Chapter 21

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Anakin, Padme, Mace and Genevieve have reasured the mutants. But while escaping, Kamino has sent out fighter pilots after them, to shoot them down........

"Anakin, 2 fighters closing in!!!" Yelled Mace, who was in the the main hall of the ship, holding on for dear life.

"Genevieve, I know you don't want us to use our powers but-"

"I don't care about that right now Padme. Just get in their heads and shut this down."

"On it." Padme stood in the main hall of the ship, concentrating on reaching in the the fighter pilots minds. "Turn around and let us escape." All of the fighter pilots turned around back to the hanger, as the Castea ship entered hyper space.

"Master, what are they doing?"

"I don't know Obi wan." said Qui gon. Just then both of the jedi felt a presence, they never thought they would felt ever again.

"Master, did you-"

"Yes, I did, but how?"

"Well there is no doubt about it, Senator Amidala is alive. Should we inform the council master?"

"No, they would believe us."

"Master!!." Ahsoka came running to Obi wan. "They'er taking us to their under water lab.

10 minutes later

Ahsoka, Obi wan and Qui gon entered the under water lab

"Tell me Prime mister, why would you have an under water lab that you keep a secret from the Republic and your own clones?" Asked Qui gon

"This lab has always been here, we just never used it."


"It's not even a cloning lab. It's a exasperation lab we don't even use it."

"So why now?"

"Three days ago a ship crashed. The passengers inside were different to say the least. We made the choice to investigate them."

"By using them as lab rats?" Question Ahsoka.

"We have no more to talk about Jedi." The prime mister walked away.

"Master Jin why would they do all this?"

"I don't know Ahsoka."

"There is something that you two aren't telling me. What is it?" Obi wan looked at his old master.

"Ahsoka, just before that ship left, Me and Qui gon felt a presences that we never thought we would feel."

"What presences master?"

"It was senator Amidala." Ahsoka was shocked. She knew the senator had disappeared two years ago, but Ahsoka thought she was dead.

"Does the council know?"

"No they don't, and we'er not going to tell them."


"There have been other cases like hers. People they were under the Jedi's protection would just disappear without a trace. But acoring to master yoda, she disappeared for a reason and she doesn't want to be found."

"But you two are going to look into it anyway." Obi wan looked at his padawan. "If you two are going to look for her, Then so am I."

"You can't tell anyone." Qui gon said.

"I know masters, plus I think I might have some thing that might be able to help find her."

Search for Castea (A Star Wars story) Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz