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the events of last night were a blur.

it all came back when i realized what position i was in. i was sitting on brendon's lap, his arms around my waist and mine around his neck. my head was resting on his chest. he was fast asleep, his mouth slightly open. we had watched every single harry potter movie last night, all in order. i couldn't stop staring until i realized something.

i had to get cali, and the paternity test was being taken today.

not wanting to wake him up, i quickly climbed off of him. "shit!" i whisper shouted, calling eve. i explained everything, and she hysterically laughed. panicked, i threw on a pair of ripped jeans. over it i put a white sweatshirt, throwing on a pair of doc martens.

my long hair was in a ponytail, it cascading down my back as i brushed my teeth and applied light makeup. i ran down the stairs, noticing brendon was still asleep.

i left him a bowl of cereal, texting him to go to his house and send me the address and i'd be there with cali.

grabbing the paternity test, i was out the door.

i sped off to emilia and roslyn's house. when i got there, cali was excited to see me. "hi mommy!" she squealed, jumping into my arms. she told me all about her sleepover, but then asked me what we were doing now.

"we're gonna...." i thought about how to word it. "we're gonna go to mr urie's house" i said, her jumping up and down in her car seat. brendon has texted me the address, so i'm assuming he was home.

we drove down our street, passing our apartment complex and driving to brendon's. we went up to his apartment, number 777.

i knocked on the door, a man with shaggy brown hair opening it. he had subtle eyeliner on. "hiya" he smiled. i walked into brendon's apartment, shivering because i left my sweatshirt in the car.

cali walked in, giving brendon a hug. i looked around. it was neat, guitars absolutely everywhere along with musical things. he had some pictures, mostly with family and band members.

brendon instantly took off his sweatshirt when he saw me, handing it to me without a word. i slipped it on although it was big on me. it smelt like his cologne. it was a grey hoodie, it having his bands logo on it.

the guys were sat on the couch, the paternity test on the table. "who are you?" cali asked, the guys clearly terrible with kids. well, minus the guy who opened the door.

"we're brendon's friends" he said. cali titled her head. "who's brendon?" she asked. the guy raised his hands in surrender, his eyes wide.

"you can call me brendon, when we aren't in school" brendon said, sitting next to me on the couch as cali sat on both our laps. "okay" she giggled, absolutely clueless.

"wanna go color?" i asked her, taking a coloring book out of my bag and some crayons. she smiled, grabbing the book and walking over to brendon's kitchen floor, laying down and beginning to color.

"why are we here man?" one, brent if i remember, asked. brendon stood up, me by his side as we looked at the three clueless men.

"brent, ryan, spencer. this is lilly" he said, pointing to me as i gave an awkward wave. "oh, the girl you've been talking about?" ryan asked innocently, making him facepalm.

"anyways" he stopped the guys laughter. "we're all taking a paternity test. for that little girl over there" brendon said, pointing to cali.

spencer smirked, "that kid's yours, urie" he said. "how do you figure? could be any of ours" brendon said. ouch.

"she taps her fingers like you do, she's got your eyes. when i walked in here i instantly thought she was yours" ryan said. brendon shrugged, handing everyone of us a swab to swab our cheek.

"i damn well know she's not mine. i'll stay uncle brent, thank you" brent said.

"brendon, why am i here? i'm gay!" ryan exclaimed. spencer started to laugh, and before we all knew it we were hysterically laughing.

"okay but you never know. just to be safe." brendon said, mid cheek swab.

"she's not mine, she's adorable and all but i haven't boned in-" spencer started but we all cut him off.

"you never know!" brendon said, placing the 5 swabs in the box. one left, and it was cali's.

"cali?" brendon said, grabbing a swab and sitting on the couch. cali came over and sat on his lap, facing him and putting her hands all over his face. "are my hands cold?"

brendon laughed, shaking his head. "wanna play a fun game?" he asked cali. cali nodded eagerly. "put this on your cheeks, on the inside" cali understood what he said, rubbing the cotton swab on her cheek and handing it to brendon.

"thank you m'lady" he said, placing it in the box. she got off his lap, running back to her coloring book to finish coloring elsa.

"that kid's yours" brent said. "even if she isn't, you're her father" brent said.

"what do you mean?" brendon said, focused on sealing up the box so he could ship it out. they assumed i wasn't paying attention since i was talking to cali, but i was all ears and listening.

"that kid needs a father, and if on the off chance she's somehow one of ours or a random persons child, you still need to be in her life. i saw the way she acted with you, youre her father figure. she just met you and already sees you as that. and that lilly girl? you're obsessed with her" spencer said.

"guess we'll send out the swabs and hope for the best, eh?"

GOLDEN DAYS - BRENDON URIEWhere stories live. Discover now