Part 12

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"Do you remember what I told you when you were in the coma?", Sanji asked hesitantly, avoiding to look at Zoro and instead focusing on a point at the wall behind him. Zoro did the same, not looking at Sanji while furrowing his brows.
"I am not sure", he mumbled and Sanji froze "was it something important?"
"Was it...", Sanji sighed exhausted "yes it was very important".
"Why do you even ask about that?", Zoro asked confused.
"Because you seem more rude than usual", Sanji stated "and that could be because of what I told you".
"Says the one who keeps avoiding to look at me", Zoro retorted.
"Because I am afraid", Sanji admit. "Afraid of what?", Zoro asked.
"That you remember", Sanji admit then thought about it "or that you don't remember, I am not sure. It doesn't matter anyway because I promised that if you don't remember I will tell you again".
"And you are afraid of telling me?", Zoro asked a little wondered.
"I guess", Sanji frowned.
"I have seen you fight endless times and not once have you looked as nervous as you do now", Zoro stated "Was it such a big deal?"
Sanji's face fell at that question because pardon him yes it was.
"If it was a big deal?", Sanji lost control over his mouth at that "For fucks sake, Zoro, I told you I love you. Yes it was a big deal!"
Sanji was screaming that last part and then realized what he had just said. He was prepared for Zoro to jump at him and strangle him or reach for his katanas, actually he was prepared for a lot of reactions but not the one he got.
"So that wasn't a dream then?", Zoro asked almost hopefully.
"No?", Sanji felt insecure, he didn't replay this outcome in his head. "That's good", Zoro smiled to himself. "What?", Sanji asked totally confused on how Zoro was reacting "what is that supposed to mean?!"
"It means that I was rude because i thought it was a dream and that pissed me off", Zoro explained "I couldn't look at you and not think about that you told me you love me. But I thought I had dreamed it and that hurt".
Sanji was overwhelmed with feelings and didn't know what to do. Had Zoro just confessed to him? Had he talked about feelings? He noticed that he was staring open mouthed and closed his mouth then tried to gather his thoughts.
"Are you saying that...", Sanji eventually started but he was cut off by Zoro.
"I love you too, shit cook", Zoro grinned at Sanji.
"You...", Sanji stared at him mouth agape. Zoro smirked at him and pulled the front of his hoodie down so he could kiss Sanji. At first the blond cook was kind of frozen but he soon understood what was happening and kissed back. The kiss was filled with all the passion that was built up in both of the men. It didn't last that long because Zoro was still hurt really bad and didn't have that much breath in him. But when they parted they looked each other in the eyes and could only see love.
"So you weren't kidding, huh?", Sanji got his voice back along with his sass. "Have you ever seen me joking?", Zoro smirked again "also you should have known already".
"How was I supposed to know?", Sanji asked and raised a curly brow.
"I told you that I was willing to give my life for you, that could have been a clue, you know", Zoro stated.
"I thought you meant all of us!", Sanji defended himself.
"I see", Zoro nodded understanding the misunderstanding "it doesn't change what I meant tho. I know you know what I did and I want you to know that I did it to protect you. Of course I was also protecting Luffy, he is my best friend, but when you showed up I had no other chance. I couldn't lose you and I thought it would be easier if you'd lose me". "Nothing would be easy if I had lost you, Zoro", Sanji looked at him sadly "I don't even want to imagine".
"I am sorry, I never meant to hurt you. Physically or emotionally", Zoro apologized "but I want you to know that I would do it again. If it's me or you I'd always take the hit. I would fight for anyone in the crew, they are my family... I feel like someone recently said this to me".
"Your memories might be returning", Sanji mused then focused on what Zoro had said "I understand, I wanted to do the same. I couldn't see you get hurt and I wanted to take your place too. I would fight for anyone on this ship too. I guess that's just how our lifes are, just promise me not to get yourself killed, okay?"
"Promise", Zoro sounded serious and Sanji trusted him with this. He leant in and pecked Zoro on the lips.
"I can't belive what is happening", he laughed a little.
"Yeah, I have to get used to this", Zoro huffed "and I will gladly do so".
Sanji smiled at him and Zoro returned a smile.
"But I am still angry with you", Sanji said and Zoro rolled his eyes "never do that to me again".
"Now that you mention it I am angry too", Zoro spoke up "you suffered because of me as well. I remember now that you told me you barely slept because of me".
Sanji got quiet when Zoro said this, he looked a little guilty.
"Thank you", Zoro then said "but you gotta sleep now".
"I have to look out for you, what if something happens?", Sanji asked panicked.
"Come here", Zoro guided Sanji so that he was lying next to him, facing him. Zoro placed Sanji's hands on his bandaged chest. "If my heart skips a beat I am sure your hands will notice", Zoro said and Sanji nodded. "And now sleep", Zoro kissed the top of his head "I love you".
"Love you too", Sanji mumbled and was immediatly out like a light. It was weird telling Sanji he loved him and even weirder to hear it in return but it made him happy and that was everything that mattered.

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