20 Meet my friend the masochist (Yuko)

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I hum to myself as I dry my hair, feeling refreshed from my shower. I woke up earlier feeling like I ran into a wall or something. My body was all sore and tense. Maybe I had nightmares? But why can't I remember if I did?

I step onto the cold tiles to wipe the mirror of the fog that has clung to it when a pinch in my toe makes me drop to the ground with a pained shriek, clasping my toes.

I jump in freight when the door to the bathroom crashes open to reveal Hiei with his katana drawn.

We stare at each other for a moment before I shriek again, tearing the cabinet open and throwing every towel at him that I can get my hands on, nearly covering him from head to toe.

"Idiotic girl!" he huffs, shaking himself free, "What's all the screaming about?!"

"I just had a cramp in my toe. You can't just barge in here while I'm in my undies for such a little thing!" I scold him, hiding myself.

"Hn." he replies, turning away finally. I can see the tip of his ears have grown red. "Like you have anything that interests me." he insults.

I can physically feel my eye twitch. "Wow, you are really bad for a girl's self-esteem you know that?"

Quickly I wrap myself in a bathrobe, shrugging off his words. "What are you doing here anyway? I thought you would be out training or something."

He lifts up his arm, having put his katana away to show one hell of a mess wrapped around his wounded arm. "What the heck did you do? That's no way of wrapping anything. You couldn't wrap a sandwich like that." I say bluntly, making him growl in annoyance.

"Why do you think I'm here?!" he hisses. I roll my eyes, unimpressed and push him out of the doorway and order him to sit on the edge of the bed. He reluctantly complies.

Sitting down next to him, I start unwrapping the binds only to have my eyes bulge out of their sockets. "Holy...." I gasp at the bloody mess underneath. I can hardly distinct the dragon tattoo underneath.

"Hn. It needed a good punishment." is Hiei's explanation.

I look at him disturbed and worried. "You are insane." I breathe before jumping up to find some fresh bandages.


"Not tight enough." Hiei states, making me sigh. He told me twice before already. I yank it off and try again. If he wants tight...

"You must be some kind of masochist Hiei. I swear." I mutter as I start over, really pulling hard on the bandages this time. I can't help but feel a hint of satisfaction when I see him flinch. He asked for it.

As I work, I can feel his eyes on me. "Something the matter?" I question.

"Hm. You look tired." he points out, making me glance up at him.

"I feel tired, but I can't imagine why for the life of me. I've slept like a rock." I tell him before finishing my task. "There you go. Happy?"

He hums in reply. "Somewhat." I roll my eyes at him before perking up, remembering something.

"Hey, it's too bad you weren't at your hotel room yesterday. We made a new friend, Yukina. She's great. Even you would like her." I tell him before pausing, seeing him stiffen up drastically.

"Something wrong?" I ask worriedly. He's not usually like this.

He quickly looks away, trying to be nonchalant. "It's nothing."

I eye him skeptically before continuing, "Anyway, she is really sweet. She's really pretty too, her eyes especially. I wish I had such poppers like her, or yours for that matter. Now that I think about it, you two kinda have the same eyes. You could be related. Ha ha. Wouldn't it be funny if you turn out to be the long lost brother she's looking fo....."

Hiei's eyes boring into me at that moment made me flash back to Yukina smiling up at me, her eyes mirroring Hiei's... "Holy crap!" I can't help but shout.

Hiei suddenly looks panicked and smacks his hand over my mouth a little harshly, making a protesting sound leave me as the force flips me onto my back. I smack my hands at him until he releases me.

"Jeesh! Do you want me to bust my lip or something?" I complain as I lean back up onto my elbows, running my tongue over my lips to check for damage. Satisfied to find nothing there I look to Hiei.

"So spill, what's the story? Why so secretive? I'm betting Botan knows, that's why she's been acting so weird hasn't she?" I question a mile a minute. I sigh when Hiei stays silent.

"Do I need to torture Botan to tell me? Because I bet that's pretty easy... But honestly, I'd rather hear it from you. Please Hiei, I'll keep my lips sealed." I urge. I really want to know what I'm dealing with here.

Finally he cracks, "I am her brother, but she doesn't know it's me. And she doesn't need to...." he explains curtly.

This confuses me. "Why not? She really wants to find you badly. Why can't she know it's you?" I question.

He scoffs, standing up and crossing his arms. "Isn't it obvious? You might have forgotten, but I'm a criminal. Who would want a convict as their brother?"

"I know what you did... Botan told me." I add as he raises a brow. He sighs in annoyance but I continue before he starts up again, "But haven't you redeemed yourself by now?"

"Are you joking? All the things I stole... the people I killed... A few months of working with the detective won't erase that." he counters.

"I'm sure you had your reasons." I talk back.

His face pulls into a sneer. "Did I? Face it girl...I'm not the saint you might believe me to be." he states, turning around and stalking to the window.

I follow him with my eyes. "I'm not saying you are, nor do I believe that. But you can't make me believe you're a horrible person either Hiei. Sometimes it doesn't matter what lies in your past and if you insist it does, I'm sure Yukina will forgive you either way." I tell him passionately. I truly believe that.

He shakes his head, not looking at me, "You live in a dream world." he states before disappearing.

I sigh. He's so stubborn. He's probably more afraid of himself than Yukina ever could be. What a pickle...

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now