is an understatement. He was absolutely furious. Just like I had to stop Zayan's rage before, Zayan had to stop Abi. Talk about tempers running in the family. Luckily enough my mother calmed my father down eventually. Even though she was highly upset herself, she didn't show it. She's always been such a calm person. I think that's where Zayna gets it from because Zayan and I have very short fuses when it comes to our tempers. I remember once when I was eight, I took Zayna's phone after she told me I couldn't use it and accidentally dropped it in dishwater. When I told her, I could see that she was absolutely pissed but she closed her eyes for a few seconds and took a deep breath. Then she told me that it would be alright and she'd save up for a new one. I'm not sure why but it had made me feel ten times worse when she hadn't gotten upset with me.

Back to the point, my dad was so upset that the next day, he and my mother barged into the principal's office. I'd begged them not to do it like that but they persisted and of course everyone knew that they were my parents. I went to my regular classes as I normally would have and by the end of the day, four people were suspended from school. Turns out the jock's name was Erik Howards, not that it mattered at all to me. All I knew was that he was a terrible person. Someone who was cruel for no good reason. I was just grateful that no one had gotten a picture of me without my hijab and spread it around. I'd really be in tears then.

When I went to class, somehow everyone knew about what happened. Jade and Charice were sad for me but couldn't understand my feelings like a Muslim friend would have. I didn't feel any animosity toward them for that but it would have been nice to have had a friend who could sympathize with my situation. I'd have to get over such simple things though. There aren't always going to be Muslims around me, I had to come to terms with that. When I made it to biology, Marriam wasn't there at all. With yesterdays events, I'd completely forgotten what Marriam had said she was going to do. And when I remembered, it made my stomach squirm. I tried to erase my personal feelings from the equation but it was hard.

I hadn't seen Cole all day. Although I would never admit it to anyone else, my eyes kept darting to every guy in the vicinity, searching for him. I wasn't sure why I was searching for him but I couldn't help it. Since I had a free period, I decided to sit outside the building and draw. I hadn't drawn anything in a long time because it reminded me too much of home and the people I'd left behind. I took out my drawing pad and began to sketch randomly. After about fifteen minutes, I stopped and stared at what I'd drawn. It was a masculine guy with dark wild hair, and a scarf covering the bottom half of his face. Soulful eyes stared up at me. I swallowed and then proceeded to rip the paper in half. What in the world was I thinking when I drew up that one?

“Why would you sit there and draw all of that just to rip it in half?” Cole said quietly. For a nanosecond, I thought I was imagining his voice. Then I realized that he had been standing there, arms folded, with his back against a nearby wall the whole time.

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