Chapter 23

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Chapter 23
The Morning After
Shawn Mendes
927 Words

I stand to the side and watch as Sarah debates who to go up to first. She doesn't finish making up her mind before Aaliyah runs up to her at hugs her. I smile and walk up to my parents, hugging them and giving my mom a kiss on the cheek. I look over my shoulder and Sarah has finally relaxed and very engaged in whatever conversation she's having with Aaliyah "Do you want me to call her over Mom? She really wants to meet you guys." She shakes her head "She's happy, your sister is happy, we'll meet on our own terms. Stop bossing around your girl, you know she's happy now. How about you tell her if it's okay if she stays at our place, she might not be comfortable." I smile in agreement and walk over to Sarah, gently tapping her shoulder "We should probably head back soon, are you gonna come with us or do you want me to get you a hotel room?" She finishes her sentence and turns to me "Could I come with you guys? It's just what happened the last time I wandered around Toronto, or I guess Pickering alone. But if that really doesn't work it's okay." I feel a twinge of pain in my heart, remembering what she just described. I hold her hand "Come with me, I've got you. Aaliyah you're coming too." She smiles and walks up to my parents, smiling even though I know she's nervous. I let her hand go and she freezes for a moment, thinking of what to do. She doesn't get the chance to decide before my mom engulfs her in a hug. Sarah's taken aback for a second but hugs back, I can see the tension leave her shoulders. I hear Sarah whisper and apology and my heart breaks a little, knowing how much guilt she still holds in her heart. She talks briefly with my parents before we get into my mom's car and go to my house. Sarah holds my hand the whole way there, I know she's still nervous to mess up. She's allowed to be, the last time this was supposed to happen she almost died. I walk her up to my house and let go of her hand, whispering "You're okay, they love you." She thanks me quietly and walks in, taking in everything around her. We don't have a huge house, but it's nice. It's not long until Aaliyah drags Sarah up to her room. I'm so glad they've bonded so well, considering they've only talked over the phone before today. I sit down with my parents at the dinner table while my mother pours out glasses of wine for us. We talk casually, filling each other in on our lives up to now. Occasionally we can hear Aaliyah and Sarah laughing upstairs and it just warms my heart. Sarah's part of my family, I just hope she knows that. We let our conversation dissipate, that is until Sarah walks down the stairs and joins us "Aaliyah fell asleep so I figured I'd join you guys. I'm terribly sorry if I interrupted anything." My mom shakes her head and I pull a chair out so that she can sit beside me. My dad clears his throat "Love, we hold nothing against you. We just want to hear your side of the story, if you wouldn't mind?" She nods and starts telling them exactly what she told me almost a week ago. I zone out a bit, only focusing on the stars that I can see out the window. I feel her grip on my hand tighten to I turn to her and see that she's crying. I hate that she still carries the burden of what she did with her constantly. I lift her onto my lap and wrap my arms around, whispering encouragement to her. Soon enough, she calms down and my parents take turns responding to what she said. I don't pay that much attention to it until my father says "For the record, you have my blessing to marry my son. That is, if you want to." I'm filled with a feeling I can't describe, but it feels so good. Just the thought of spending the rest of my life with her brings a smile to my face. Sarah says something but I don't care, I'm too distracted by her beauty. My mom dismisses us, saying that it's late and we've had a long day. I agree, getting up while carrying Sarah in my arms. She protests, of course "Put my down! I can walk! If you drop me from this height I might as well die!" I laugh softly "Shhh, princess. I won't drop you. Just trust me." She grunts in disapproval, and I take her up into my room. I carefully set her down on my bed and she's instantly captivated by all the fan art I've plastered my walls with. I change into my clothes for bed, or lack there of, tapping Sarah on the shoulder lightly. She turns around and her jaw drops "Hot damn, Mendes. You're gonna give me a heart attack." I laugh and get in bed beside her. There's no doubt about it, this is the girl I'm spending the rest of my life with.

A/N: Sorry about the late update, I had lots of exams for school to keep up with. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! ❤️

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