Chapter 2(edited)

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Audri's POV

It's tuesday and I didn't feel like going to school today but I'm going to go cause I kinda wanna see Kyrhee. I got up and saw my sister still in bed the red bush she calls her natural weave was all over her face and her arms and legs were stretched out all over the bed.

"Melody...." I said while shaking her.

"Whatttt" She said in a groggy annoyed voice.

"Get the fuck up." I shouted while jumping on her. She started laughing.

"Alright." She said while pushing me off of her and going back to sleep. I kicked her.

"Ouch wtf Audri." She screamed. Now I got her full attention.

"Eww go brush yo stank mouth." I said while walking away and going to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and peeled my clothes off and went into the shower. I used my amber blush soap. Once I was done I went to go pick out my outfit I had decided on a white v-neck , jeans and my timbs. I left my hair curly.

When I got downstairs my sister was already gone and my dad was at work it was only my mom watching tv and yelling "THAT BITCH KNOW THAT AIN'T HIS BABY SMDH." I just laughed.

"Alright mom in gots ta go." I said.

"Bye baby." My mom said not glancing my way. I just walked out laughing.

When I got outside I saw Cameron waiting for me he had on some dark wash jeans that he sagged as usual and a grey shirt that said just do it in black and his retro 13's wolf grey.

"Hey" I said while he pulled me into a hug.

"Wassup" He replied.

When we got up to the school I saw Taylor waiting at the door for someone. Ugh this bitch I thought in my head. Once I got out the car Taylor started to approach me.

"It's to fucking early in the morning for this." I mumbled.

"So you thought your thoty ass could take my man" She said once she got to me. I looked around cause I knew she wasn't talking to me I know she wasn't. I pointed to some girl who was watching.

"I think she's talking to you cause I know she not talking to me" I said.

"I am talking to you dumbass." She said getting in my face.

"It's to early in the morning for this Taylor so move cuz I don't wanna hurt you." I said trying to step to the side by now everyone who was in the parking lot was staring at us.

She punched me.

"OHHHHHH" The crowd roared. I stood there for a minute. Amongst the crowd I heard people saying "If a bitch ever punched me i woulda eat her ass shitttttttt" "Man she to bitch to hit her back" "Punch her back"

All of a sudden the anger took over me....I punched her then I just started throwing punches till I felt someone start pulling me away and I kicked her in her head.

" DUMB BITCH!" I yelled. "Get off of me" I screamed to the person dragging me off it was Kyrhee.

"What" I asked once saw him

"Where did Cameron go?" I asked again annoyed.

"Who's Cameron?" He asked.

"Ugh nvm I just need to get to class." I said before I started to walk off but he grabbed my arm.

"Are you mad at me." He asked with sincerity in his eyes.

"No I'm just mad because I know I'm going to get in trouble because of that stupid ass hoe."

When we entered the class everyone was staring at us but Cameron wasn't in class. Where the hell did he go? I thought.

"Oh welcome Mr.Walkinson and Ms.Cater By the way Ms.Cater you are needed by the principle." Ms.Williams said. I knew I wasn't going to hear the end of this I thought.

When I got to the office I was immediately sent to Mr.M The principle.

"I'm very disappointed Ms.Carter." He started as i sat down in the red office chair.

"Okay." I said with an idgaf attitude which I really didnt.

"Uh...Anyway I'm going to let you off with a warning since this is the first time you have been in my office but I expect better from you and I have informed your parents." He said while smiling at me and leading me to the door.

"That's fine bye." I said while walking out I don't got time for this.


It was finally lunch time when i saw Cameron. He was kissing some Mexican girl named Malina. I just ignored him and sat by Brea, Jay and his crew. Kyrhee saw me and smiled he scooted over so I could sit next to him. I sat down and he put his arm around me.

"Wassup" he asked me.

"Nothing I just don't feel good." I replied which wasn't a complete lie my head did hurt and my arms were sore.

"It's okay." He said while pulling me into his embrace.

"Are yall done?" Brea said while looking at us in disgust. I laughed.

"Isn't this how you and Jay used to always act?" I asked with a now serious voice.

"Yeah used to" She said while mugging him. I just realized he was the only one not talking at the table instead he was looking down with a sad expression.

I was going to ask him what was wrong but I already knew the answer to that.

Once school was over Kyrhee came to me.

"Hey want a ride from school?" He said grinning from ear to ear showing off the dimple he had in his left cheek.

"Sure" I said. Come to think of it I did need a ride because I was not going to ride with Cameron he knew that the only reason Taylor fought me was because of him and he didn't even try to stop her.

"Okay my car's over here." He said pointing to his white Bugatti. Dang he must be rich.When I got inside I instantly started to sing along and doing the shmoney dance in my seat "Bout a week ago (week ago) fuck wid us and then we tweaking hoe." Kyrhee started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked him

"Nothing it's just you're so cute." he said.

"Whatever you just mad you can't dance like me." I said continuing to dance.

"Okay which one is your house." He asked while driving slowly past the houses.

"That one" I said pointing to my house...I noticed no cars were there great now I'll have to wait before my parents get home. I thought smiling to myself.

"Thanks." I said about to hop out of his car.

"Wait I don't get a kiss?" he asked me.

"Nahh we just met." I said playfully He pretended to be pouting.

"Fine" I said while giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye" He said cheesing. I just smiled back while blushing. Once I got inside I turned around and closed my bedroom door.

This boy got me falling for him.

Picture of Taylor.

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