27 Pre-match tensions (Yuko)

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I rush out of the hotel. The sun has barely risen and no, I'm not up this early because I slept so particularly well. As a matter of fact, my head's been rushing all night.

Skidding to a stop and slightly out of breath, I come to a halt behind Hiei, who is trying to rewrap his bandages. "You're not doing it right." I speak up, making him pause, casting a neutral glance over his shoulder.

Looking away silently he holds out his arm and I take this signal to sit down next to him and take over, starting anew.

I try to suppress my blush as my fingers run over his arm. Seeing him now, after that kiss, it really gets my heart pumping. It's really hard to act normal around him now, but I'm actually impressed by myself that I somehow manage to not let my voice come out shaky.

I'm not going to ask if he meant it. Hiei's probably never been more genuine than he was yesterday morning, baring himself to me. And I take it very seriously. But... what does it mean for the future? What does he want from here on? I don't now is the time to ask though.

I sneak a glance at his face. He's not watching me, not that I wouldn't have felt his gaze if he did. He's gazing into the sunrise instead. I wonder what he's thinking. Could he be a little scared of what could happen today?

"What are you doing wandering outside alone?" he asks calmly, taking me off guard for a second. "I warned you didn't I?"

"I'm not wandering, and I'm not alone." I point out. I had my goal set straight didn't I? He only hums, unamused at my wit.

"Done." I state, pulling my hands away slightly reluctantly, watching as he appraises my work. I'm really getting the hang of this.

"Hiei," I start up before I can stop myself, my anxiousness getting the better of me. His head whips up as he pins me with his gaze. I take a deep breath before continuing, "Please be careful in the next match." I press.

He blinks once before a cocky smirk rides up his lips, one that makes him look very handsome, but just as I am expecting some kind of careless remark, his mouth returns to the straight line it had been in before. "Of course." he states seriously, making me let out an inaudible sigh of relief. I know he is focused and it sets my mind at ease a little.

Turning to the rising sun, a light breeze in the air, one would not think that death is looming. We remain in silence before the time has come for Hiei to go and meet up with the others.

I watch him stalk towards the stadium, my heart thumping loudly because of my nerves. "Hiei!" I call out to him, making him pause. "Promise me we'll be going home together!"

He casts a glance back at me. There something in his eyes I don't know how to translate and before I can wonder more about it, he flashes out of sight, his speed too great for my eyes to keep up.

I release a shaky breath as my body feels so tense, worried about what today will bring. I can only hope for the best.


"You shouldn't have drank two cups of tea at breakfast." Shizuru scolds lightly, watching me fidget as we wait in line to enter the stadium. The match will start soon. "Just go already. There's time." she urges with a sigh.

Huffing out a breath, I succumb. "Okay, keep me a seat when you get in before I'm back alright?" I ask before rushing to the bathroom, keeping my thighs clenched. Oh gosh I'm so close to peeing my pants.

I sigh in relief when I emerge from the bathroom a few minutes later. That was a close one.

Looking around I see that the lines to the seats have diminished greatly. The girls are nowhere in sight so I'm guessing they've already gone up. I better hurry.

Rushing forward carelessly, I sadly find myself running straight into someone who had their hands full of snacks and drinks.

I wince at the demon glowering down on me as everything lies sprawled over the floor, making a huge mess. "Ah, I'm so sorry! Let me pay for that." I quickly offer, hoping to appease the guy. Can't start a fight right? I don't know what he's capable off.

"You had better you little...!" I blink in confusion as the man falls silent, his jaw hanging slack. "Never mind!" he squeaks before running off with his tail between his legs, quite literally.

I don't have to wonder long on what his deal is, because I sense them before I can see them. Stiffly, I shift my feet, turning to look behind me. It's Toguro, and his whole team in tow. I really have bad timing to be on my own.

I feel my eyes widen as my eyes focus on Toguro's face. It's stoic, not a hint of an emotion. The face of a killer, I tell myself as I'm quickly reminded of what he did to my grandmother.

My nails are digging into my palm as I clench my fists to stop them from shaking. "Murderer." I hiss under my breath angrily, but he must have heard as he comes to a stop when he reaches me.

He's not smirking as he stares down at me through his dark glasses and I know I should feel very frightened. I am, but the anger I'm feeling is much greater.

"You must hate me." he states dryly, making me growl. Whatever gave him that idea?

His brother who is clutching onto Toguro's shoulder like a spider monkey chuckles gleefully. "She looks very hateful. Her eyes remind me of Aya's." he laughs, making my eyes widen at the mention of my mother.

"Brother..." Toguro says warningly, clearly wanting the other man to keep his mouth shut. He then turns his gaze back to my disturbed face. "Genkai's death was regrettable." he offers, making me grit my teeth.

"Regrettable?!" I hiss in disbelief. Is this guy for real? "Regrettable is not cutting it." I continue. Oh how I wish I could punch him and actually leave a mark, but I have the feeling that I would only end up hurting myself.

He hums before turning his gaze forward. "If you make it out of here alive. I'd like to see you do something with the power you have." he states before resuming on his way.

His brother leers back at me for a second longer while his other companions stay silent, as they have been the whole time. And once they are out of sight, I stumble back, leaning against the wall for support. Once again I lived through an encounter with Toguro. And once again I can't make sense of what he's saying.

"Yuko?" I hear a voice call out in the otherwise empty hallway. I snap my eyes up to see Botan standing there, looking concerned. I can only imagine how wild my eyes must be looking. "Are you okay dear?" she questions, stepping closer and putting a hand on my trembling shoulder.

I quickly nod before letting her help me steady myself. "Come. It's about to start." she urges gently, leading me towards the staircase. I'm grateful she doesn't ask on what happened, I wouldn't know where to start. But I do see the questioning gaze she throws me.

I don't understand. Why does he want me to start using my Spiritual energy? Why is he pushing me and butting into my life like that? What's it to him what I do with the power I apparently have?

I shake it off for now, knowing I won't get any immediate answers. And so I quietly take a seat with the others, Shizuru sharing a quick look with Botan, but saying nothing.

It seems we got back just in time because the doors open to reveal team Urameshi and my mind is instantly taken away from the happenings of before. This will be one heck of a fight and I silently pray to myself that everyone will be alright at the end of it.

My neighbor is a demon! (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now