Chapter 20

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Anakin Skywalker, Padme Skywalker, Mace Windu and Princess Genevieve have traveled to the planet of Kamino, to rescue to mutant that were on a special mission. But Qui gon Jin is on Kamino, not knowing all hell is about to break lose......

Anakin, Padme, Mace and Genevieve are all standing in the center of the ship, as it hovers over the ruff seas of Kamino.

"Alright, here's the plan." Said Genevieve. "We'll all go in as bounty hunters. Once we dive into the water, I'll bend it, to make an air pocket so you guys can breath."

"What about you?" Asked Mace.

"I can breath under water master Windu. How else do I get to the mermaid?"


"Anyway, once we get to the lab Padme will use her telepathy to find the mutants. We find them and get out, we don't want to other wise use our powers unless it is necessary." They all nodded as Padme held her head.

"Padme, what's wrong?" Anakin asked.

"They are in pain, so much pain. We have to hurry."

"Let's go then." Anakin put the ship on auto pilot and opened the hanger door as they all dived into the sea.

30 Minutes later

Mace, Anakin and Padme walked on the sea bed as Genevieve continued to bend the water around them.

"Master whats wrong?" Anakin asked Mace who stopped in his tracks.

"There are Coruscant Jedi here." Mace said as everyone went pale.

"We'll deal with that later, right now we have to focus on the mission on hand." Said Genevieve. "We'er here." Genevieve parted a small section of water around the lab. "Master Windu, would you like to do the honors?"

"With pleasure, your highness." Mace get out his purple lightsaber, and cut a hole in the side of the lab. They all climbed inside. Genevieve bended the metal to close the hole.

"Since when can you bend metal?" Asked Padme

"Since I found out I could bend metal, still learning. Let's not get off the task at hand. Me and Master Windu will shut down the lab, While Padme and Anakin will find Our mutants."

"All right then." Anakin said as he set off with Padme.

20 minutes later

"Master, can you hear me?"

"Yes Anakin, what is it?"

"Me and Padme have found them, get ready to shut the power off."

"Power out in 3,2,1." All the lights went out as Anakin and Padme bursted into the cell and grabbed the mutants.

Meanwhile, at the main Kamino lab

"Rex, What is that blasted sound!!!!??" Yelled Ahsoka.

"No idea commander Tano." Just the the Kamino Prime mister ran pass them.

"Prime mister, what is going on?" Asked Rex.

"Our under water lab has just been attacked."

"Under water lab, did you know about this Rex?"

"No commander Tano, I didn't."


Here y'all go. Please leave comments to give me feedback and tell me what you like about it.

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