21 Game night disasters (Hiei/ Yuko)

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The rain is soothing. The sound of the water tapping against the window is all I head if I manage to block out that oaf's and Kurama's chatter. The detective is still out there somewhere since that afternoon with that Mask person. Finally my thoughts have settled after this morning.

I cringe when the door opens and that reapers voice cuts through the atmosphere. Was a little peace too much too ask for?

I watch the girls file in thought the reflection of the window, including Yukina. She seems to be clinging close to Yuko, laughing at something the girl says. It's oddly satisfactory to see they are getting along.

As I look at it, the girl seems to have kept her promise as Yukina further ignores me and shows no sign of recognition.

They settle down for a game of cards and I ignore the mindless chatter to the best to my abilities until Kurama's call interrupts my thoughts once again, "This is a lot of fun. Won't you play with us?" he invites.

Tche. What is he thinking? "No, I wont! You find it too easy to adapt yourself!" I scold. That fox has no self-respected as a demon. He has spent way too much time among humans.

Yuko then jumps up, bounding towards me. "Here, have a snack Hiei." she states, shoving a bag into my arms.

I perk a brow, "I don't need a-..." I feel my face run red as her face hovers next to mine, her breath tickling my ear. What is she on to?

"At least help me beat Kuwabara in a game or two. That could be fun no?" she suggests before pulling away, watching my face.

"Fine." I mutter under my breath as I whip my head in the other direction. I see her grin in the reflection before jumping back on the couch.

As the game continues, I read the oaf's mind, signaling the girl when she has the right opportunity to take a card of his and which one. I smirk as he starts to look more and more baffled. This is pretty amusing... I pop a crisp into my mouth. What an idiot.

"Ne, Yuko-chan. You're pretty fired up... I don't think I like it." Botan wails, making the girl chuckle.

"That's game night for you. Friendships will be put on the brink of destruction; tempers flare and bring death upon the unlucky! Ha ha!" she laughs evilly.

"Scary..." Keiko breathes.

Shizuru smirks. "That's nice and all kid, but doesn't change the fact that you're cheating." she says pointedly, making Yuko's face grow red. "Last I checked it's not allowed to team up with someone, especially if they're not even playing.

Damn, that woman is sharp. Of course the oaf starts ranting at that.

"Oh well, that was that." Yuko sighs, joining me on the windowsill after being kicked out of the game. She pops open a can, taking a swig before gazing outside. She seems lost in thought.

My eyes focus on hers as they seem to cloud over with a strange blue hue. I narrow my eyes. What is that?

Suddenly Shizuru's head whips up, followed by the oaf's as he looks in Yuko's direction with wide eyes. He opens his mouth to speak but his sister quickly cuts in, "What are you thinking about Yuko? That cute guy that hit you at the restaurant during lunch?"

Say what?

The haze is gone within the blink of an eye as Yuko whips her head around. "He wasn't hitting on me!" Yuko quickly counters, turning red.

Botan laughs loudly. "Oh yes he was sweetie; 'Sorry lady but you owe me a drink. Because when I looked at you, I just dropped mine.'" Botan copies with a low voice.

I swear I'm going barf.

"Please. I thought we agreed not to mention that anymore." Yuko begs. "That was so lame." she grimaces.

No kidding. What kind of idiot says stuff like that?

"He seemed to like you very much." Yukina mentions innocently.

Please stop...

"I want to be your bridesmaid Yuko-chan~! And after the godmother of your childrennnn!" the silly grim reaper exclaims with a wide grin. I swear she had one drink too many already.

"Botan, I'm freaking sixteen!" Yuko counters taken aback. "Why are we even talking about this?!"

"Yes, please stop! If you want to do girl talk, take it to your own room." Kuwabara complains. I never thought I would agree with the guy. I glance towards Kurama who is holding back his laughter.

"But she'll look so pretty in a wedding dresssss!" Botan wails before falling off the couch in a heap.

"Botan!" Keiko calls shocked, accidentally squeezing Yusuke's Spirit beast Puu who squeals in reaction.

"For crying out loud Botan!" Yuko huffs exasperated, jumping from her spot. "I'm taking her back to our room before more damage can be done."

"Good thinking." Shizuru chuckles, watching Yuko drag the reaper up off the floor. "See you in a bit."



"I swear Botan, you can't handle your liquor. Are you even old enough to drink?" I huff before putting her down of the floor of the elevator and pressing the button to our floor.

I hum to the elevator music before a ding interrupts my thoughts. The door opens and I step aside to let whoever it is join us, but when the doors open my eyes widen and my body freezes up. What are the odds? Of all people in the entire freaking hotel... It's Toguro. Just my luck.

I gulp when the tall figure steps inside, coming to stand beside me. His head moves, turning towards me. I can't see his eyes through those dark shades, but I can feel his sharp gaze looking down at me. Even his gaze feels like it could snap me in half. Oh gosh, I'm starting to feel sick. His presence is overwhelming.

"Top floor." his deep voice booms in the small room, making me jump. I swear I could see him smirk.

I look around in confusion for a moment before realizing that I'm standing between him and the buttons. I quickly press his desired floor.

The silence is stifling. I'm in a two by two area with this giant, Yusuke's archenemy. Does he know I'm with the team? I'm pretty sure he does. Why hasn't he done something yet?

I glance down at Botan quickly before turning my eyes back to the front. Can't keep my eyes off of him too long, just in case. Botan is too out of it to notice anything that is going on around her. She is no use at all.

The elevator dings again. We have reached our floor. With one quick movement I hoist Botan up and stalk stiffly out of the elevator, feeling eyes on me.

"You have potential girl." his voice booms once again, making me pause. I look to him questioningly, our eyes staying locked while the doors slide closed.

I blink rapidly when the whirring of the elevator cuts through the silence of the hallway. He's gone. We're still alive... What did he mean...?

My mind is running circles as I make my way with Botan towards our room, knees shaking all the way there.

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now