Chapter 7

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10 years later.  Anakin is now now the padawan learner to Mace Windu in the Castea Jedi order. Padme's terms of being queen of Naboo have ended, She is now the sentor of Naboo. Padme has become very powerful over the years, with her powers. Little does she know that an attempt is being made on her life......... 

"Sola with you stop bugging me about it?"

"I'm just saying Padme, your 22 now you should be looking for a husband"

"I'll get married when I find the one for me." Padme and her older sister Sola, were packing Padme's suitcase for her trip back to coruscant.

"I don't understand why you didn't accept Clovis proposal"

"For that last time, I'm not going to marry him!!!!!" Padme said sitting down on her bed, playing with the wooden necklace around her neck.

"All I'm saying is, you need to get out there and meet so guys." Sola said sitting next to her sister. 'That's it' Padme thought to herself, using her powers, she put a little suggestion in her sisters head. 

"Sola go pack the rest of my things and bring me a snack."

"Of course Padme." Sola left Padme's room to get her sister a snack from the kitchen. Padme flopped down on the bed, and stared at the ceiling.

"I love my powers." She said to herself. Just then a blaster bolt came flying though the window. Padme took cover on the floor, using her bed as a shield. Another blasther bolt came though the window, another one and another one. They just keeped  coming. Padme peeked over her bed to see a bounty hunter in sliver armour. She quickly got her blaste, and set it to stun. She shot at the bounty hunter, until he flew away.

"What happened here???!!!" Padme turned around to see Sola standing in the doorway, with a try full of cookies.

"Someone is trying to kill me."

Over on Castea, Anakin is practicing is lightsaber combat with his blue lightsaber and with master Windu.

"Very good Anakin, but make make sure you are aware of your surroundings." Mace said pointing to a broken pot.

"Yes master."

"Anakin are you ok?" Mace asked his padawan, as he Anakin was holding his chest.

"Padme." Anakin breathed quietly. "Master Padme is in danger."

"We must go to the royal family at once." Both Jedi ran out of the training room, rushing past other Jedi. Hopping into a speeder and racing off to the capital, and to the palace. 


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