Chapter 14

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It has been a week since Padme arrived on Castea. Over past week Padme and Anakin have become very close. Obi wan is still puzzled on where senator Amidala is.......

"I'm sorry to say master Yoda, But I haven't found anything on where the senator is. It's like she never existed." Obi wan was standing in the high Jedi council room, reporting his finding on senator Amidala. Unfortunately there were none. Obi wan had found nothing.

"Found nothing, you have, disturbing this is."

"I should have found something, but I haven't."

"Your fault, it isn't."

"Master Yoda haven't there been other cases like this?"

"Yes, 100 years apart they are. Later, talk about this we will. Go to Geonosis we must." Obi wan bowed and walked out of the room.

Night time on Castea 

Anakin and Padme are having dinner and Anakin is telling Padme about his adventurers around the Galaxy.

"Then we went into aggressive negotiations."

"What's that."

"Well negotiations, with a lightsaber." Anakin and Padme both laughed.

"I thought you didn't really leave Castea?"

"We do sometimes, for missions like keeping or planet hidden and helping the Republic without them knowing. Last month me and master Windu helped some creatures move planet."   

"Do they think that your are Jedi from the Republic?"

"Yes, but some think that we are rouge Jedi." Anakin and Padme finished their dinner and walked over to the fireplace and sat on the couch.

"There is still on thing I don't know about Ani"

"What would that be?"

"How did you ended up here?" Anakin looked into the fire, trying to avoid the question."You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, it's just painful to talk about."

"So don't talk, do mind if I see the memory?'

"No go ahead." Padme reached into Anakins mind and found the memory of the day he left Tatioone. Padme saw a young Anakin running on to a ship. She then saw Darth Maul kill Anakins mother. The rest of the memory played out.

"Oh my force, Ani." Padme hugged Anakin, burring her head in his chest.

"She's still with you know, my mother. I can still hear her voice in my head guiding me."

"How do you remember her?"

"Once a year on Castea we have a light festival, where we sing and dance and remember the ones that have become one with the force. We all light flying lanterns into the sky, the Music in the festival helps the shields stay up." Anakin said, still in an tight embrace with Padme.

"When is the festival?"


"Do you think I could come?" Anakin looked into Padme's eyes.

"I think it would be wonderful if you came to the festival." Slowly Padme fell asleep in Anakin's arms. Anakin carried Padme back to her room and tucked her in her bed."Goodnight angel."Anakin bended  down and kissed her lightly on the forehead. Anakin walked out of Padme's room.

"Master Ani, are you ever going to tell her how you feel?"

"I don't know 3po, I don't know.  

Search for Castea (A Star Wars story) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now