Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
The Morning After
Sarah Wilson
1070 Words

I yawn and stretch, I had just woken up from a few hours of sleep. We talked a lot last night, mainly about the fact that we just admitted that we loved each other, but also about random things. I look over at Shawn who's well awake and I smile. He comes and sits beside me "Good morning sleepyhead." I laugh softly "Good morning.." He smiles at me while brushing some of my hair away from my face "Is someone not quite awake yet?" I nod and he stands back up "Suck it up buttercup, I want you to take me on a tour of LA. I want to see where you grew up, all your favourite places, everything." I laugh softly and sit up "Okay, but you're gonna have to pay a fee, Mendes." He smirks at me "Hmm. Mendes, it really has a ring to it when it comes out your mouth." I gasp and hit him lightly "Be quiet!" He stares at me daringly "Make me." So, I do. I stand up and hold his face in my hands and kiss him sweetly. His shock quickly turns to him kissing me back. We break off the kiss after a few moments and I get dressed. Shawn talks in the background as I do my hair "So, your payement is an hourly rate of 5 kisses. Not negotiable hun, 5 is just right. You know what? I'm really excited for today. It's gonna be a lot of fun." I laugh at his comments and finish getting ready. Guys have it so easy, they just put a T-shirt and pants on, run their hand through their hair for dramatic effect, and that's it. He also decided on walking around all day so I put on a light jacket and my trainers, as does he. We head out together and the first place I take him to is the playground of my elementary school. I tell him all the wild stories that played out here, like the time I fell off the monkey bars and though I had died, or when I accidentally joined the grade 1 gang as the secretary. After we had stopped laughing at my stories we went to play on the playground. As you know, Shawn is tall. Really tall. Even though I warned him, he smacked his head on a few things anyways. We chased each other around and I couldn't be happier. This, this was my normal. He was my normal. Any variation of that.. I just can't picture. We spent about an hour at the park and then moved on to destination two, the recreation centre. I don't have my pass anymore so I bought us both day tickets. We made a promise that if he played soccer with me, I'd let him teach me how to skate. Our two-person makeshift game ended as a tie. Thank god for that, or either of us would be flashing off our egos like a medal. I held up my side of the deal and went to the rink. Who knew skates were so hard to get on? Well, hard for normal people. Shawn just slips them on. Once we got over putting on the skates, I had to skate. I can barely walk to the gate! Shawn is out of his mind thinking I can skate. He holds out his arm and he walks me onto the ice slowly. Hurdle number two, handled. He lets go of me and in the blink of an eye, I fall right on my butt. It takes Shawn a few minutes to stop laughing before he helps me up "I know you can't skate but I thought you'd at least have balance!" I hug him lightly to stay upright "Well you assumed wrong, mind teaching me, mr. expert skater?" He gets me to stand by holding on to his hands instead of his whole body, then he pulled me around the rink a few times, and then he pushed me away to skate on my own. I wobbled and fell but eventually I got the hang of it. After about thirty minutes, he asks me to try and jump. "Actually? You know what, yes I will. I'm the best skater, better than you!" He laughs at my sudden confidence while I build up speed. And then I jump! And then I fell. Hard. Even I laughed at this point, so did Shawn. He leaned down to help me up but instead he kissed me, again and again and again. I'm so glad his fame got us private ice time. I kiss him back and he smiles "Sorry for my late payment, now get up girl." Right, the five kisses an hour thing. We get off the ice and struggle once more to take off my skates the go up to the second floor to grab a bite to eat. We both have a wrap with a smoothie. After eating we leave the recreation centre "There's many other places I'd love to show you, and another day I'm sure I will, but there's one very important place we need to visit. We might be theres a while. Trust me?" Shawn nods confidently "So, is this place walking distane or not?" I ponder for a second before telling him that yes, it was walking distance if he had the energy. Of course, he has the energy so we start walking.I tell him tales about all the parks and buildings we walk by. He nods silently in acknoledgemnt, never interrupting me once, simply listening. We fall in and out of silence but everything is right. It seems as if we've created our own world wihtin this busy city. A half an hour later, we arrive at my house. Shawn looks at me nervously "Are you sure? You know, I haven't seen them since, you know, uhm, the wedding and I, I don't know about this." I hold his hand gently "Yeah, I'm sure. It's me who has to do all the explaining, you were never in the wrong. It's okay. Just trust me." We walk up to the door and I knock softly, my mom answering in the matter of seconds "Sarah! Shawn! Sarah... we have to talk."

A/N: Sorry about the late update! Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!

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