Part 6

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Sanji had let go of Zoro's arm when Franky arrived to carefully pick Zoro up and take him to the ship's infirmary where Chopper was already waiting for doing the daily check up on Zoro.
"How is he?", Franky asked as he bent down to get Zoro up.
"He is still breathing", Sanji said as if those were the only news that counted right now "I don't think he is hearing us tho".
"I think he is", Franky said absolutely sure of his words.
"You really believe this?", Sanji asked raising a curly brow.
"Of course. One of my friends from the Franky family was in a coma once. When he woke up he knew what we had said to him when he was asleep. He didn't remember right then when waking up but the memory came back to him. Like when we talked about something and he knew what happened because we had told him when he was in the coma. I truly believe that Zoro hears us as well and that he is fighting to come back to us", Franky smiled down at Zoro's body in his arms "I am taking him to Chopper now".
"Yeah, do that please", Sanji mumbled while thinking about Franky's words. Maybe the Cyborg wasn't wrong. He stayed where he was just staring into the distance until he heard Franky screaming.
"Something's wrong with Zoro!", the cyborg yelled already on the Thousand Sunny "Chopper hurry up!" Sanji didn't fall into a shock like the last time he immediatly started running towards their ship. Chopper had already arrived at Franky's side and checked up on Zoro.
"I think he isn't breathing", Franky sounded panicked and that alarmed Sanji more than he wanted to admit. Zoro not breathing? His mind went blank.
"But he did when you picked him up", Sanji mumbled nervously.
"Are you saying that this is my fault?", Franky asked near tears.
"No, Franky of course not", Sanji reassured him "I just wanted to tell Chopper that this could have just happened".
Franky nodded understanding and Robin tried to pull him back a little so the small doctor could work in peace. Well as much peace as you could have when one of your nakama was dying and you were his only hope.
"Sanji come hold his arm for me please", the reindeer asked of the cook who immediatly obliged. Chopper pulled out a needle to inject something into Zoro's arm. "What's that?", Usopp asked so nervous one might think he was the one to get it injected.
"It's adrenaline", Chopper explained "I guess his heart was too weak and if he gets this it might start again".
"It has to", Sanji whispered trying not to let on how nervous he actually was. Chopper injected the needle into Zoro's arm and pressed down so that the adrenaline found it's way into the swordsman's body. Everyone held their breath as they waited painful seconds for something to happen. Luffy was sweating and Franky was crying silently. Chopper was looking down at Zoro with concern. This had to work. And it did. After some more seconds Sanji felt the calming thud again.
"His pulse is back", he exclaimed loudly and Chopper checked himself just to be sure.
"Yes he is back", Chopper confirmed and everyone let out a huge breath of relief.
"I think he should stay near the infirmary in case something like this happens again", Robin suggested and was rewarded with nods from the whole crew.
"But we can't put him in his hammock and the infirmary bed is not a good place to put him", Chopper thought out loud.
"He can have my bed", Nami offered immediatly "I don't care about sleeping somewhere else until he is awake again".
"Thank you, Nami", it was Sanji who said it. Without heart eyes or swooning. Just a genuine thanks for a friendly action.
"Let's bring him there", Luffy ordered and Franky went to pick him up again.
"How about Nami and I sleep in the aquarium room for as long as swordsman-san is asleep and the one who is staying with Zoro can have my bed for the time", Robin offered the crew.
"Wow, Robin that's an amazing idea", Luffy smiled at her brightly "we will carry your stuff to the aquarium after we put Zoro down, right Franky?" "Yeah, of course", Franky said "you girls are super".
With that Luffy and him disappeared to put Zoro into Nami's and Robin's room.
"I think we should get everything on board. Luffy seemed like he wanted to sail as soon as possible", Usopp said and Chopper nodded.
"I have to look after Zoro first", the doctor said "who is gonna stay with him next?"
"I can do that", Robin smiled at the reindeer who nodded at her.
"As I don't sleep that much, I would offer to take the watch at night", Brook spoke up "also I don't know Zoro that good, so it would be weird if he woke up with me by his side".
"I am pretty sure he would start fighting you if he would wake up with you sitting next to his bed", Sanji shrugged.
"Oh, then you can't stay with him!", Chopper said "he needs to rest. We can't risk him starting to fight".
"Does that mean Sanji is banned too?", Nami asked half joking.
"I think as long as cook-san doesn't tease him it's fine", Robin said clearly trying to give Sanji the chance of talking to Zoro.
"Promise not to provoce him", Chopper needed Sanji to promise.
"I promise", Sanji sounded serious "I want him to wake up too. Who else would be fighting with me all day?" Everyone knew he was joking but only Robin knew the deeper reason why he wanted him back so bad. "Maybe you could join me later?", she asked Sanji "after preparing lunch". "Of course", Sanji smiled at her, thankful for the opportunity.

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