Part 4

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Sanji had thought about Robin's suggestion for the rest of the night. Should he really talk to Zoro about his feelings? After all he was lying in a coma and wouldn't hear him, right? Would talking about his feelings help Sanji or would it only make his situation worse? But something kept nagging at the back of his head. Some time ago Chopper had told them about patients in a coma that had heard everything the people around him had said. So there were two options with different outcomes. Sanji could not talk to him and he could either wake up or not, or he could talk to him and Zoro could not wake up, so nothing would change or he would wake up and everything would change. That is if he could really hear him. But at least he would be awake then, right? Sanji didn't even want to think about the possibilities if he talked to Zoro and the god damn swordsman would wake up. Either he would return his feelings, yeah keep on dreaming Sanji, or he would be so angry that he leaves his coma behind just to slice the cook into tiny pieces. Sanji tried to focus on the fact that his words could indeed get Zoro back to them. At this point he didn't even care about the outcome for him anymore he just wanted Zoro back. If that meant he wasn't ever going to talk to him again then so be it. He just needed him to be back on his feet. So Sanji settled on talking to him later. For now he was occupied with preparing a breakfast not only for the strawhat pirates but for Lola's pirates as well.
"Are you making meat for breakfast?", Luffy asked as he entered the kitchen and Sanji was happy to notice that the strawhat wasn't too depressed to see his nakama anymore. Luffy was more serious than usual, yes, but he didn't lose his hope and that is exactly what the crew needed their captain to be right now.
"Yes, Luffy. I am making meat for breakfast", Sanji sighed smiling at his captain. Said captain jumped through the kitchen excitedly after this news and then settled at the table to watch Sanji cook.
"Good morning", Chopper greeted as he entered the kitchen and sat down next to Luffy. He looked exhausted. The thing with Zoro had really worked him up. Not only was it a lot of work for him because he was the doctor but Zoro was special to Chopper. The little reindeer had always found shelter with the green haired swordsman if he needed help and protection. Zoro had always been there for him and now that he needed to be there for Zoro he was afraid that he would fail.
"He will wake up", Sanji said determined after seeing the doctor's sad face.
"Do you really think so?", Chooper looked up at the cook expectantly.
"It would take more than that to finish him off", Sanji grinned for show, on the inside he was feeling anxious but he couldn't let that show "besides, he has the best doctor in the world". "That's true", Luffy agreed and Chopper blushed a little.
"Who is even with the marimo right now?", Sanji asked.
"Usopp switched with me but I guess by now Nami has switched with Usopp", Chopper explained.
"He wouldn't be happy to wake up to Nami I guess", Sanji smirked as he remembered how Zoro always called her a witch. Of course she wasn't, not in Sanji's eyes. Maybe they had this rivalry but deep down everyone knew that Zoro and Nami liked each other. They had been through a lot and that just made them bond. So of course he wouldn't be mad waking up to Nami but there could be better people for him to wake up next to. Sanji immediatly thought about if he might be one of those people. If Zoro would smile when he woke up when Sanji was the first face he saw. That thought made him a little sad because he was sure that this wasn't the case. He was like Nami, Zoro tolerated him because he was nakama, nothing more nothing less. Sanji sighed as he put the food on plates and handed one to Chopper and Luffy each. He told the rest of the crew that breakfast is ready and soon they all came in along with Lola and her pirates. Sanji took the last plate and went outside and off the ship, into the ruins of Thriller Bark. He went to where Zoro was lying but stopped dead in his tracks when he heard Nami crying. He willed himself to stay put where he was to listen to what she had to say to him. Nami's voice was quiet but he could make out her words.
"You have to wake up, Zoro", she whispered and some tears fell down on the ground she was sitting on "I don't care what you did or why you did it. I am sure you had to do it in order to protect us, like you always do. I am also sure it was stupid and reckless as usual. But you need to come back and wake up. I know we don't have the best relationship and I know I am not always the nicest person to be around but you are my friend Zoro and I need you back. I promise you something and I hope that helps you wake up: you wake up, your debt is paid, okay? No more debts for you, I swear, just wake up...".
Her sentence was interrupted by a sob and Sanji went over to lay a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Sanji?", she asked surprised as she saw him " hear me?"
"I did", Sanji answered truthfully cause he would never lie to a lady "that was sweet of you and I am sure it will help him wake up".
"Thanks", Nami smiled and Sanji handed her the plate with breakfast he brought.
"If you want you can go eat with the others", he offered "I will stay with our mosshead".
Nami nodded thankfully and went to the ship while Sanji sat down next to Zoro.

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