A Proscriptive Relationship- XxSkater2Girl16xX

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Title- A Proscriptive Relationship

Author- XxSkater2Girl16xX


Holly's new, young teacher has a dark past, and a dangerous future. She soon finds herself charmed by his ways, and gets thrown into the chaos. Who knew having an ex-gangster for a teacher could be so troublesome? As Holly and Mr. Heywood grow closer, more questions about his past come upon Holly, as does danger. What is Mr. Heywood keeping from Holly? And why is it so bad? But most importantly, if she falls for him, could their relationship survive? After all... it would be a proscriptive relationship.

Becki- Well let me start of by stating what most people reading this book is thinking, ‘what on earth does Proscriptive mean and how the hell do you pronounce it??’ This book is incredible guys! Now the bonus perks of this author, is that she went through self-publishing meaning she never took the original copy of her book off of wattpad, which means you guys can read it online AND buy a physical copy. When I heard about the self-publishing I re-read the book and pre ordered the physical copy. The joy I had when I held my copy for the first time and being able to read it, was incredible! This book is completed!

Belle- Babycakes, I agree whole heartedly with your review. I love the plot and the characters. Most people would frown upon this storyline but they can’t say SH*T cause they haven’t read it! This is my favourite book on Wattpad, blah I get emotional just thinking about it! If you think our reviews are awful and we have awful tastes in book and would never listen to our advice, then that’s fine, but please take the time to read this book, you will NEVER regret it! Also everyone buy a copy of amazon as the feels you get holding it for the first time is incredible. 

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