Valentine's Special - Bonus Chapter

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I stare back at my reflection in the mirror of the bathroom and blow a single curl out from my eyes. I'm still not sure how I look. 

Do I look nice? Do I look stupid? Am I trying to hard, hoping too much? 

Argh, whatever, I don't have time to change.

The sound of running water from the shower in the room next to me suddenly shuts off, and I roll my eyes as I hear my oldest sister step out onto the mat. I take that as my cue to leave, and quickly hurry to my bedroom, where I collapse onto my bed. 

Glancing down at my watch, it's already twelve minutes past. And he's not here yet. He's definitely coming, right? He wouldn't just forget. He's not that kind of guy.

I check our last texts for the twentieth time this night, and sigh.

"What are you all dressed up for?"

Bolting upright, I see Sylvia standing in the doorway, hair pulled back and dressed in an outfit that is so revealing that I wouldn't be caught dead in it. I groan, and go to rub my eyes before I suddenly remember that I'm wearing makeup. 

"Nothing. Just a thing I'm going to," I say, shrugging my shoulders. 

Sylvia sighs and gracefully makes her way into my cramped and messy bedroom, plopping down next to me. Smiling softly, she unexpectedly wraps me into a hug.

"Uh, hey... um... You're getting foundation on your shoulder, Sylvia," I mumble against her, and she pulls back, still smiling. 

"I know I hardly ever say this," she says, "but I love you."

Knock knock

"Um... thanks...?" I reply, a little confused and concerned, "I kinda really gotta go now. I think my ride's here." 

Sylvia nods her head, and then rubs her own eyes, slightly smudging her eyeliner. Still thoroughly confused, I head to the front door, which my dad has already opened. I gently nudge my way past him to see Alex standing in the doorway, looking really awkward as he gazes down at my dad. 

He then notices that I'm standing there, and shifts his gaze even further down to me, and when it suddenly relaxes, I feel a grin spread across my face. 

Seeing me grinning, he smiles as well and reaches for my hand. I let him take it, and wave a goodbye to my dad before I pick up my handbag and follow Alex out the door. Leading me to his car, he instantly begins yapping about where he's taking me for our first date. 

"Woah woah, slow down," I giggle, hopping into the passenger side of the car, "Don't tell me where we're going. I want it to be a surprise." 

Alex shook his head, laughing. "But I need to tell someone!"

"Do you?" I tease, playfully punching his shoulder, "After tonight, you can tell me where we went every day for the rest of eternity. Deal?"

Suddenly grinning wildly, Alex nods his head. "Deal." 

Now regretting my proposal, I place my head in my hand as Alex pulls out of my driveway. I continue to stare at him as he begins driving towards our first destination for the night. 

"Hey, Alex?" 

"Uh huh?"

"I love you."

He reached over and grabbed my hand, which had previously been sitting on my lap. I smiled as he squeezed it and replied, "I think I may love you even more." 

- - - 

Hey guys! 

I'm so sorry! This was meant to be released so much earlier, but I forgot I was writing it and didn't publish it!

I dreadfully apologise, but really hope you like this! 

You're all the best!


Bai Bai!

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