23 Grandma kicks ass (Yuko)

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Watching her fight now that I really know who Mask is really makes me look at her differently. Who knew that this is what my grandma can really do? Well... my mom did, but... Jeesh, I'm still mind blown.

She is now also revealed to the others as her mask was cut and the match is suspended for deliberation.

There are protests when the match is allowed to continue despite people thinking she is a different person from before. A riot is about to break out, but support comes from an unsuspecting corner....

A large hand takes the microphone from Koto who is being pelted at with trash. "I will explain." Toguro's voice booms through the stadium, making everyone quickly shut up.

"The Urameshi team has not broken any rules. The reason being that the woman who fought in the Ichigaki match and the woman who is here are one and the same person...."

"Practitioners of Spirit Wave, when they use their powers at the maximum, have their cells activated and their bodies are returned to the age where they were at their peak. In other words, her appearance now is her true appearance." He explains. "Will that do for you, Genkai?"

I blink in surprise. They know each other?

The crowd has started to mutter amongst themselves. The name of Genkai seems to have triggered something. Hiei and Kurama also now look at her with recognition. How odd. Is she famous?

The match continues and Shishi reveals his sword's true power. His sword releases a wailing sound as he twirls it at a fast speed. It makes me feel off. I press myself closer to the wall of the catacomb, gazing around the corner to keep my eyes on the fight.

He stops twirling suddenly and swings his sword at grandma. As it makes contact with the ground, some kind of spirits seem to fly out and uncontrollably attack the onlookers. It seems they are going after the weaker creatures, latterly biting their heads off. This is gruesome. It's chaos as demons are fleeing everywhere.

I automatically swing at one as it comes a bit too close for my liking. My fist runs right through it, but it dissolves, so it did the trick. I shiver. "This is awful."

I see grandma, who jumped away in time, glance back at me for a split-second before turning her attention back to her opponent. Checking to see if I'm okay.

Kurama looks back in the same direction, having caught on and I wave awkwardly. He blinks in surprise before speaking, making Hiei's head turn as well, our eyes locking before quickly looking away. I can see him nod.

Soon the wailing starts again and Shishi boxes Genkai in with a technique of his. And when he tries to have another swing at her I fear the worst, but she surprises me by catching the swords' blade.

She seems to absorb Shishi's demonic power somehow, reverting her back to her younger self before blowing up a ball of energy in Shishi's face. The wall breaks and Shishi is left kissing the floor.

He isn't finished yet though. He gets up and sends another wave of those spirits after her. Grandma shields herself with her Spirit energy with ease, dissipating them. She then turns another of those blasts at Shishi, blowing him away.

Seeing my grandma kick Shishiwakamaru's ass makes me wonder, do I have that in me as well? I've never been much of a fighter. I don't feel happy when I do happen to land myself in one either. But... You have potential.

Toguro's words suddenly start to make more sense. He knows doesn't he? He knows who I am, somehow.

Shishi is finished. Now only that old man, Onji is left. He throws a die. Apparently that is how they decided their fights. It lands on Kuwabara's name, who is, for some reason not with Hiei and Kurama, but standing on the stands by Koto.

He makes a bit of a fool of himself before jumping down to meet join Onji in the ring.

He swings at the old man who jumps away as nimble as a ballerina. When he finally stops, he creates some kind of bubble that absorbs the oncoming goofball I lifts into the air swirling and shrinking until poof, it's gone.

The others don't seem very impressed though, so wherever Kuwabara went, he must be okay.

Onji rolls the dice again. It lands on 'Mask'. So grandma is up again huh? And she's calling him out for hiding behind a disguise. And when he unmasks himself, I can't believe what I'm seeing. It's a clown; A freaking flamboyant clown.

I glance over as Kuwabara comes rushing past, out of breath. Seems he didn't go far. But he's too late to do anything now.

After a long and elaborate speech, and trying to attack grandma, she pummels him into the ground. I can't help but smile. That is one tough old lady. I can't believe she's my grandmother. I would've never sought this behind her.

When the match is over, the team minus Yusuke walks out of the center of the stadium. I hook into their group on the way out. We are quickly joined by Botan, Yukina and Shizuru and they chatter away.

"Grandma Genkai," I start after being sure that the others aren't paying attention. "I still have a lot of question. Can we talk somewhere?" I ask. I really feel like I need some more background information here.

She sighs. "I'm sure you have. But not right now I'm afraid..." she muses before looking up at me, pausing a distance away from the others as they stopped to argue.

Surprisingly she smiles. I never seen her smile much when we used to come over when I was younger, but she seemed to have a little one reserved just for me and Reiji.

"You're a good kid. Don't be afraid to make your own choices and you'll be okay." she tells me. Somehow those words hold a lot of weight. "A mother always loves their child, despite their choices."


"I'll see you later... Yuko." she states, turning on her heel. I can only watch her stalk off through the empty corridor.

"Why are you talking like that?" I whisper to myself.

I glance around, seeing a payphone. Should I call my mom? No... I still feel too upset. I really need a breather, to get my thoughts in order before more is dumped on me.

"Are you okay kid?" Shizuru wonders, stepping up next to me.

I nod slowly, forcing a smile. "Yeah, it's just a headache coming up. That's all." I tell her. "I'm going to get some fresh air."

She hums, looking to be in thought. "Be careful alright?" I nod, promising her I'll be fine before stepping outside and sauntering another way. Not alone. No. He doesn't let know he's there, but he's close.

Thanks everyone for following the story so far. I really enjoy reading your feedback as well.

Lately it has been a bit rough for me since my grandma just passed away, but with many other things as well. I haven't been able to write anything for the last few weeks since I just can't seem to focus. Luckily I still have a chapter of this story written down from before, but don't be surprised if my writing stagnates for a while.

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