Part 10

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"Did you talk to him yet?", Robin asked as she entered the kitchen where Sanji was busy preparing breakfast.
"Yeah I did", Sanji admit "this night I told him what I feel".
"How did he react?", Robin asked as if Zoro was currently not lying in a coma with bad to no chances at all to waking up.
"Not at all", Sanji dropped the spoon and threw his hands in the air "he actually kind of looked like he was frowning which isn't that unusual for the mosshead but still. I don't know what to think anymore, Robin". "Maybe he was shocked and needs to process it first", the woman suggested and Sanji shrugged.
"Maybe he hates me and has that much heart to not break mine and just pretend it never happened", Sanji frowned and Robin started laughing. "I think you underestimate the capability of feelings the swordsman has inside of him", Robin smiled and Sanji blew out the smoke of his cigarette frustrated.
"I don't even enjoy this cigarette", he whined and Robin grinned.
"Smoking isn't healthy anyways, Chopper can talk about it all day", she reminded the cook who was a chainsmoker.
"Trust me I know", he groaned "he lectures me about it every two weeks or so".
"He is just trying to protect you", Robin spoke up softly.
"Which only leads me back to the stupid green haired marimo", Sanji rolled his eyes "it's exhausting not to know what is going on in that head of his".
"I am sure you will find out sooner or later", Robin mused and then her eyes drifted off a little and she looked sad "let's all hope it's sooner".
"Yeah, Robin I feel the same", Sanji sighed desperatly "even if he says he hates me, it's more important to have him back. Even if that means I get hurt. What matters is that he wakes up".
"Your feelings matter too, cook-san. And you should never think otherwise but I still get what you are saying", Robin lectured him friendly and caring then smirked "you have fallen really bad for him, huh?"
Sanji graoned as he looked at the woman because they both knew that she was absolutely right. He sat down frowning and Robin smiled at him sympathetically.
"It's nothing to be frustrated about", she tried to cheer him up "love is supposed to make you happy and not miserable".
"Yeah, I have fallen really hard", Sanji laughed a little "way harder than ever before. It's like nothing I have ever felt before".
"Well, Zoro isn't like anyone else", Robin thought out loud "so that makes sense to me".
"To say he isn't like anyone else seems like an understatement", Sanji chuckled.
"Yeah that's true", Robin joined in on the chuckling and somehow it calmed Sanji down "you know I have heard of pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro way before I had actually met him. I immediatly knew that he would be a huge threat if I ever had the misfortune of meating him. Well I was right with the fact that he was indeed a threat as he stood against me back in Alabasta but I realized that it wasn't a misfortune but the biggest luck for me to get the chance to meet him, get the chance to meet all of you. It wasn't until I joined the crew that I got to know that Roronoa Zoro wasn't just a threat to his enemies. I found out that as bad as he was to the ones that stood against him, he was just as good to the ones that stood beside him. You know I think my favourite thing about him is when I get to watch him interact with Chopper. Zoro is always brute force but when he is around Chopper he turns so soft and cautious like he is afraid to break his little friend if he does something wrong, moves too fast. It's so adorable. What I am trying to say is that Zoro is special and he has sides that we can't see from the outside. Not until we get to learn about them. And maybe you will find sides of him you wouldn't have thought to find".
"Do you really think it's possible?", Sanji asked deep in thought.
"Nothing is impossible, cook-san", she smiled at him "I also never believed that I could have a family and find trust again and here I am".
"Thank you", Sanji smiled at her "it's really nice to talk to someone about this".
"It always helped me to talk about the things I struggled with", Robin told him "I mean when I had someone I could talk to".
Sanji frowned at her past. No one should have to struggle that much, especially not as a kid. This woman had lived through so much, she deserved to have some happiness. She shouldn't constantly worry.
"I don't want to lose him", Robin pulled him out of his thoughts "I don't want him to die when I couldn't tell him that he is so important to me and that I finally found a family again".
"He won't", Sanji stated with all the hope he had left "he will wake up. I will get him to wake up and then we can all tell him to his face".
"I believe that you can wake him up cook-san", Robin nodded while she wiped away a single stray tear "he reacted to you once and I am sure you will get him to react again".
"I will do my best", Sanji assured her.
"Maybe you have to just put it out there once again. Just state it as it is. Without any big words around it. Lay the cards on the table once more", she said.
"You mean just walk in and tell him that I love him?", Sanji raised a brow at her suggestion.
"Yeah exactly like that", Robin nodded "maybe it will get his attention".
"It's worth a shot", Sanji shrugged.

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