Chapter 35

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Ahsoka, Obi wan and Qui gon have left Coruscant in order to find Castea. On Castea Anakin and Padme are preparing to spend their 3rd light festival together.....

Padme stood outside on the balcony over looking the lake as the sun started to set. She looked down at her stomach and rubbed it lovingly. She was now 5 months pregnant, and she and Anakin couldn't be happier. They both could not wait for the twins to be born. Padme felt two strong arm warp around her. 

"Evening Angel." 

"Evening Ani" Padme gave him a quick peck on the lips. She always felt safe with Anakin, like nothing would ever hurt her as long he was with her. She loved her life here, she loved her job at the mutant school, teaching them about the galaxy and how it works, outside of their planet. "Do you know why this is my favorite spot on the whole planet?" Padme asked her husband.

'Why is that?"

"This is the spot, where we had our first kiss, and where I realized I loved you." Anakin gave Padme a soft kiss on the forehead. "You know, I wouldn't change a thing about my life here, not one thing."

"Neither would I, should we head to the festival m'lady?"

"Indeed we shall master Jedi." They both locked arms and started to head to the planets capital for the light festival. 

Ahsoka sat in the cockpit staring out in to hyper space. Obi wan walked in, seeing his old padawan deep in thought. "Ahsoka are you all right?" He asked.

"Yes master I'm fine just wondering what Castea will be like and how friendly they will be to us once they find out we'er not from there."

"Well Ahsoka I think Castea will be a planet of peace and light, and when or if they do find out that we'er no from there planet, we'll improvises like we always do."

"I still don't know how we are going to get pass the shield the keeps the planet hidden."

"We'll deal with that when we get there." The alarm went off, giving the warning that they would be dropping out of hyper space. " Looks like were going to deal with it now." Qui gon came in to the cockpit as the ship came out of hyper space

Capital of Castea

People stood outside the palace of Castea. as queen Amelia came out with her daughter, who was holding a flying lantern. "It gives me great joy, to announce the start of this years light festival." but while everyone started to celebrate they had no idea of the Jedi ship above the planet.  


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