Chapter 19

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Chapter 19
The Morning After
Shawn Mendes
881 Words

Silence holds the room for a moment until Sarah breaks into sobs in front of me "I-I'm, I'm so sorry Shawn. I sw-swear I didn't mean to break, break your heart. I, I wanted the best for you. That-That's why I left.. I'm so sorry." I wrap my arms around her and pull her head into my chest "Shhh, it's okay. I never got over you. Everyone's got their own reasons to do what they do. Yours, is valid, I guess. It's okay Sarah." She calms down a bit and I take her face in my hands, wiping away her tears with my thumb. She looks at me as if she's searching for something in my eyes. I study every freckle on her face and her beauty overwhelms me. With absolute certainty, I lean my face down and kiss her with all the passion I have. I kiss her hungrily, as if I'm addicted to the poison of her lips. It's so good, even if she was gone. Her quiet moans are my favourite song. We break the kiss and catch our breaths. We've said everything we wanted to say with the language of love. She stands up slowly and holds my hand, so I follow her. She takes me out to her balcony and climbs up a ladder that presumably leads to the roof. Isn't that, like, illegal? I can't believe the places that she takes me. Once we get there, there's already blankets and pillow. I look to her and raise a questioning eyebrow "I used to come here pretty often, the night sky is so beautiful. Just lay down and trust me?" I smile and lay down beside her, holding her hand. The bright starts twinkle, even all starts in the sky knows that she's perfectly wrong for me. I look to my side and she's fast asleep. I watch her troubled eyes and she rests, and I fall in love with every breaths. Wonder if those eyes are really shut and why can't I quit, even when she breaks my heart open, cause I need her more than I know. My mom is always so worried about me, telling me I'm waisting my time running after a woman who doesn't want me. But, to call this waisting time, oh, that's a crime. All the medias bounce back and forth calling Sarah and I crazy for what happened, but man, I'm a fool for Sarah. I can't even imagine the pain she must've been in to do what she did on our wedding day. God, please let me bear the pain, if this is all it takes. I brush the hair away from her face and gently whisper "You don't have to do this on your own, I'll be your shoulder to lean on, I'll be your right when you feel wrong, if this is what it takes." She turns closer to me and when she's up against my skin, I can't resist drawing gentle patterns on her arm. Oh, I never want to let her go. I hold her close to me and let the subtle sounds of a busy city lull me to sleep.


I'm jousted awake by sirens but I'm soon comforted as I realize that they're not coming near us. Looking to my side is when my heart really drops because I realize we are still on Sarah's roof. I look beside me and Sarah's still beside me, thank god, and she's still asleep. By some miracle, she was not woken up by the screeching sirens. Only now did I notice the nipping cold that had settled in overnight, well I guess during the night because it's still dark out. I notice the goosebumps on Sarah's arms and the slight blue tinge on her lips and that's all it takes for me to decide to go back in. I wrap her up as carefully as I can in the blanket and slip my arms under her knees and her neck. I lift her up and walk to the edge, now I've gotta get down this ladder. I go down the only way I can, extremely slowly. Once I'm on solid ground, I go in Sarah's room and lay her gently on her bed. Again, she is still fast asleep. I move her from the blanket to her bedsheets and she still hasn't budged. I lay beside her and take a few minutes to study all the particularities about her. The shade of her lips, her eyelashes, the rise and fall of her chest, the size of her hand in mine, her sweet little sleepy mumbles, she's just so perfect. I take all of those little details in and it overwhelms me. In the heat of the moment, I lean down "I love you, Sarah." Sarah smiles widely and her cheeks turn a delicate shade of pink "I love you too, Shawn."

A/N: Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! If you picked up on the references comment them or message me!

P.S 2018 Has been an amazing year for me and I hope it was for all of you as well! 2019 is gonna be a good year ❤️

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