Part 15

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"I remember now", Zoro spoke up and all the heads immediatly turned to where he was sitting "I remember what all of you said to me when I was in the coma".

"Really?", it was Luffy's excited voice "so Franky was right!"
"Super", Franky exclaimed and Luffy laughed.

"Yeah. First of all I want to thank you all for never stopping to talk to me, I think that it really helped me to come back to myself. One of you in particular but each of you a lot", Zoro explained to his crew "and I would like to say a few things in return if that's okay, captain?"

"Of course it is!", Luffy smiled brightly at his first mate "I am excited already to hear what everyone had to tell you".

"Does anyone not want the others to know what they said to me?", Zoro asked at first, minding the feelings of his nakama and their privacy as well.

"Go ahead", Robin smiled at him as no one has spoken up. Sanji smiled at Zoro but no one noticed that.

"Thank you", Zoro sat down with the others "first of all Brook. I know we barely know each other but you reminded me that I am a warrior and that I fought for everyone and it would be weird if I was the only person that I didn't fight for. Also I would really like to help you reunite with LaBoum".

"I am glad I could help", Brook said happily "and thank you".

"Franky", Zoro turned to the cyborg "you were right, this is my family and I did everything I could to protect them, I was ready to die for them and I would do it again. But you reminded me that they need me and that I need them as well cause that's how family works. Thanks for keeping an eye on them while I was gone, it took the pressure off my shoulders".

"Family is great", Franky cried and Zoro moved on to the next one.

"Usopp", Zoro said and the boy with the long nose turned towards him "You may lie sometimes but I want you to know that I never thought of you as a coward or weak. Actually I think you are the strongest because although you don't have an extraordinary fighting method you tag along with us in every fight and don't back down. You face your fear day and day again and I guess that makes you the most curageous of all of us".

"That means a lot Zoro", Usopp smiled at him proudly.

"Chopper", Zoro looked at the little reindeer "I am very grateful that you got me back on my feet. Sanji told me that my heart had stopped at one point and I am sure that I wouldn't be sitting here without you. Also you too reminded me of the people I had to protect. I will always be there to help you out".

"Oh stop it with the compliments", Chopper wiggled in his seat blushing in the process.

"Nami", Zoro looked at the girl sitting opposite of him "first of all let me clarify that I never hated you. We might have our differences and that's okay but you have always been my friend. I mean of course we argue a lot but I only do that with the people that mean something to me, so I hope that you don't have the impression on me not liking you anymore. Also thanks for deleting my debt, I guess that helped a lot".

"I am just glad you're back Zoro. Guess I'll just have to rob the next pirates that we meet on the Grand Line", Nami smiled at the swordsman mishieviously.

"I see that the old Nami is back", Usopp stated laughing.

"I also remember that you told Nami to deliver me to the marine", Zoro mentioned and  glared at Usopp.

"That was only meant to wake you up", Usopp defended himself.

"Anyways...Robin", Zoro looked at the woman "I might not have trusted you from the beginning but I slowly discovered that I could trust you and I am very happy about that. I understood your actions as I got to know more about you. I will gladly say out loud that we are friends and I would always fight for you again, against Kuzan and against the world government, I don't really care. You too reminded me that the strawhat pirates aren't only a crew but family and we can't lose each other".

"I am glad you are awake again, swordsman-san", Robin genuinely smiled at him "I couldn't lose any more family".

"And Luffy", Zoro turned towards his captain and best friend "you reminded me of a promise I made. Not the one to become the worlds greatest swordsman and also not the one that I would rather die than to fail but the oath we made that we would achieve our dreams together. The two of us started this journey together and we will end it together. As the pirate king and the worlds greatest swordsman. Also I would like to thank you for putting my sword in the graveyard, that means a lot to me".

"You're welcome, Zoro", Luffy grinned "I wouldn't have let you died anyways".

"That's good to know", Zoro grinned and didn't make any moves to continue talking.

"Didn't Sanji talk to you?", Nami asked confused as silence lay above the room.

"Yes he did", Zoro said.

"Don't you have to say something to him as well?", Chopper asked.

"I already did", Zoro looked at the cook and smiled.

"But I am curious what Sanji told you", Luffy clapped his feet "and he didn't say you shouldn't talk about it earlier".

Zoro looked to Sanji as for confirmation if he was okay to tell them and Sanji nodded slightly still smiling.

"Well then Sanji...", Zoro spoke up to the cook "thank you for calling me stupid, telling me that I am reckless and an idiot. Thanks for keeping me up to date on what was happening around and thank you for barely sleeping just so that I wasn't alone. And lastly, although I have already told you, I love you too".

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