Part 16

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"What?", everyone asked simultaniously except for Robin who smiled at Sanji and said "see, I told you not to worry about it, cook-san".

"Well you were right as you always are my lovely Robin-chan", Sanji smiled at her.

"Hey", Zoro eyed Sanji with a raised brow.

"What?", Sanji asked "she was right".

"And lovely", Zoro whispered and looked away.

"Oh my god are you jealous?", Sanji gasped.

"I am not, shit cook", Zoro groaned.

"Yes you are, marimo", Sanji started laughing.

"Well it seems like not much changed anyways", Luffy chuckled.

"Don't make fun of me!", Zoro snarled at Sanji.

"This is so adorable", Sanji stepped closer to him.

"Don't call me that", Zoro looked away from Sanji trying to hide the blush that was currently creeping all over his face and neck.

"Don't be like that", Sanji cupped Zoro's face to make him look at him "I just got you back, don't try to hide away".

"Maybe you don't need me", Zoro spoke quietly "you have your lovely ladies after all".

"You idiot", Sanji laughed "I want you and only you. I thought I made that clear. I love you".

"What about the girls though?", Zoro whispered insecure.

"I...", Sanji looked over to the girls and took a deep breath. He didn't like doing this but he knew it had to be said after all the time he swooned over them. "I appreciate the ladies and I am sure I will still grant them their wishes and take care of them. But I do not love them. I never did. I only love you".

"You mean that?", Zoro looked at him with his jaw slightly dropped.

"Yes", Sanji sighed and took his hand "I mean that".

Zoro let out a breath and smiled at him brightly.

"That was really hard for you wasn't it?", he then asked feeling sorry for making him do that in front of everyone.

"Yeah it really was", Sanji nodded.

"I am sorry", Zoro frowned at him.

"It's fine", Sanji waved him off "I needed to say it anyway".

"Well I am happy for the both of you", Robin spoke up then joked "and I think I will get over the fact you never really loved me".

"I am sure you will", Sanji chuckled at the woman who knew about his love for the swordsman first.

"I will too", Nami grinned then gestured between the two of them "but I really need to get used to how friendly you are with each other".

"I am sure they are more than friendly with each other,  yohohohoho", Brook laughed loudly.

Sanji and Zoro both turned beet red to their ears and looked to the floor.

"Zoro was in a coma not long ago", Chopper spoke up matter of factly "he should not be over exerting his body!"

"We didn't do anything, Chopper", Zoro grit out through clenched teeth.

"Not yet", Franky teased and both men turned even redder if possible.

"Please don't do it in the men's dorm", Usopp spoke up.

"No!", Sanji and Zoro spoke up at the same time and Sanji hid his face behind his hands in embarassment.

"I could build the two of you a super room for your own", Franky suggested and Luffy perked up at that.

"They won't be sleeping with us then?", the captain asked with a sad tone to his voice.

"You will see them all day", Nami told him softly "but I think it would do them good to have a little bit of privacy for only the two of them".

"You will still be around us right?", Luffy asked the two men and like caring parents they forgot their embarassment and sat down on either side of Luffy to make him feel better.

"We will still be with you all the time", Zoro assured him "and I will still fight marines with you".

"And I will still cook you immensely large meals", Sanji smiled at the rubber boy "and the fighting part too I guess".

"Everything will be as usual", Zoro said "I will just kiss the cook more often".

"Is Zoro a good kisser?", Luffy asked Sanji, his sadness forgotten to the assuring words of his nakama.

"Surprisingly he is", Sanji answered him.

"Oi what's that supposed to mean?", Zoro raised a brow at his boyfriend.

"I mean that for a mosshead you're a surprisingly good kisser", Sanji smirked.

"Well I expected more of you", Zoro shrugged.

"Excuse you?!", Sanji was in his face in a millisecond looking at him offended.

"I was just kidding, I was kidding", Zoro laughed then pulled Sanji in to kiss his lips "I love you".

"I love you too", Sanji smiled and kissed him again.

"Do you think I would be a good kisser Usopp?", Luffy asked his nakama.

"No offense but I really don't want to find out captain", Usopp said.

"I would kiss you captain", Brook spoke up "but I don't have lips, yohohoho".

"So Brook is a bad kisser then", Luffy concluded.

"But I was the best kisser on the whole ship back in my days", Brook spoke up proudly and Luffy was glad to listen to his stories on how all the girls wanted to kiss them as they were famous musicians.

Sanji settled down on Zoro's lap and laid his head on the swordsman's shoulder. Zoro closed his arms around the cook and held him close to his chest. He kissed the top of Sanji's head and laid his cheek on top of it.

Both men were glad that their nakama accepted their new found relationship so easily and that they didn't see them in a different way than before. Their crew was chaotic and wild but also full of love and understanding. And they were both more than happy to travel with them and achieve their dreams together.

Franky stood true to his words and after a few days Zoro and Sanji had their own room to have some privacy to do couple stuff as Luffy called it.

I am sorry it took so long to finally finish this story, but thank you all for your love and support! It was a great journey!

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