26 Mourning (Yuko)

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"I'm really sorry mom." I breathe through the phone, my heart heavy. This is probably the most difficult conversation I ever had with my mom to this day.

For the longest time there is silence on the other end before she takes in a shaky breath. "Me too sweetheart. Yuko... promise me you'll come home safe." she nearly whimpers. It breaks my heart.

"I promise. You don't have to worry about me. I'm being looked after." I tell her unwavering. I told her nearly everything and right now I need to make it sound like I take everything in stride. She's having a hard enough time as it is and now her plans and wishes for me are shattering like glass.

"I know honey, but still..."

"It will be alright." I say. "I'll see you in a few days."

We end the call and I take a deep breath to take a hold of myself before the tears start falling again before finally turning around. "Botan..." I breathe, spotting her walking in. She looks so miserable.

"Botan!" I call a bit louder, catching her attention. Her head whips towards me and she pauses or a moment, working hard to put a fake smile on her face. "Oh, hello Yuko." she greets, her voice shaking a little.

I sigh, standing in front of her. "It's okay, no need to pretend with me anymore." I tell her. She stares at me for a moment, her mouth hanging slightly ajar before her bottom lip starts to wobble.

I squeeze my eyes shut for a second before blinking rapidly. "Please don't start, or you'll have me going again." I say before stepping forward and wrapping my arms around her. She quickly does the same. "Oh I'm so sorry Yuko-chan." she breathes, a tear slipping from her usually bright eyes to stain my shoulder.

"It's okay. Let's just.... Come on, let's get some fresh air." I suggest, guiding her outside. Once outside, Botan looks thoughtful before tugging me somewhere. Curious, I follow after her until we reach a place in the forest, not far from where I found grandma before. Before us is a huge crater.

"Is this where..." I start before falling short on words. Botan nods solemnly. "Oh..." I breathe, staring down into the gaping hole created by Toguro. This is where the great Genkai met her end.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Botan wonders with surprise as I let myself slide to the bottom of the crater. I'm not sure what I'm looking for in there. Maybe it's to feel a little closer to her or to find the answers she couldn't give me. I just don't know for sure.

A sudden shadow casts itself over the bowl and I squint up into the sunlight to find the familiar figure of Yusuke standing there, his face and eyes having lost his usual boyish and careless demeanor. "What are you two doing out here? This isn't a time and place for an excursion." he snorts, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

I blink up at him for a moment before opening my mouth, "What's the reason she had to die? What did Toguro have against her?" I ask him straightforward. A look of surprise comes to his face.

He then jumps down, touching down right next to him. "Why are you asking?" he questions, genuinely curious.

I cast my eyes back at the dirt below my feet. "I just want the answers to the questions no one has cared to tell me yet. I want to know... why I had to tell my mom het mother died." I sigh.

Yusuke blinks for a moment, "Your mom..." It's then that realization seems to set in. He slowly crouches down, staring at the dirt before him as well. "I don't think I have a proper answer to that. Sorry." he apologizes softly. I nod in disappointment. "Me too."

"She knew she was going to die." I state after a moment of silence. "Yeah, I think so." Yusuke agrees. "I'd like to think she had a reason for not avoiding it, but... hell, I can't really figure out why. She never told anyone more than needed." he mutters grumpily.

"Whatever." he scoffs, stretching to his full height. "I'll face Toguro tomorrow and I'm going to pay him back for all the pain he caused us, even if I die trying." he says, balling his fists.

I look up at him worriedly. Nothing would justify his death. Grandma had faith in him that he could somehow do what she couldn't. She didn't count on him dying, so he'd better live instead.


After parting from Yusuke, Botan and I make our way back to the hotel. We are surprised to see who's waiting for us however; "Koenma-sama?" Botan wonders, looking at the young man standing outside the hotel.

"Yo!" he greets with a simple nod before turning his eyes to me. "Yuko, there are some things we need to talk about, if you don't mind that is." he hints. I quickly shake my head, wondering what he would want to talk about, though I can probably guess.

We start to walk, Botan in tow and as I hear Koenma suck on that binky of his, I can't help but figure out why Yusuke calls him binky breath.

"First of all, I'm sorry for your loss." he starts off. I nod in recognition, not knowing what to say.

He continues, pausing in his step, "Look, I'm just going to say what worries me. You probably already figured out that there is a large amount of spiritual energy brewing inside you. Genkai managed to seal it before and she wanted you to have proper training, because honestly, keeping it unchecked is asking for trouble." he points out.

"Sadly, the best person to have trained you in no longer with us. Question now is, what are we going to do about it? Your mother-..." "Hiei." I cut in, making him blink in surprise. "Hiei you say?" he asks, not sure he heard right. I nod to confirm.

"Hiei said he'd help me. He can also suppress it for me for now." I explain, making him hum. "I'm not surprised that he can." he muses.

"Well, that's good I suppose. Look like putting him in your building is has more than one advantage. I'm a genius!" he laughs, making me and Botan share a look. When the laughter dies down, he looks thoughtful however, "Well, lets hope he survives the finals then." he adds, making my eyes widen as a shiver runs up my spine. Did he really....?

"Koenma-sama! Don't say such things!" Botan scolds, making him jump. "Ah, right! S-sorry about that. Of course he'll make it." he quickly stammers. I can only blink up at him.

In my mind I've made Hiei up to be unbeatable with all I've seen. The possibility of him actually being beaten hasn't crossed my mind in a long time, but... Oh my God! What if he actually dies?!

"Now you've done it." Botan sighs angrily, watching my near hyperventilating form. "Come on Yuko-chan~. Let's go back." she coos, steering me back towards the entrance of the hotel, making me follow stiffly as doom-scenario's run through my head.

Thank you everyone on the great feedback on the last chapter! I'm glad you guys liked it. Your pleasant reviews really lift my spirits.

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