Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
The Morning After
Shawn Mendes
819 Words

I turned around, only to see her face turn a ghostly shade of white, stricken by fear. She croaks out a soft response "No, I can't do this, you don't know me and I don't know you. I've forgotten and it's not your damn place to make me remember. Please, please don't run after me." Before I even get to respond, she swiftly turns around and runs out of the room. That was.. not how I expected this to go. I sit against the strikingly white wall and run my hand through my hair. I won't go running after her. I could hear the trace of heartbreak when she pleaded that I don't. I'm not John Mayer's sound technician but I sure do need her help. All I've been able to do is work. She fuels my writing and I can't stop. Absolutely, everyone is concerned. As horrid my habits might be, I can't stop. After a few minutes of lingering silence, John walks in the room with a somber look on his face "Didn't go as planned?" I chuckle lightly and shake my head "Not at all." He walks up to me and pats me on the shoulder "My show is about to start, but I wish the best for you man. If my advice is of any worth, go out tonight. See you later." I smile at him and wave him off. I sing along to the first few songs, all alone in the room. When he breaks to talk to the crowd, I make my way out and sit in the backstage hallway. I can see the venue, but I'm unnoticeable as far as the crowd goes. Everyone looks so happy, including Sarah. She's swaying lightly with her grab bag on her back. I still remember how she put a heart pin on the strap, to remind herself why she cares. I can see the stage lights reflecting off the enamel. Of course she still cares, I have no doubt about that. Everyone see,s so simple here. They're happy, and they didn't need to figure out a million things to be happy. That's what I need. A simple fix of happiness. Zero cares, just freedom. I guess I must've been thinking out loud, as Andrew sits beside me "I don't condone drinking, but believe me when I say this, you need it. Go out tonight. There's a new bar not far from here. I'll get you there without fans following you. You deserve this. " I look to him "Positive?" He nods and gets back up "Meet me in the back room when you're done reflecting about your midlife crisis, Mendes." I laugh to myself and wait until the show is over. I still wanted to say goodbye to John before a disappeared to my midnight escape. As much as Andrew can hope, I didn't reflect. Just some good old overthinking with a side of anxiety. I get up and meet the crew in the back room. I congratulate John on his performance and tell him I'll be taking his advice and going out. He thanks me and I go to Andrew. He tells me to just walk to the bar without a disguise. I almost want to object but it's pitch black outside, no one will be able to notice me. I thank him once more and head outside, putting on my jacket. The neon sign leads me right to my destiny. I sit at the bar and order a few shots of tequila. It's strong but it'll get the job done. An hour in to my drinking binge and I am completely wasted. A girl approaches me, who's also pretty drunk herself, and asks me to dance. I accept her offer and we waste away the rest of the night dancing and sharing anything that crossed our minds. The more we drank, the less we talked, the more we drank, and the closer we got. By the time the bartender cut us both off, my hands were on her waist and we were a mere inch from each other. She wastes no time to close the gap, kissing me passionately. An energy that I've never felt before runs through me and I kiss back. We stumble back against the wall and I whisper in her ear "We're going back to my place, baby." She nods mindlessly and I hold her hand, leading her out into the chilly streets of Los Angeles. I order us an Uber and we got home in the blink of an eye. We don't hesitate to resume what was interrupted. There's something so right and so wrong about her. The last thing that crosses my mind before we both fall back onto my bed is, thank god I'm drunk.

A/N: Thank you for reading and remember to vote and comment! ❤️

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