28 Cornered foxes bite (Hiei)

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Kurama's lucky to have transformed on time. Being the first to have stepped up to fight Karasu, the oaf talked to him about having taken something. Apparently that something made him transform into his Yoko form. Hopefully it gives him the edge to win this fight.

I for one wouldn't dare to call Kurama himself weak, but it's clear that he's not to his full potential yet without his Yoko form. I can appreciate that I'm here to witness this. This will be memorable.

I smirk as Yoko's plant that has been chasing after Karasu like a bloodhound catches up to him, packing up the demon within its leaves. It must feel excruciating to be consumed by it. It seems Kurama isn't cutting corners this time, wanting to finish it quickly.

However, I feel like I can't call it a victory so soon. Things have gone wrong way too often since we started on this tournament. I'm not going to relax until it's official.

Someone must've jinxed it, because just as Kurama steps away, light pours from the gaps in-between the leaves, followed by a large explosion. Karasu steps out of the billowing smoke and it looks like he has lost his mask.

I raise a curious brow as he sharply intakes the air, somehow to gather power. As an effect, his hair turns blonde. It's a strange side effect. But that aside, it appears Karasu is even more dangerous then we previously assumed.

"What's going on?" the oaf asks confused.

"He's gathering flammable material into his body through his mouth. It's as if his whole body has become an explosives shed." I explain with trepidation, wondering how this will change the balance between Kurama and Karasu. Can Kurama still handle what will come next?

"What?" the detective gawks beside me.

"Both of his hands are probably the trigger. Get yourselves ready, or you'll be caught in the middle of it." I warn, shifting my feet slightly to get out of the way if necessary.

As Karasu readies himself for the big blast my eyes subconsciously scan the crowd, looking for their faces. I spot Yuko trying to make herself smaller as she stares towards Karasu with wide eyes. She's tugging Yukina closer to her, ready to act. It appears she can guess what is coming, but in their position, they should be alright.

I turn back towards the ring just in time to see Karasu flying at Kurama, his whole body glowing. There is no way Kurama can shield himself. There is nowhere to run.

When he hits target, we are all thrown back by the shockwave. I land on the edge of the wall, glancing at the huge hole the blast has left in the side of the stadium. That's a lot of raw power.

Regrouping, we turn to the ring, looking for any sign of Kurama. He's not in it. He could not have been incinerated could he?

My question is answered when some debris shift a little further away and out comes crawling Kurama. "Curses." I breathe, seeing he has reverted from his Yoko form. How this fight turned around. This is starting to look bleak.

As expected though, he's not about to lie down and give up. What are you planning to do Kurama?


"Kurama..." I breathe, watching him bleed out. He's been hit with explosives multiple times. How much longer can he hold out? If he's still got an ace in the hole, he better use it quickly.

I can't help but wince as he's hit a few times more and my eyes widen in shock as the light starts to fade from his eyes. Is this truly the power of Toguro's team? If Kurama can't pull through, we're in trouble.

Kurama hits the ground with a thud, not moving. We look on perturbed as the countdown starts off, but we can't contain our shock when he starts a desperate struggle to get up.

Karasu launches his final attack, ready to kill the fox, but that is when Kurama finally pulls out a final trick from the box.

His shout echoes through the stadium as a plant bursts from his body quite literally. It rushes towards its intended pray digging deep into the flesh of Karasu.

Kurama is not even conscious to see the plant sucking Karasu dry. As his opponent meets his demise, Kurama appears lifeless. But there is a little hint of energy left in him, if you look close enough.

He twitches before he opens his eyes, looking surprised to be alive. He really did plan to die didn't he? "Hn." I smirk. Even he can underestimate himself it seems. It's too bad he took to long though. Karasu hit the ground after ten seconds had passed and Kurama technically never got up. No matter. I'll take it from here.

I cut through the jeering, unperturbed and feeling excitement running through my veins, "Let me tell you what my desire is." I start, eyeing Sakyo who has taken the part of the fifth fighter just as Koenma has done for us. "The lives of every puppet master behind this tournament, so that I may never be called to this ridiculous game ever again."

Seriously, this is a complete sham and I'm sick and tired of it. I can't wait to put an end to it. It will be my utmost pleasure to finish them all off before walking out of here.

"The puppet masters behind this tournament, huh?" Sakyo muses. "Indeed there were such folks around at one time..."

"Apparently, I've already granted his wish on the house, huh?" Toguro states. Well, there goes my fun.

The older Toguro brother jumps from his perch, mocking us as he looks around at us like we're food for the chopping board, but before he can make his pick, the silent guy steps up, hidden away in armor. Looks like someone has gotten excited to take a go.

"Yusuke." I say, gaining the detective's attention. "I wanted to go against black-glasses there, but out of consideration for Genkai, I'll concede him to you." I tell him before making my way up the ring. "I'll make do with that one."

Making my way over to the center, I face Bui. It won't matter what he has up his sleeve. Soon, we'll be going home, Yuko.

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now