10 You're not human, are you? (Yuko/Hiei)

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I wake up feeling groggy, like my head is clouded and I have trouble functioning. I stumble towards the bathroom, splashing water on my face to wake myself up a bit. After drying my face, I look into the mirror and it all starts coming back to me as the distinct finger shaped bruises on my neck catch my eye.

I step into the hallway a bit dazed before making my way to the living room. It's a mess. There is stuff thrown all over the floor. Even if I clean it up, how am I going to explain the missing and broken object? How can I hide the bruises on my neck? Do I really tell my family what happened?

How will they even react to me not telling anything about Mamoru before and him trying to kill me, and Hiei stopping him?

That reminds me... Where is Mamoru now? Where is Hiei? I shudder, feeling cold and alone all of a sudden.

As if summoned, a noise comes from the kitchen and I look to see Hiei crawling in through the window. Er....

He doesn't look surprised to see me, but only stands there calmly. I note the sheeted katana still strapped to his hip.

"Where is...?" I start, not able to say his name out loud. The mere attempt makes me nauseous.

"Taken care of." he answers, knowing what I wanted to ask. "He's not dead, I just called in a favor." he adds after probably seeing me eye him suspiciously.

I blink surprised. "You didn't call the police?" I ask, knowing that would be the more rational thing to do. The normal thing to do, but Hiei I learned doesn't do normal.

He just about scoffs. "You people have a faulty justice system." he says.

'You people?' I think to myself. I often get the idea that Hiei doesn't quite count himself among the populace of this world. And something in me doesn't find that quite as odd as I probably should.

There are a lot of things about Hiei that aren't quite like what I'm used to of people....

Finally I feel the need to gather myself before I start gathering the rest of the mess and all that comes with it. "I'm-... I'm going to get dressed." I tell him, retreating to my room.



She looks to be deep in thought, looking troubled as she cleans up the mess made. I'm tempted to look in her mind to find out what she's mulling over, but I think I can already guess.

After another moment of silence she pauses, fingering a shard of a broken vase. "He's really gone?" she asks quietly.

I don't know why she asks for confirmation, but I hum in reply.

She sighs in reply, literally seeming to deflate as the tension that has held her body and mind in a tight grip for a long while now falls off her and suddenly I understand. After all these months she no longer has to look over her shoulder constantly, wondering when something will happen. The boy has been controlling her even when he wasn't near. She's free now.

I didn't realize just the extend what this stalking business did to her. I just figured he was a bother and a giant asshole that needed his ass kicked. That was until I caught him in her home trying to murder her. Tche. Bastard deserved worse than he got.

I suppose I will have to satisfy myself with the fact that when he's found he will have lost his mind all together. He'll be locked away for good thanks to Kurama's little powder. Too bad he wouldn't give it to me without a good reason and lying to him is not even an option, so now he knows I have been 'socializing'.

"Hiei." her voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn to see her crouching on the floor as she continues picking up the pieces of last night. "Thank you for stepping in when you did." she says not facing me. "I probably would have been dead."

"Probably." I agree, seeing her flinch slightly. "But maybe not. Don't underestimate yourself." I quickly add.

Her lips tilt up in a humorless smile. "I would have." she nods to herself. "Because I'm just a weak human." she adds with a frown. "I'm nothing like you."

I cross my arms and lean back against the wall. So she's figured it out. I don't say anything, wanting to see how this will play out; wanting to know what she will do now.

"You're not human are you?" she asks, sounding very certain. This obviously hasn't been something that has just popped up in her head.

"I'm a demon." I admit bluntly, thinking it best to just throw it out there. It's her information to do with what she wants.

"I see." she muses, not even appearing surprised. "That explains a lot actually."

"Hn. Don't take it lightly." I warn her.

"I'm not. You're carrying that sword for a reason. Just how dangerous is the world really?" she asks, standing up to face me. I can tell she really is taking this seriously.

"You can't imagine." I answer.

She nods slowly, seeming to take it in. The gears in her brain are working hard to make connections and expanding her world.

"I take it demons are a lot like humans... Not often kind to each other. When you're gone... You've been through a lot of dangerous situations haven't you?" she wonders.

"I'm dangerous myself." I state, reminding her.

Surprisingly she chuckles. "Yeah. I guess you are."

As she turns away and picks up the trash bag to take it out, I don't bother asking her if she isn't afraid of me. I know she's not and I'm not going to say she should be, because she really has no reason to. I wouldn't safe her life if I wanted to hurt her and she knows that well enough. Despite her childish nature, she has the smarts of someone many years her senior.

I follow her as she walks out the door.

"Can we pretend this didn't happen?" she asks referring to the matter of the night before. "I don't want them to worry, or ask questions." she reasons, referring to her family.

I nod. "Fine." I agree, though not sure if that's the smartest thing for her sake. I decide to go with it though, because it will cover me. "If that's what you want. But how will you explain the damage?"

She mulls over it. "I will think of something. And this..." she flinches slightly as she touches the bruise on her neck. "I'm glad it's sweater weather in the next few days."

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now