2 Food is the way to a man's heart (Hiei/Yuko)

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This is... This is... Delicious. Again! What the hell is it with these people, especially that smiley-faced woman giving him food all the time? She's been leaving me dishes nearly every day since Koenma stuffed me in here. Don't they know to keep their distance?! Don't they know how dangerous I am?!

Of course not, because I never bothered to show it. I've become tame because they keep my stomach full. What am I? A dog?!

I huff again indignantly before setting the now empty plate down on the coffee table. Why the hell do I need a coffee table? I don't even see the use for most of the furniture in here.

Anyway, back to the annoying people living next to me... I glance outside to see three of them playing a ball game in the playground across the street; the father, the daughter and the son.

The father is often absent, but when he's at home, he makes an effort to spend time with his children. I suppose for human standards, he could be called a decent father figure. He kicks the ball in the boy's direction...

The boy. He likes to copy his older sibling I've noticed and tries to show off and appear older than he is. He doesn't like to stay behind in anything and is very driven because of it. Admirable I suppose.

The ball goes to the girl, Yuko was her name, who keeps it high skillfully until her brother comes rushing at her impatiently. My first encounter with her was odd enough, but the few times I've seen her after weren't as horrid. Not that I seek her out, of course I wouldn't.

She seems rather typical, like the detective's girl, but maybe a bit less troubled and happy and carefree. Not like that reaper though, not coming across as dimwitted. She's just... a girl.

The boy has once again taken to overachieving and landed their ball high up in a tree. That's what you get.

The girl however beckons her father over and he happily gives her a boost after a few words, no doubt telling her to be careful.

She latches onto one of the lower branches and pulls herself up. She climbs up further and scoots over until she comes as close to the ball as she can get, all the while letting the tree release it's blossoms by her fussing. She still can't reach it.

She starts shaking the branches, much to the boy's glee as the petals drift down more vigorously. She laughs as the boy runs around below the tree in the white storm created by her and starts shaking harder until her father starts to wave his finger at her, scolding her carelessness and snapping her out of her distraction. Silly girl.

A knock at my window on the other side of the apartment gains my attention and I look over, deciding if I should go see who dares to bother me. I don't really feel like it though.

Looking back out the front, my eyes widen a little at the scene. The ball rolls along the floor so it's down, but so is the girl. She and the branch she was standing on have come down upon her father, leaving them sprawled along the ground. They are furiously rubbing their aches, but seem fine otherwise.

I growl when another persistent knock tears my attention away. Reluctantly I saunter to the back window to find that pitiful grim reaper hovering there on her oar. 'What the hell does she want?'



"He's not home." I tell my mom, putting the plate piled with food back on the counter.

She looks up from the dishes with a raised brow. "Are you sure?"

I nod. "You can't expect him to be home for dinner all the time mom. He doesn't live with us you know. Though it's hard to imagine, he must have a life of his own." I point out, making her look at me with a frown.

"Don't be rude." she scolds. I just shrug in reply. I can't help it if the guy lives as a hermit. "Now go do your homework." she ushers, pushing me out of the kitchen.

I go do as told, because I don't dare refuse my mom. She gets scary when she goes all strict.

I sit down at my desk in my room, pulling on the string of the lamp to light up the room. Grabbing my homework I set to work. I'm glad to work on it without distractions.

To be honest, I had lost my focus a bit after my first meeting with Hiei. How I even found out his name? Well my mom pried it from him. She didn't get thrown off by his aloof mannerism and just kept talking until he broke.

Anyway, the guy is a real oddball and a mystery. I'm sure he's out at times, but we don't ever catch him coming or going. When he is home, we never hear a sound either and he holes himself up. It's a wonder he even opens the door to receive the food mom sets aside for him, though he hardly says anything and when he does, it's not a 'Thank you', but rather a 'Hn' or a 'What do you want?'.

Mom pities him for living on his own at his age so she has taken it upon herself to make sure he eats proper food. I'm sure she would have a fit if she found him eating junk food every day. He eats her food though, leaving the plate in the hallway after.

So, we don't see much of him and don't know anything about him beside his name and what he looks like. It's not much to go on. It brings up so many questions that we don't get to ask or don't dare to.

The one thing that kept haunting me the most, though it has lessened a little since I didn't dare look in them again, is how he got the shade of eye color that he has? I mean, who in the world has red eyes?! I googled it; I can't find any like that.

That and the air of mystery that surrounds him just baffles me and distracts me... 'Ugh.' I thought it was getting less, but here I go again. I glare at the doodle I subconsciously scrawled in my notebook. It's a chibi Hiei. What is it about him that is so interesting? He's just a boy!

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now