Where are you? Chapter 17.

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Paige's pov-

As the muscular body carries me through the dark corridors I feel helpless. I mean I just let some stranger pick me up and carry me out. I didn't stop him. I know I should of. But it's my time to go. Demi will be sad though. I can't have her be sad. I need to fight for her. I have to. And that's what I'll do. "Demi!" I scream. The stranger shushes me, covering my mouth.

As the person carries me out into broad daylight, I squint my eyes from seeing the sun. The person takes his hand off my mouth and puts me down. I look at him. What the fuck.

"Oooo Demi's going to be mad at you!" I taunt.

"So? I just need a favor." He says in a hush voice as if someone is listening on to us.

"Which is.." I continue, tapping my foot waiting to hear his favor.

"Well you guys are leaving for Europe real soon. Demi and I haven't had a lot of time together, so I want you to help me with something romantic for her." He asks, I look at him and burst out laughing.

"Me? Romantic? Hahaha. Very funny. But I'll help!" I chirp. He nods and nudges me, telling me to head back in side.

I walk through the doors. The halls are now full of light, and filled with sobs and shouting. Without thinking I scream "What the fuck did I miss?" causing everyone in the hall to turn around and face me. Feeling my face heat up, I shuffle towards where I heard crying. Reaching the area where the crying came from, I see Demi rubbing someone's back and telling them it will be ok. The person has blonde hair, and bright pink cheeks like me. Dark blue eyes, and a crooked nose. I cock my head, and tip toe towards the scene. I thought Demi was crying for me, but it's just some random chick. Did Demi not miss me?

"It was horrible mom!" The blonde girl speaks. My mouth opens up in shock. Mom? I thought Demi was my mom!

"It's okay honey, the bad guy won't get you again, I promise" She reassures her. Feeling confused and overwhelmed I sit on the ground. I listen to their conversation more.

After about half an hour of laughing and crying between the two, Demi decides it's time to leave. I get up, following her knowing she's my ride home, but the young lady turns around noticing me. Letting a smirk spread across her face. The girl turns towards Demi.

"Mom?" She states. "Yes Paige?" Demi questions.

"Oh never mind" the girl says.

It's Ali. Ali's impersonating me. And Demi believes her. I feel my knees go weak and sooner or later I collapse to the ground. Letting out shaky sobs. How do I get home? What do I do? Maybe Wilmer's still here.

Racing outside I search for Wilmer's car. Nothing. Wait! I have my phone maybe I could call someone. I reach into my back pocket to grab my phone I remember I gave it to Demi so I wouldn't lose it. Great.

What the hell do I do now? I know. Run for it. Before they find me. This is my chance to be free. And I'll make it happen. I dart off in to the streets, of the soon to be dark L.A.

Demi's pov-

I'm driving home with Paige when I hear her snicker next to me. I look at her when we reach the stop light. She's on her phone texting someone. Wait, isn't her phone in my purse? I grab my purse reaching into it finding both, her phone, and mine. I peek at what "Paige" is texting.

The message is to Anne. "Hey Anne, she bought it. We'll switch off so mom doesn't get suspicious. By the way I saw Paige running down the streets teary faced. Hahaha Lolz what a dorkkkkk!! Anyways ttyl Anne, I think Demi is getting suspicious," the so to be Paige clicks send and I pull over.

"Get out." I sternly say.

"But mom!" She whines. It's Ali. How did I not know?

"Out now. I will call the cops," I repeat. Ali wearily gets out the car shutting the door. I lock the car door and roll down the window.

"I called your mom. She'll pick you up in 15." I say speeding away.

Paige's pov-

I'm pretty sure I've been out here for hours. I've been bit about 5,000 times by Mosquitoes, so I'm really itchy. I should of just stayed there. Demi will find out it's not me sooner or later right?

10:00 p.m. That's what the worker at Taco Bell told me. Sitting in the restaurant eating tacos, and watching the news an Amber alert comes on.

It says, "Paige Hiller-Lovato has been missing. Please call 1-800-788-6754 if you have seen this child. She is wearing a green hoodie, and bright blue ropes jeans. Blond hair, dark blue eyes, crooked nose, and bright pink cheeks. About 5"4 and 75lbs. Once again please call 1-800-788-6754 if you have seen this child."

The Amber alert ends, and I look over to the worker who's on the phone. He probably called me in. Ignorant ass. Demi's going to be pissed. I mean, I relapsed.

"Stay there!" He says, with his accent completely obvious echoing through out the empty diarrhea death hole.

About an hour later a teary eyed Demi bursts through the doors, smiling cause she sees me. I stay seated. I don't want to go back to her. Her smile fades, since she probably expected me to jump into her arms the second I saw her.

The car ride home was silent. I played on my phone texting some of my friends and ranting on twitter. Every time I would tweet I would hear Demi's phone buzz. Aw, she has my notifications on. And I would smirk every time I heard that buzz.

Demi parks the car in the drive way and stares in to my eyes. I can't help but stare back, I mean her chocolate brown eyes are so pretty. And most brown eyes are plain.

"You know I love you right?" She says.

"Yea, I know. Forever and always momma." I state letting the word "momma" run. Demi smiles and gets out the door me following.

"By the way were talking tomorrow, for sure. But go get rest for now," she mumbles. I groan and trudge my little body inside. Maybe this talk will help me.


An: It's been SOOO long since I updated. I've been super busy and I apologize. Maybe I'll post another chapter before I go to sleep tonight. But don't count on it. But there will be a chapter tomorrow!!

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